set_prefilter('index', 'GThumb_prefilter'); add_event_handler('loc_end_index_thumbnails', 'process_GThumb', 50, 2); $user['nb_image_page'] = $conf['GThumb']['nb_image_page']; $page['nb_image_page'] = $conf['GThumb']['nb_image_page']; if (is_dir(GTHUMB_CACHE_DIR) and !is_dir(GTHUMB_CACHE_DIR.'/'.$conf['GThumb']['height'])) { // We clean cache dir because configuration has changed include_once(GTHUMB_PATH.''); gtdeltree(GTHUMB_CACHE_DIR); } } function process_GThumb($tpl_vars, $pictures) { global $template, $conf; $template->set_filename( 'index_thumbnails', realpath(GTHUMB_PATH.'template/gthumb.tpl')); $template->assign('GThumb', $conf['GThumb']); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/image.class.php'); foreach ($tpl_vars as $key => &$tpl_var) { $data = get_gthumb_data($pictures[$key]); $tpl_var['TN_SRC'] = $data['src']; $tpl_var['TN_WIDTH'] = $data['width']; $tpl_var['TN_HEIGHT'] = $data['height']; } if ($conf['GThumb']['big_thumb']) { $ft = &$tpl_vars[0]; // Small thumb data $small_thumb = array( 'id' => $ft['ID'], 'src' => $ft['TN_SRC'], 'width' => $ft['TN_WIDTH'], 'height' => $ft['TN_HEIGHT'], ); if (empty($small_thumb['src'])) { include_once(GTHUMB_PATH.''); $data = get_gthumb_data($pictures[0]); $result = make_gthumb_image($pictures[0], $data); $small_thumb['src'] = $result['destination']; } // Big thumb data $data = get_gthumb_data($pictures[0], 'big'); $big_thumb = array( 'id' => $ft['ID'], 'src' => $data['src'], 'width' => $data['width'], 'height' => $data['height'], ); if (empty($big_thumb['src'])) { if ($conf['GThumb']['cache_big_thumb']) { include_once(GTHUMB_PATH.''); $result = make_gthumb_image($pictures[0], $data); $big_thumb['src'] = $result['destination']; } else { $big_thumb['src'] = 'ws.php?method=pwg.images.getGThumbPlusThumbnail&image_id='.$ft['ID'].'&size=big&return=true'; } } $template->assign( array( 'small_thumb' => $small_thumb, 'big_thumb' => $big_thumb, ) ); $ft['TN_SRC'] = $big_thumb['src']; $ft['TN_WIDTH'] = $big_thumb['width']; $ft['TN_HEIGHT'] = $big_thumb['height']; } return $tpl_vars; } function add_gthumb_thumbnails_method($arr) { include_once(GTHUMB_PATH.''); $service = &$arr[0]; $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.getGThumbPlusThumbnail', 'ws_images_getGThumbPlusThumbnail', array( 'image_id' => array(), 'size' => array('default'=>'small'), 'return' => array('default'=>false), ), 'Get thumbnail for GThumb+ plugin. Size parameter can be "small" or "big".' ); } function get_gthumb_data($picture, $size='small') { global $conf; if (!in_array(get_extension($picture['file']), $conf['picture_ext'])) { $file = get_thumbnail_url($picture); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); return array( 'src' => $file, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ); } $new_height = $size == 'small' ? $conf['GThumb']['height'] : $conf['GThumb']['height'] * 2 + $conf['GThumb']['margin']; $file = GTHUMB_CACHE_DIR.'/'.$new_height.'/'.md5($picture['path'].(!empty($picture['md5sum']) ? $picture['md5sum'] : '')).'.'.$picture['tn_ext']; if (file_exists($file)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); return array( 'src' => $file, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ); } $width = $picture['width']; $height = $picture['height']; $use_high = false; if ($height < $new_height and $picture['has_high'] == 'true') { $width = $picture['high_width']; $height = $picture['high_height']; $use_high = true; } if ($size == 'big') { $width = min($width, round($height * 1.15)); } $result = pwg_image::get_resize_dimensions($width, $height, 5000, $new_height); $result['src'] = ''; $result['use_high'] = $use_high; $result['cache_path'] = GTHUMB_CACHE_DIR.'/'.$new_height.'/'; $result['size'] = $size; return $result; } function GThumb_prefilter($content, $smarty) { $pattern = '#\\{\$THUMBNAILS\}\#'; $replacement = ''; return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); } function GThumb_admin_menu($menu) { array_push($menu, array( 'NAME' => 'GThumb+', 'URL' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.basename(dirname(__FILE__)), ) ); return $menu; } ?>