> * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * :: HISTORY * | release | date | | 1.0.0 | 2010/10/09 | * create class | | | | 1.0.1 | 2010/10/20 | * fix bug on the private select methods | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * this class provides methods to easily insert a hierarchical categories * selector in the HTML pages * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Const * - GPCCategorySelector::FILTER_ALL * - GPCCategorySelector::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE * - GPCCategorySelector::FILTER_PUBLIC * there is no filter 'private only' or 'not accessible only' because these * kind of categories are probably sub categories of 'public' categories * * * Methods * - public __construct($options) * - public __destruct() * - public setFilter($filter) * - public getFilter() * - public setGalleryRoot($galleryRoot) * - public getGalleryRoot() * - public getCategoryList() * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ class GPCCategorySelector { const FILTER_ALL = 'all'; // no filter, all categories are listed const FILTER_ACCESSIBLE = 'accessible'; // only accessible categories are listed (public + private with some access right) const FILTER_PUBLIC = 'public'; // only public categories are listed const USER_MODE_ADMIN = 'admin'; // returns result without user acces right applied (admin can see everything...) const USER_MODE_PUBLIC = 'public'; // returns result with user acces right applied private $options=array( 'filter' => self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE, 'galleryRoot' => true, 'tree' => false, 'userMode' => self::USER_MODE_PUBLIC, ); /** * constructor for the object * * all options are facultative * * @param Array $options : an array with the options * String 'filter' : can take one the defined FILTER values * Bool 'galleryRoot' : if set to true, the category list * contain at root, an item with id = 0 * and named 'all the gallery' * Bool 'tree' : if set to true, the category list * is returned as a tree, otherwise result * is returned as a flat array * String 'userMode' : 'admin' returns result without user * right access applied ; 'public' returns * result with user right acces applied */ public function __construct($options=array()) { if(isset($options['filter'])) $this->setFilter($options['filter']); if(isset($options['galleryRoot'])) $this->setGalleryRoot($options['galleryRoot']); if(isset($options['tree'])) $this->setTree($options['tree']); if(isset($options['userMode'])) $this->setUserMode($options['userMode']); } /** * destructor dor the object */ public function __destruct() { unset($this->options); } /** * set the filter value to apply on the categories * * @param String $filer : the filter value * @return String : the filter value */ public function setFilter($filter) { if($filter==self::FILTER_ALL or $filter==self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE or $filter==self::FILTER_PUBLIC) $this->options['filter']=$filter; if($this->options['userMode']==self::USER_MODE_PUBLIC and !($this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE or $this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_PUBLIC)) $this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE; return($this->options['filter']); } /** * get the filter value affected on the categories * * @return String : the filter */ public function getFilter() { return($this->options['filter']); } /** * set to true to add a root item named 'all the gallery' * id for this item will be equal to 0 * * @param Bool $galleryRoot : * @return Bool : */ public function setGalleryRoot($galleryRoot) { if(is_bool($galleryRoot)) $this->options['galleryRoot']=$galleryRoot; return($this->options['galleryRoot']); } /** * get if a root item named 'all the gallery' is present or not * * @return Bool : */ public function getGalleryRoot() { return($this->options['galleryRoot']); } /** * get if the result have to be returned as a tree or as a flat array * * @return Bool : */ public function getTree() { return($this->options['tree']); } /** * set if the result have to be returned as a tree or as a flat array * * @param Bool $tree : * @return Bool : */ public function setTree($tree) { if(is_bool($tree)) $this->options['tree']=$tree; return($this->options['tree']); } /** * returns the user mode currently applied * * @return String : */ public function getUserMode() { return($this->options['userMode']); } /** * set the user mode to apply * * @param String $userMode : * @return String : */ public function setUserMode($userMode) { if($userMode==self::USER_MODE_ADMIN || $userMode==self::USER_MODE_PUBLIC) $this->options['userMode']=$userMode; if($this->options['userMode']==self::USER_MODE_PUBLIC and !($this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE or $this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_PUBLIC)) $this->options['filter']==self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE; return($this->options['userMode']); } /** * build an ordered category list * returns an array, each item is an array like : * 'id' => the category Id * 'name' => the category name * 'level' => the category level * 'status' => the category status (0='private', 1='public') * 'childs' => the category have childs ? (true or false in flat mode, childs * in tree mode) * * @return Array : the list */ public function getCategoryList() { global $user; $returned=array(); if($this->options['galleryRoot']) { $startLevel=1; } else { $startLevel=0; } $sql="SELECT DISTINCT pct.id, pct.name, pct.global_rank AS rank, pct.status FROM ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." pct "; switch($this->options['filter']) { case self::FILTER_PUBLIC : $sql.=" WHERE pct.status = 'public' "; break; case self::FILTER_ACCESSIBLE : if(!is_admin()) { $sql.=" JOIN ".USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE." pucc ON (pucc.cat_id = pct.id) AND pucc.user_id='".$user['id']."' "; } else { $sql.=" JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT pgat.cat_id AS catId FROM ".GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE." pgat UNION DISTINCT SELECT DISTINCT puat.cat_id AS catId FROM ".USER_ACCESS_TABLE." puat UNION DISTINCT SELECT DISTINCT pct2.id AS catId FROM ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." pct2 WHERE pct2.status='public' ) pat ON pat.catId = pct.id "; } break; } $sql.="ORDER BY global_rank;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['level']=$startLevel+substr_count($row['rank'], '.'); /* rank is in formated without leading zero, giving bad order * 1 * 1.10 * 1.11 * 1.2 * 1.3 * .... * * this loop cp,vert all sub rank in four 0 format, allowing to order * categories easily * 0001 * 0001.0010 * 0001.0011 * 0001.0002 * 0001.0003 */ $row['rank']=explode('.', $row['rank']); foreach($row['rank'] as $key=>$rank) { $row['rank'][$key]=str_pad($rank, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $row['rank']=implode('.', $row['rank']); $row['name']=GPCCore::getUserLanguageDesc($row['name']); $returned[]=$row; } } if($this->options['galleryRoot']) { $returned[]=array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => l10n('All the gallery'), 'rank' => '0000', 'level' => 0, 'status' => 'public', 'childs' => null ); } usort($returned, array(&$this, 'compareCat')); if($this->options['tree']) { $index=0; $returned=$this->buildSubLevel($returned, $index); } else { //check if cats have childs & remove rank (enlight the response) $prevLevel=-1; for($i=count($returned)-1;$i>=0;$i--) { unset($returned[$i]['rank']); if($returned[$i]['status']=='private') { $returned[$i]['status']='0'; } else { $returned[$i]['status']='1'; } if($returned[$i]['level']>=$prevLevel) { $returned[$i]['childs']=false; } else { $returned[$i]['childs']=true; } $prevLevel=$returned[$i]['level']; } } return($returned); } /** * used for sort comparison * defined as public, but don't use it directly * * this function compare two categorie with their rank value */ public function compareCat($catA, $catB) { if($catA['rank'] == $catB['rank']) { return(0); } return( ($catA['rank'] < $catB['rank'])?-1:1 ); } /** * used to convert a flat array in a leveled array */ private function buildSubLevel(&$list, &$currentIndex) { $returned=array(); $localIndex=$currentIndex; $list[$localIndex]['childs']=array(); // reduce size of returned data unset($list[$currentIndex]['rank']); if($list[$currentIndex]['status']=='private') { $list[$currentIndex]['status']='0'; } else { $list[$currentIndex]['status']='1'; } $currentIndex++; while($currentIndex$list[$localIndex]['level']) { $list[$localIndex]['childs']=$this->buildSubLevel($list, $currentIndex); } else if($list[$currentIndex]['level']==$list[$localIndex]['level']) { $returned[]=$list[$localIndex]; $localIndex=$currentIndex; $list[$currentIndex]['childs']=array(); // reduce size of returned data unset($list[$currentIndex]['rank']); if($list[$currentIndex]['status']=='private') { $list[$currentIndex]['status']='0'; } else { $list[$currentIndex]['status']='1'; } $currentIndex++; } else { $returned[]=$list[$localIndex]; return($returned); } } $returned[]=$list[$localIndex]; return($returned); } } /* */