/** * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * file: ui.inputStatusBar.js * file version: 1.0.0 * date: 2010-11-04 * * A jQuery plugin provided by the piwigo's plugin "GrumPluginClasses" * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Author : Grum * email : grum@piwigo.com * website : http://photos.grum.fr * PWG user : http://forum.phpwebgallery.net/profile.php?id=3706 * * << May the Little SpaceFrog be with you ! >> * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * :: HISTORY :: * * | release | date | * | 1.0.0 | 2010/11/04 | first release * | | | * | | | * | | | * | | | * | | | * | | | * */ ( function($) { /* * plugin 'public' functions */ var publicMethods = { init : function (opt) { return this.each(function() { // default values for the plugin var $this=$(this), data = $this.data('options'), objects = $this.data('objects'), properties = $this.data('properties'), options = { items:[] }; // if options given, merge it // if(opt) $.extend(options, opt); ==> options are set by setters $this.data('options', options); if(!properties) { $this.data('properties', { initialized:false, id:$this.get(0).id } ); properties=$this.data('properties'); } if(!objects) { objects = { table:$('', { 'class':'ui-inputStatusBar', css:{ width:'100%' } } ), tr:$(''), td:[] }; $this .html('') .append(objects.table.append(objects.tr)); /* .bind('resize.inputStatusBar', function () { privateMethods.setObjectsWidth($this); } ); */ $this.data('objects', objects); } privateMethods.setOptions($this, opt); } ); }, // init destroy : function () { return this.each( function() { // default values for the plugin var $this=$(this), objects = $this.data('objects'); objects.tr.remove(); objects.table.remove(); $this .unbind('.inputStatusBar') .css( { width:'', height:'' } ); } ); }, // destroy options: function (value) { return( this.each( function() { privateMethods.setOptions($(this), value); } ) ); }, // options items: function (fct, value) { if((fct=='add' || fct=='remove' || fct=='set') && value!=null) { return( this.each( function() { privateMethods.setItems($(this), fct, value); } ) ); } else if(fct=='get' && value!=null) { var options=this.data('options'); return(options.items[value]); } else { var options=this.data('options'); return(options.items); } } // items }; // methods /* * plugin 'private' methods */ var privateMethods = { setOptions : function (object, value) { var properties=object.data('properties'), options=object.data('options'); if(!$.isPlainObject(value)) return(false); properties.initialized=false; privateMethods.setItems(object, 'init', (value.items!=null)?value.items:options.items); properties.initialized=true; }, setItems : function (object, fct, value) { var options=object.data('options'), properties=object.data('properties'), objects=object.data('objects'), index=-1; if(value.id==null && !$.isArray(value)) return(false); if(value.id!=null) index=privateMethods.findItemById(object, value.id); if(fct=='add' && value.id!=null && index==-1) { if(value.content==null) value.content=' '; if(value.width==null) value.width=''; if(value.title==null) value.title=''; var td=$('
', { id:properties.id+value.id, html:value.content, title:value.title, css:{ width:value.width } } ); objects.td.push( { id:value.id, td:td } ); objects.tr.append(td); options.items.push(value); } else if(fct=='remove' && value.id!=null && index>-1) { if(index>-1) { objects.td[index].td.remove(); objects.td.splice(index,1); options.items.splice(index, 1); delete options.items[value.id]; } } else if(fct=='set' && value.id!=null && index>-1 && value.content!=null) { if(value.title==null) value.title=''; objects.td[index].td.html(value.content).attr('title', value.title); } else if(fct=='init') { for(var i in value) { privateMethods.setItems(object, 'add', value[i]); } } return(true); }, //setValue findItemById : function (object, id) { var objects=object.data('objects'); for(var i=0;i