Standard arrays)'; $lang['Personalized not allowed tooltip'] = 'No array $conf[\'LCAS_replacement_set\'][0] is defined'; $lang['LCAS_Support_txt'] = 'The official support on this plugin is only on these Piwigo\'s forum topics:
English forum -

Also available, the project\'s bugtracker:'; $lang['LCAS_UserList_Title'] = 'Users requiring changes'; $lang['LCAS_Info_userlist_username_renamed'] = 'The user name has been updated.'; $lang['LCAS_Err_Userlist_Empty_New_Username'] = 'The user name can\'t be blank.'; $lang['LCAS_Err_Userlist_New_Username_Exists'] = 'The user name already exists.'; $lang['LCAS_Compare_value_h'] = 'Comparison'; $lang['LCAS_Update_h'] = 'Change'; $lang['LCAS_Update_User'] = 'Update'; $lang['LCAS_No_User'] = 'No problems found for current users'; $lang['LCAS_save_config'] = 'Settings saved
Please check any duplicate users in the following table.'; $lang['submit'] = 'Save settings'; $lang['LCAS_Mail'] = 'Notification by email'; $lang['LCAS_MailText'] = 'Customizing email notification'; $lang['LCAS_PluginSupport'] = 'Official plugin support'; $lang['LCAS_DisableOption'] = ' Disable (default value)'; $lang['LCAS_EnableOption'] = ' Enable'; /* Email subject */ $lang['Username_updated_for_%s'] = 'Username update for %s'; $lang['LCAS_NewUsername: %s'] = 'Your new username: %s'; $lang['LCAS_NewUser_Email: %s'] = 'Related to this email address: %s'; ?>