0) { return l10n('this login is already used'); } } } /** * For test on username case sensitivity * * @param : $username typed in by user for identification * * @return : $username found in database * */ function search_case_username($username) { global $conf; $username_lo = strtolower($username); $SCU_users = array(); $q = pwg_query(" SELECT ".$conf['user_fields']['username']." AS username FROM `".USERS_TABLE."`; "); while ($r = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($q)) $SCU_users[$r['username']] = strtolower($r['username']); // $SCU_users is now an associative table where the key is the account as // registered in the DB, and the value is this same account, in lower case $users_found = array_keys($SCU_users, $username_lo); // $users_found is now a table of which the values are all the accounts // which can be written in lowercase the same way as $username if (count($users_found) != 1) // If ambiguous, don't allow lowercase writing return $username; // but normal writing will work else return $users_found[0]; } function register_user($login, $password, $mail_address, $with_notification = true, $errors = array()) { global $conf; if ($login == '') { $errors[] = l10n('Please, enter a login'); } if (preg_match('/^.* $/', $login)) { $errors[] = l10n('login mustn\'t end with a space character'); } if (preg_match('/^ .*$/', $login)) { $errors[] = l10n('login mustn\'t start with a space character'); } if (get_userid($login)) { $errors[] = l10n('this login is already used'); } if ($login != strip_tags($login)) { $errors[] = l10n('html tags are not allowed in login'); } $mail_error = validate_mail_address(null, $mail_address); if ('' != $mail_error) { $errors[] = $mail_error; } if ($conf['insensitive_case_logon'] == true) { $login_error = validate_login_case($login); if ($login_error != '') { $errors[] = $login_error; } } $errors = trigger_event('register_user_check', $errors, array( 'username'=>$login, 'password'=>$password, 'email'=>$mail_address, ) ); // if no error until here, registration of the user if (count($errors) == 0) { // what will be the inserted id ? $query = ' SELECT MAX('.$conf['user_fields']['id'].') + 1 FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' ;'; list($next_id) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); $insert = array( $conf['user_fields']['id'] => $next_id, $conf['user_fields']['username'] => pwg_db_real_escape_string($login), $conf['user_fields']['password'] => $conf['pass_convert']($password), $conf['user_fields']['email'] => $mail_address ); mass_inserts(USERS_TABLE, array_keys($insert), array($insert)); // Assign by default groups { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.GROUPS_TABLE.' WHERE is_default = \''.boolean_to_string(true).'\' ORDER BY id ASC ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $inserts = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $inserts[] = array( 'user_id' => $next_id, 'group_id' => $row['id'] ); } } if (count($inserts) != 0) { mass_inserts(USER_GROUP_TABLE, array('user_id', 'group_id'), $inserts); } $override = null; if ($with_notification and $conf['browser_language']) { if ( !get_browser_language($override['language']) ) $override=null; } create_user_infos($next_id, $override); if ($with_notification and $conf['email_admin_on_new_user']) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_mail.inc.php'); $admin_url = get_absolute_root_url() .'admin.php?page=user_list&username='.$login; $keyargs_content = array ( get_l10n_args('User: %s', stripslashes($login)), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $_POST['mail_address']), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Admin: %s', $admin_url) ); pwg_mail_notification_admins ( get_l10n_args('Registration of %s', stripslashes($login)), $keyargs_content ); } trigger_action('register_user', array( 'id'=>$next_id, 'username'=>$login, 'email'=>$mail_address, ) ); } return $errors; } function build_user( $user_id, $use_cache ) { global $conf; $user['id'] = $user_id; $user = array_merge( $user, getuserdata($user_id, $use_cache) ); if ($user['id'] == $conf['guest_id'] and $user['status'] <> 'guest') { $user['status'] = 'guest'; $user['internal_status']['guest_must_be_guest'] = true; } // Check user theme if (!isset($user['theme_name'])) { $user['theme'] = get_default_theme(); } return $user; } /** * find informations related to the user identifier * * @param int user identifier * @param boolean use_cache * @param array */ function getuserdata($user_id, $use_cache) { global $conf; $userdata = array(); // retrieve basic user data $query = ' SELECT '; $is_first = true; foreach ($conf['user_fields'] as $pwgfield => $dbfield) { if ($is_first) { $is_first = false; } else { $query.= ' , '; } $query.= $dbfield.' AS '.$pwgfield; } $query.= ' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user_id.'\''; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); // retrieve additional user data ? if ($conf['external_authentification']) { $query = ' SELECT COUNT(1) AS counter FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS ui LEFT JOIN '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' AS uc ON ui.user_id = uc.user_id LEFT JOIN '.THEMES_TABLE.' AS t ON t.id = ui.theme WHERE ui.user_id = '.$user_id.' GROUP BY ui.user_id ;'; list($counter) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($counter != 1) { create_user_infos($user_id); } } // retrieve user info $query = ' SELECT ui.*, uc.*, t.name AS theme_name FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' AS ui LEFT JOIN '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' AS uc ON ui.user_id = uc.user_id LEFT JOIN '.THEMES_TABLE.' AS t ON t.id = ui.theme WHERE ui.user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $user_infos_row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); // then merge basic + additional user data $row = array_merge($row, $user_infos_row); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { // If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a // boolean value. if ($value == 'true' or $value == 'false') { $userdata[$key] = get_boolean($value); } else { $userdata[$key] = $value; } } } if ($use_cache) { if (!isset($userdata['need_update']) or !is_bool($userdata['need_update']) or $userdata['need_update'] == true) { $userdata['cache_update_time'] = time(); // Set need update are done $userdata['need_update'] = false; $userdata['forbidden_categories'] = calculate_permissions($userdata['id'], $userdata['status']); /* now we build the list of forbidden images (this list does not contain images that are not in at least an authorized category)*/ $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' ON id=image_id WHERE category_id NOT IN ('.$userdata['forbidden_categories'].') AND level>'.$userdata['level']; $forbidden_ids = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if ( empty($forbidden_ids) ) { $forbidden_ids[] = 0; } $userdata['image_access_type'] = 'NOT IN'; //TODO maybe later $userdata['image_access_list'] = implode(',',$forbidden_ids); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(image_id)) as total FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id NOT IN ('.$userdata['forbidden_categories'].') AND image_id '.$userdata['image_access_type'].' ('.$userdata['image_access_list'].')'; list($userdata['nb_total_images']) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); // now we update user cache categories $user_cache_cats = get_computed_categories($userdata, null); if ( !is_admin($userdata['status']) ) { // for non admins we forbid categories with no image (feature 1053) $forbidden_ids = array(); foreach ($user_cache_cats as $cat) { if ($cat['count_images']==0) { $forbidden_ids[] = $cat['cat_id']; unset( $user_cache_cats[$cat['cat_id']] ); } } if ( !empty($forbidden_ids) ) { if ( empty($userdata['forbidden_categories']) ) { $userdata['forbidden_categories'] = implode(',', $forbidden_ids); } else { $userdata['forbidden_categories'] .= ','.implode(',', $forbidden_ids); } } } // delete user cache $query = ' DELETE FROM '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$userdata['id']; pwg_query($query); // Due to concurrency issues, we ask MySQL to ignore errors on // insert. This may happen when cache needs refresh and that Piwigo is // called "very simultaneously". mass_inserts ( USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE, array ( 'user_id', 'cat_id', 'date_last', 'max_date_last', 'nb_images', 'count_images', 'count_categories' ), $user_cache_cats, array('ignore' => true) ); // update user cache $query = ' DELETE FROM '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$userdata['id']; pwg_query($query); // for the same reason as user_cache_categories, we ignore error on // this insert $query = ' INSERT IGNORE INTO '.USER_CACHE_TABLE.' (user_id, need_update, cache_update_time, forbidden_categories, nb_total_images, image_access_type, image_access_list) VALUES ('.$userdata['id'].',\''.boolean_to_string($userdata['need_update']).'\',' .$userdata['cache_update_time'].',\'' .$userdata['forbidden_categories'].'\','.$userdata['nb_total_images'].',\'' .$userdata['image_access_type'].'\',\''.$userdata['image_access_list'].'\')'; pwg_query($query); } } return $userdata; } /* * deletes favorites of the current user if he's not allowed to see them * * @return void */ function check_user_favorites() { global $user; if ($user['forbidden_categories'] == '') { return; } // $filter['visible_categories'] and $filter['visible_images'] // must be not used because filter <> restriction // retrieving images allowed : belonging to at least one authorized // category $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT f.image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' AS f INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON f.image_id = ic.image_id WHERE f.user_id = '.$user['id'].' '.get_sql_condition_FandF ( array ( 'forbidden_categories' => 'ic.category_id', ), 'AND' ).' ;'; $authorizeds = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $favorites = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); $to_deletes = array_diff($favorites, $authorizeds); if (count($to_deletes) > 0) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $to_deletes).') AND user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; pwg_query($query); } } /** * calculates the list of forbidden categories for a given user * * Calculation is based on private categories minus categories authorized to * the groups the user belongs to minus the categories directly authorized * to the user. The list contains at least -1 to be compliant with queries * such as "WHERE category_id NOT IN ($forbidden_categories)" * * @param int user_id * @param string user_status * @return string forbidden_categories */ function calculate_permissions($user_id, $user_status) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE status = \'private\' ;'; $private_array = array_from_query($query, 'id'); // retrieve category ids directly authorized to the user $query = ' SELECT cat_id FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $authorized_array = array_from_query($query, 'cat_id'); // retrieve category ids authorized to the groups the user belongs to $query = ' SELECT cat_id FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' AS ug INNER JOIN '.GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE.' AS ga ON ug.group_id = ga.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $authorized_array = array_merge( $authorized_array, array_from_query($query, 'cat_id') ); // uniquify ids : some private categories might be authorized for the // groups and for the user $authorized_array = array_unique($authorized_array); // only unauthorized private categories are forbidden $forbidden_array = array_diff($private_array, $authorized_array); // if user is not an admin, locked categories are forbidden if (!is_admin($user_status)) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE visible = \'false\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $forbidden_array[] = $row['id']; } $forbidden_array = array_unique($forbidden_array); } if ( empty($forbidden_array) ) {// at least, the list contains 0 value. This category does not exists so // where clauses such as "WHERE category_id NOT IN(0)" will always be // true. $forbidden_array[] = 0; } return implode(',', $forbidden_array); } /** * compute data of categories branches (one branch only) */ function compute_branch_cat_data(&$cats, &$list_cat_id, &$level, &$ref_level) { $date = ''; $count_images = 0; $count_categories = 0; do { $cat_id = array_pop($list_cat_id); if (!is_null($cat_id)) { // Count images and categories $cats[$cat_id]['count_images'] += $count_images; $cats[$cat_id]['count_categories'] += $count_categories; $count_images = $cats[$cat_id]['count_images']; $count_categories = $cats[$cat_id]['count_categories'] + 1; if ((empty($cats[$cat_id]['max_date_last'])) or ($cats[$cat_id]['max_date_last'] < $date)) { $cats[$cat_id]['max_date_last'] = $date; } else { $date = $cats[$cat_id]['max_date_last']; } $ref_level = substr_count($cats[$cat_id]['global_rank'], '.') + 1; } else { $ref_level = 0; } } while ($level <= $ref_level); // Last cat updating must be added to list for next branch if ($ref_level <> 0) { array_push($list_cat_id, $cat_id); } } /** * compute data of categories branches */ function compute_categories_data(&$cats) { $ref_level = 0; $level = 0; $list_cat_id = array(); foreach ($cats as $id => $category) { // Compute $level = substr_count($category['global_rank'], '.') + 1; if ($level > $ref_level) { array_push($list_cat_id, $id); } else { compute_branch_cat_data($cats, $list_cat_id, $level, $ref_level); array_push($list_cat_id, $id); } $ref_level = $level; } $level = 1; compute_branch_cat_data($cats, $list_cat_id, $level, $ref_level); } /** * get computed array of categories * * @param array userdata * @param int filter_days number of recent days to filter on or null * @return array */ function get_computed_categories($userdata, $filter_days=null) { $query = 'SELECT c.id AS cat_id, global_rank'; // Count by date_available to avoid count null $query .= ', MAX(date_available) AS date_last, COUNT(date_available) AS nb_images FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' as c LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON ic.category_id = c.id LEFT JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i ON ic.image_id = i.id AND i.level<='.$userdata['level']; if ( isset($filter_days) ) { $query .= ' AND i.date_available > '.pwg_db_get_recent_period_expression($filter_days); } if ( !empty($userdata['forbidden_categories']) ) { $query.= ' WHERE c.id NOT IN ('.$userdata['forbidden_categories'].')'; } $query.= ' GROUP BY c.id, c.global_rank'; $result = pwg_query($query); $cats = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['user_id'] = $userdata['id']; $row['count_categories'] = 0; $row['count_images'] = (int)$row['nb_images']; $row['max_date_last'] = $row['date_last']; $cats += array($row['cat_id'] => $row); } uasort($cats, 'global_rank_compare'); compute_categories_data($cats); if ( isset($filter_days) ) { $cat_tmp = $cats; $cats = array(); foreach ($cat_tmp as $category) { if (!empty($category['max_date_last'])) { // Re-init counters $category['count_categories'] = 0; $category['count_images'] = (int)$category['nb_images']; // Keep category $cats[$category['cat_id']] = $category; } } // Compute a second time compute_categories_data($cats); } return $cats; } /** * returns user identifier thanks to his name, false if not found * * @param string username * @param int user identifier */ function get_userid($username) { global $conf; $username = pwg_db_real_escape_string($username); $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' = \''.$username.'\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return false; } else { list($user_id) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); return $user_id; } } function get_userid_by_email($email) { global $conf; $email = pwg_db_real_escape_string($email); $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE UPPER('.$conf['user_fields']['email'].') = UPPER(\''.$email.'\') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return false; } else { list($user_id) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); return $user_id; } } /* * Returns a array with default user value * * @param convert_str allows to convert string value if necessary */ function get_default_user_info($convert_str = true) { global $cache, $conf; if (!isset($cache['default_user'])) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE. ' WHERE user_id = '.$conf['default_user_id'].';'; $result = pwg_query($query); $cache['default_user'] = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($cache['default_user'] !== false) { unset($cache['default_user']['user_id']); unset($cache['default_user']['status']); unset($cache['default_user']['registration_date']); } } if (is_array($cache['default_user']) and $convert_str) { $default_user = array(); foreach ($cache['default_user'] as $name => $value) { // If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a // boolean value. if ($value == 'true' or $value == 'false') { $default_user[$name] = get_boolean($value); } else { $default_user[$name] = $value; } } return $default_user; } else { return $cache['default_user']; } } /* * Returns a default user value * * @param value_name: name of value * @param sos_value: value used if don't exist value */ function get_default_user_value($value_name, $sos_value) { $default_user = get_default_user_info(true); if ($default_user === false or empty($default_user[$value_name])) { return $sos_value; } else { return $default_user[$value_name]; } } /* * Returns the default template value * */ function get_default_theme() { $theme = get_default_user_value('theme', PHPWG_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE); if (check_theme_installed($theme)) { return $theme; } // let's find the first available theme $active_themes = get_pwg_themes(); foreach (array_keys(get_pwg_themes()) as $theme_id) { return $theme_id; } } /* * Returns the default language value * */ function get_default_language() { return get_default_user_value('language', PHPWG_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); } /** * Returns true if the browser language value is set into param $lang * */ function get_browser_language(&$lang) { $browser_language = substr(@$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 0, 2); foreach (get_languages() as $language_code => $language_name) { if (substr($language_code, 0, 2) == $browser_language) { $lang = $language_code; return true; } } return false; } /** * add user informations based on default values * * @param int user_id / array of user_if * @param array of values used to override default user values */ function create_user_infos($arg_id, $override_values = null) { global $conf; if (is_array($arg_id)) { $user_ids = $arg_id; } else { $user_ids = array(); if (is_numeric($arg_id)) { $user_ids[] = $arg_id; } } if (!empty($user_ids)) { $inserts = array(); list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); $default_user = get_default_user_info(false); if ($default_user === false) { // Default on structure are used $default_user = array(); } if (!is_null($override_values)) { $default_user = array_merge($default_user, $override_values); } foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) { $level= isset($default_user['level']) ? $default_user['level'] : 0; if ($user_id == $conf['webmaster_id']) { $status = 'webmaster'; $level = max( $conf['available_permission_levels'] ); } else if (($user_id == $conf['guest_id']) or ($user_id == $conf['default_user_id'])) { $status = 'guest'; } else { $status = 'normal'; } $insert = array_merge( $default_user, array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'status' => $status, 'registration_date' => $dbnow, 'level' => $level )); array_push($inserts, $insert); } mass_inserts(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array_keys($inserts[0]), $inserts); } } /** * returns the auto login key or false on error * @param int user_id * @param time_t time * @param string [out] username */ function calculate_auto_login_key($user_id, $time, &$username) { global $conf; $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' AS username , '.$conf['user_fields']['password'].' AS password FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = '.$user_id; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $username = stripslashes($row['username']); $data = $time.$user_id.$username; $key = base64_encode( hash_hmac('sha1', $data, $conf['secret_key'].$row['password'],true) ); return $key; } return false; } /* * Performs all required actions for user login * @param int user_id * @param bool remember_me * @return void */ function log_user($user_id, $remember_me) { global $conf, $user; if ($remember_me and $conf['authorize_remembering']) { $now = time(); $key = calculate_auto_login_key($user_id, $now, $username); if ($key!==false) { $cookie = $user_id.'-'.$now.'-'.$key; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '>=') ) { setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], $cookie, time()+$conf['remember_me_length'], cookie_path(),ini_get('session.cookie_domain'),ini_get('session.cookie_secure'), ini_get('session.cookie_httponly') ); } else { setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], $cookie, time()+$conf['remember_me_length'], cookie_path(),ini_get('session.cookie_domain'),ini_get('session.cookie_secure') ); } } } else { // make sure we clean any remember me ... setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], '', 0, cookie_path(),ini_get('session.cookie_domain')); } if ( session_id()!="" ) { // we regenerate the session for security reasons // see http://www.acros.si/papers/session_fixation.pdf session_regenerate_id(true); } else { session_start(); } $_SESSION['pwg_uid'] = (int)$user_id; $user['id'] = $_SESSION['pwg_uid']; } /* * Performs auto-connexion when cookie remember_me exists * @return true/false */ function auto_login() { global $conf; if ( isset( $_COOKIE[$conf['remember_me_name']] ) ) { $cookie = explode('-', stripslashes($_COOKIE[$conf['remember_me_name']])); if ( count($cookie)===3 and is_numeric(@$cookie[0]) /*user id*/ and is_numeric(@$cookie[1]) /*time*/ and time()-$conf['remember_me_length']<=@$cookie[1] and time()>=@$cookie[1] /*cookie generated in the past*/ ) { $key = calculate_auto_login_key( $cookie[0], $cookie[1], $username ); if ($key!==false and $key===$cookie[2]) { log_user($cookie[0], true); trigger_action('login_success', stripslashes($username)); return true; } } setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], '', 0, cookie_path(),ini_get('session.cookie_domain')); } return false; } /** * Tries to login a user given username and password (must be MySql escaped) * return true on success */ function try_log_user($username, $password, $remember_me) { return trigger_event('try_login', $username, $password, $remember_me, false); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_plugins.inc.php'); #add_event_handler('try_login', 'common_login', 0, 4); #add_event_handler('try_login', 'common_login', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, 4); function common_login($username, $password, $remember_me, $success) { if ($success) { return true; } // we force the session table to be clean pwg_session_gc(); global $conf; // retrieving the encrypted password of the login submitted $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' AS id, '.$conf['user_fields']['password'].' AS password FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' = \''.pwg_db_real_escape_string($username).'\' ;'; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if ($row['password'] == $conf['pass_convert']($password)) { log_user($row['id'], $remember_me); trigger_action('login_success', stripslashes($username)); return true; } trigger_action('login_failure', stripslashes($username)); return false; } /** Performs all the cleanup on user logout */ function logout_user() { global $conf; $_SESSION = array(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); setcookie(session_name(),'',0, ini_get('session.cookie_path'), ini_get('session.cookie_domain') ); setcookie($conf['remember_me_name'], '', 0, cookie_path(),ini_get('session.cookie_domain')); } /* * Return user status used in this library * @return string */ function get_user_status($user_status) { global $user; if (empty($user_status)) { if (isset($user['status'])) { $user_status = $user['status']; } else { // swicth to default value $user_status = ''; } } return $user_status; } /* * Return access_type definition of user * Test does with user status * @return bool */ function get_access_type_status($user_status='') { global $conf; switch (get_user_status($user_status)) { case 'guest': { $access_type_status = ($conf['guest_access'] ? ACCESS_GUEST : ACCESS_FREE); break; } case 'generic': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_GUEST; break; } case 'normal': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_CLASSIC; break; } case 'admin': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR; break; } case 'webmaster': { $access_type_status = ACCESS_WEBMASTER; break; } default: { $access_type_status = ACCESS_FREE; break; } } return $access_type_status; } /* * Return if user have access to access_type definition * Test does with user status * @return bool */ function is_autorize_status($access_type, $user_status = '') { return (get_access_type_status($user_status) >= $access_type); } /* * Check if user have access to access_type definition * Stop action if there are not access * Test does with user status * @return none */ function check_status($access_type, $user_status = '') { if (!is_autorize_status($access_type, $user_status)) { access_denied(); } } /* * Return if user is generic * @return bool */ function is_generic($user_status = '') { return get_user_status($user_status) == 'generic'; } /* * Return if user is only a guest * @return bool */ function is_a_guest($user_status = '') { return get_user_status($user_status) == 'guest'; } /* * Return if user is, at least, a classic user * @return bool */ function is_classic_user($user_status = '') { return is_autorize_status(ACCESS_CLASSIC, $user_status); } /* * Return if user is, at least, an administrator * @return bool */ function is_admin($user_status = '') { return is_autorize_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR, $user_status); } /* * Return if user is, at least, a webmaster * @return bool */ function is_webmaster($user_status = '') { return is_autorize_status(ACCESS_WEBMASTER, $user_status); } /* * Adviser status is depreciated from piwigo 2.2 * @return false */ function is_adviser() { // TODO for Piwigo 2.4 : trigger a warning. We don't do it on Piwigo 2.3 // to avoid changes for plugin contributors // trigger_error('call to obsolete function is_adviser', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } /* * Return if current user can edit/delete/validate a comment * @param action edit/delete/validate * @return bool */ function can_manage_comment($action, $comment_author_id) { global $user, $conf; if (is_a_guest()) { return false; } if (!in_array($action, array('delete','edit', 'validate'))) { return false; } if (is_admin()) { return true; } if ('edit' == $action and $conf['user_can_edit_comment']) { if ($comment_author_id == $user['id']) { return true; } } if ('delete' == $action and $conf['user_can_delete_comment']) { if ($comment_author_id == $user['id']) { return true; } } return false; } /* * Return mail address as display text * @return string */ function get_email_address_as_display_text($email_address) { global $conf; if (!isset($email_address) or (trim($email_address) == '')) { return ''; } else { return $email_address; } } /* * Compute sql where condition with restrict and filter data. "FandF" means * Forbidden and Filters. * * @param array condition_fields: read function body * @param string prefix_condition: prefixes sql if condition is not empty * @param boolean force_one_condition: use at least "1 = 1" * * @return string sql where/conditions */ function get_sql_condition_FandF( $condition_fields, $prefix_condition = null, $force_one_condition = false ) { global $user, $filter; $sql_list = array(); foreach ($condition_fields as $condition => $field_name) { switch($condition) { case 'forbidden_categories': { if (!empty($user['forbidden_categories'])) { $sql_list[] = $field_name.' NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')'; } break; } case 'visible_categories': { if (!empty($filter['visible_categories'])) { $sql_list[] = $field_name.' IN ('.$filter['visible_categories'].')'; } break; } case 'visible_images': if (!empty($filter['visible_images'])) { $sql_list[] = $field_name.' IN ('.$filter['visible_images'].')'; } // note there is no break - visible include forbidden case 'forbidden_images': if ( !empty($user['image_access_list']) or $user['image_access_type']!='NOT IN' ) { $table_prefix=null; if ($field_name=='id') { $table_prefix = ''; } elseif ($field_name=='i.id') { $table_prefix = 'i.'; } if ( isset($table_prefix) ) { $sql_list[]=$table_prefix.'level<='.$user['level']; } else { $sql_list[]=$field_name.' '.$user['image_access_type'] .' ('.$user['image_access_list'].')'; } } break; default: { die('Unknow condition'); break; } } } if (count($sql_list) > 0) { $sql = '('.implode(' AND ', $sql_list).')'; } else { $sql = $force_one_condition ? '1 = 1' : ''; } if (isset($prefix_condition) and !empty($sql)) { $sql = $prefix_condition.' '.$sql; } return $sql; } /** * search an available activation_key * * @return string */ function get_user_activation_key() { while (true) { $key = generate_key(20); $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE activation_key = \''.$key.'\' ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if (0 == $count) { return $key; } } } ?>