!'; $lang['Sv_supervisor'] = 'MAILS Supervisor'; //======================================================================== $lang['Sv_To_day_is'] = 'Today is:'.date('d-M-Y H:i:s') ; $lang['Sv_formatdate'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s'; $lang['Sv_format'] = 'Accepted values:'; $lang['Sv_mise_en_quarantaine %s %s %s %s %s'] = ' ON QUARANTINE!
'. 'Number of %s sent: %s
'. 'From : %s
'. 'You still have %s before unblocking
'. ' The %s
' ; $lang['Sv_alerte_mail %s %s %s %s %s'] = ' ALERT!!! RISK OF BEING PUT ON QUARANTINE BY YOUR ISP
'. 'You overpassed the number of mails within the acceptable period.
'. 'Number of %s sent: %s
'. 'From : %s
'. 'You still have %s before unblocking
'. ' The %s
' ; $ms_f1='The mail function returned '; $ms_f2='MESSAGE error'; $ms_f3='MAILTO'; $ms_f4='SUBJECT'; $ms_f5='HEADERS'; $ms_f6='CONTENT'; $ms_f7='Number of recipients'; $lang['Sv_debug_message']= '
'.$ms_f1.' :
'.$ms_f2.' :
'.$ms_f3.' :
'.$ms_f4.' :
'.$ms_f5.' :
'.$ms_f6.' :
'.$ms_f7.' %s
'; $lang['Sv_message_texte "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"'] =' %s '. l10n('hello') .' "%s" , %s '. l10n('See you soon.') .' %s '; ?>