Known bug : This feature doesn't work on user profile page. So, already registered users can change their email address to a forbiden one. -- 2.10.9a : Email provider exclusion is no longer case sensitive -- 2.10.9b : Bug fixed - Home icon wasn't linked to gallery url in ConfirmMail page. If GALLERY_URL is not set, Home icon gets the pwg root path. -- 2.10.9c : Bug fixed - If Email provider exclusion is set off, new registered user will have a PHP notice on "Undefined variable: ncsemail" -- 2.10.9d : Code simplification - need no more ""template"" sub-directory in plugin directory for enhance "back link" icon in ConfirMail.tpl -- 2.10.9e : Compatibility improvement with PHP 5.3 - Some old functions will be deprecated like : ereg replaced by preg_match eregi replace by preg_match with "i" moderator split replace by preg_split -- 2.10.9f : Compatibility bug fixed when used with DynamicRecentPeriod plugin -- 2.11.0 : New tabsheet menu to manage ConfirMail functions (setting a timeout without validation, Cleanup expired user's accounts, Force confirmation, Renew validation key, list unvalidated users,...) Beautify plugin's main admin panel -- 2.11.1 : Bug fixed with install and upgrade functions Language files correction -- 2.11.2 : Bug fixed on bad query for unvalidated users display in unvalidated users list Bug fixed : Sql syntax error on plugin activation -- 2.11.3 : On Patricia's request (french forum and bug 1173), the unvalidated users management tab shows users according with the settings of unvalidated group and / or unvalidated status. Feature 1172 : Email providers exclusion list can be set with CR/LF between each entry. The comma seperator (,) is still mandatory. Bug 1175 fixed : Bad translation tag in french language file. Improvement of unvalidated users management tab (feature 1174)- Expired users are displayed in red color text. -- 2.11.4 : Bug 1177 fixed : Width of excluded email providers list reset to ancient value (80 col) Bug 1179 fixed : Adding a notice in plugin inline documentation for use of validation groups and status. A default group must be set in Piwigo's groups settings and the "Guest" (or another user) must be set as default for status values. Bug 1182 fixed : Language tag missing in confirmation email generation -- 2.11.5 : Bug 1195 fixed : Registration displays the good title */ /* ***** TODO List ***** ++ No validation needed for admins users comments (new trigger needed in comments.php) ++ No single email check for admins (new trigger needed in ( ?)) ++ Password control and enforcement -- Empty password (done in Piwigo 2.x) ++ Can not be the same as username ++ complexity of the password (Numbers+Lettrers+Low and high case+Special+minimal length) ++ Security : Blocking brut-force attacks ! ++ Opportunity to copy a registered user for new user creation ++ new copied user will (or not) belong to the same groups ++ new copied user will (or not) get the same status (visitor, admin, webmaster, guest (??)) ++ new copied user will (or not) get the same properties ++ new copied user will (or not) get the same language ... and so on */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) die('Hacking attempt!'); define('NBC_UserAdvManager_DIR' , basename(dirname(__FILE__))); define('NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH' , PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'); include_once (NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH.'include/constants.php'); include_once (NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH.'include/'); load_language('plugin.lang', NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH); /* Plugin admin */ add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'nbc_UserAdvManager_admin_menu'); function nbc_UserAdvManager_admin_menu($menu) { array_push($menu, array( 'NAME' => 'UserAdvManager', 'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH.'/admin/UserAdvManager_admin.php') ) ); return $menu; } /* User creation */ add_event_handler('register_user', 'UserAdvManager_Adduser'); function UserAdvManager_Adduser($register_user) { global $conf; $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager = isset($conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) ? explode(";" , $conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) : array(); if (( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0] == 'true') or ( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2] == 'true')) SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $_POST['password'], $register_user['email'], true); } /* User deletion */ add_event_handler('delete_user', 'UserAdvManager_Deluser'); function UserAdvManager_Deluser($user_id) { DeleteConfirmMail($user_id); } add_event_handler('init', 'UserAdvManager_InitPage'); function UserAdvManager_InitPage() { load_language('plugin.lang', NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH); global $conf, $template, $page, $lang; $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager = isset($conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) ? explode(";" , $conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) : array(); if ( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1] == 'true' ) $lang['reg_err_login5'] = l10n('reg_err_login5'); /* User identification */ if (script_basename() == 'identification') { if (isset($_POST['login'])) { /* User non case sensitive */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1] == 'true' ) { $new_username = NotSensibleSearchUsername($_POST['username']); $_POST['username'] = $new_username == '' ? $_POST['username'] : $new_username; } } } /* Admin user management */ if (script_basename() == 'admin' and isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page'] == 'user_list') { if (isset($_POST['submit_add'])) { /* User non case sensitive */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1] == 'true' ) { $new_username = NotSensibleSearchUsername($_POST['login']); $_POST['login'] = $new_username == '' ? $_POST['login'] : $new_username; } /* Username without forbidden keys */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[7]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[7] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['login']) and !ValidateUsername($_POST['login'])) { $lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login6')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[8]."'"; $_POST['login'] = ''; } /* Email without forbidden domains */ /* This don't work on call of ValidateEmailProvider() function - Why ?? -> Due to the "return = false|true" in function ?*/ //if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['email']) and !ValidateEmailProvider($_POST['email'])) //{ // $lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]."'"; // $_POST['login'] = ''; //} /* This work with a code copy of ValidateEmailProvider() function */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['email'])) { $ncsemail = strtolower($_POST['email']); $conf_nbc_MailExclusion = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($conf_nbc_MailExclusion) ; $i++) { $pattern = '/'.$conf_nbc_MailExclusion[$i].'/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $ncsemail)) { $lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]."'"; $_POST['login'] = ''; } } } } } /* User creation */ if (script_basename() == 'register') { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { /* Username non case sensitive */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[1] == 'true') { $new_username = NotSensibleSearchUsername($_POST['login']); $_POST['login'] = $new_username == '' ? $_POST['login'] : $new_username; } /* Username without forbidden keys */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[7]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[7] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['login']) and !ValidateUsername($_POST['login'])) { $lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login6')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[8]."'"; $_POST['login'] = ''; } /* Email without forbidden domains */ /* This don't work on call of ValidateEmailProvider() function - Why ?? -> Due to the "return = false|true" in function ?*/ //if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['mail_address']) and !ValidateEmailProvider($_POST['mail_address'])) //{ // $lang['reg_err_mail_address'] = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]."'"; // $_POST['mail_address'] = ''; //} /* This work with a code copy of ValidateEmailProvider() function */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['mail_address'])) { $ncsemail = strtolower($_POST['mail_address']); $conf_nbc_MailExclusion = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($conf_nbc_MailExclusion) ; $i++) { $pattern = '/'.$conf_nbc_MailExclusion[$i].'/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $ncsemail)) { $lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]."'"; $_POST['login'] = ''; } } } } } /* User profile update */ if (script_basename() == 'profile') { if (isset($_POST['validate'])) { /* Sending email to user */ if (( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0] == 'true') or ( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2] == 'true')) { global $conf, $user ; $errors = array(); $int_pattern = '/^\d+$/'; if (empty($_POST['nb_image_line']) or (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['nb_image_line']))) { $errors[] = l10n('nb_image_line_error'); } if (empty($_POST['nb_line_page']) or (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['nb_line_page']))) { $errors[] = l10n('nb_line_page_error'); } if ($_POST['maxwidth'] != '' and (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['maxwidth']) or $_POST['maxwidth'] < 50)) { $errors[] = l10n('maxwidth_error'); } if ($_POST['maxheight'] and (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['maxheight']) or $_POST['maxheight'] < 50)) { $errors[] = l10n('maxheight_error'); } if (isset($_POST['mail_address'])) { $mail_error = validate_mail_address($user['id'], $_POST['mail_address']); if (!empty($mail_error)) { $errors[] = $mail_error; } if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[12] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['mail_address'])) { $ncsemail = strtolower($_POST['mail_address']); $conf_nbc_MailExclusion = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($conf_nbc_MailExclusion) ; $i++) { $pattern = '/'.$conf_nbc_MailExclusion[$i].'/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $ncsemail)) { $mail_error = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[13]."'"; } } } if (!empty($mail_error)) { $errors[] = $mail_error; } } $typemail = 3; if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) { $typemail = 2; // password must be the same as its confirmation if ($_POST['use_new_pwd'] != $_POST['passwordConf']) { $errors[] = l10n('New password confirmation does not correspond'); } if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') ) {// changing password requires old password $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['password'].' AS password FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user['id'].'\' ;'; list($current_password) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($conf['pass_convert']($_POST['password']) != $current_password) { $errors[] = l10n('Current password is wrong'); } } } $confirm_mail_need = false; if (!empty($_POST['mail_address'])) { $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' AS email FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user['id'].'\' ;'; list($current_email) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ( $_POST['mail_address'] != $current_email and ( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[2] == 'true') ) $confirm_mail_need = true; } if (count($errors) == 0 and (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd']) and ( isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[0] == 'true') or $confirm_mail_need) ) { $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user['id'].'\' ;'; list($username) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); SendMail2User($typemail, $user['id'], $username, $_POST['use_new_pwd'], $_POST['mail_address'], $confirm_mail_need); } } } } } add_event_handler('user_comment_check', 'UserAdvManager_CheckEmptyCommentAuthor', 50, 2); function UserAdvManager_CheckEmptyCommentAuthor($comment_action, $comm) { load_language('plugin.lang', NBC_UserAdvManager_PATH); global $infos, $conf, $template; $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager = isset($conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) ? explode(";" , $conf['nbc_UserAdvManager']) : array(); /* User creation OR update */ if (isset($conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[6]) and $conf_nbc_UserAdvManager[6] == 'true' and $conf['comments_forall'] == 'true' and $comm['author'] == 'guest') { $comment_action = 'reject'; array_push($infos, l10n('UserAdvManager_Empty Author')); } return $comment_action; } ?>