Cumulus Tags Cloud must be installed)';
// Module Piclenswall
/* TODO */$lang['module_name_piclenswall'] = 'Piclens 3DWall';
/* TODO */$lang['module_desc_piclenswall'] = 'Display piclens 3D wall (plugin Cooliris/piclens must be installed)';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_height'] = 'Wall height';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_background_color'] = 'Background color';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_black'] = 'Black';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_white'] = 'White';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_info'] = 'So that the wall is working properly';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_info_piclens'] = 'You must install and activate Cooliris/piclens plugin.';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_info_crossdomain'] = 'You must copy crossdomain.xml file to the root of your site (or moddify existing file).';
/* TODO */$lang['piclenswall_info_param'] = '3D Wall Settings must be modified in Cooliris-piclens/b> plugin configuration page.';
// Module Most Visited
/* TODO */$lang['module_name_MostVisited'] = 'Most visited';
/* TODO */$lang['module_desc_MostVisited'] = 'Display x most visited pictures in the gallery or a category';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_nb_images'] = 'Maximum number of pictures to display';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_category_display'] = 'Display on categories pages';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_all_cats'] = 'All categories';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_w_thumb'] = 'Only categories with thumbnails';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_wo_thumb'] = 'Only categories without thumbnails';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_selected_cats'] = 'Only selected categories';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_cat_selection'] = 'Categories selection';
/* TODO */$lang['stuffs_mv_hold_ctrl'] = 'hold CTRL';
// Module Best Rated
/* TODO */$lang['module_name_BestRated'] = 'Best rated';
/* TODO */$lang['module_desc_BestRated'] = 'Display x best rated pictures in the gallery or a category';
// Module Recent
/* TODO */$lang['module_name_Recent'] = 'Recent pictures';
/* TODO */$lang['module_desc_Recent'] = 'Display x recent pictures in the gallery or a category (if exist)';
// Module Random
/* TODO */$lang['module_name_Random'] = 'Random pictures';
/* TODO */$lang['module_desc_Random'] = 'Display x random pictures in the gallery or a category';