'category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_images' => 'ic.image_id'), '', true); $query = 'SELECT com.id AS comment_id , com.image_id , ic.category_id , com.author , com.date , com.content , com.id AS comment_id , com.validated FROM ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' AS ic INNER JOIN ' . COMMENTS_TABLE . ' AS com ON ic.image_id = com.image_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $clauses) . ' GROUP BY comment_id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, ' . $datas[0] . ';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($comments, $row); array_push($element_ids, $row['image_id']); array_push($category_ids, $row['category_id']); } if (count($comments) > 0) { $block['TITLE_URL'] = 'comments.php'; $block['comments'] = array(); // retrieving element informations $elements = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, name, file, path, tn_ext FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $element_ids).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $elements[$row['id']] = $row; } // retrieving category informations $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink, uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $category_ids).') ;'; $categories = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); foreach ($comments as $comment) { if (!empty($elements[$comment['image_id']]['name'])) { $name=$elements[$comment['image_id']]['name']; } else { $name=get_name_from_file($elements[$comment['image_id']]['file']); } // source of the thumbnail picture $thumbnail_src = get_thumbnail_url( $elements[$comment['image_id']] ); // link to the full size picture $url = make_picture_url( array( 'category' => $categories[ $comment['category_id'] ], 'image_id' => $comment['image_id'], 'image_file' => $elements[$comment['image_id']]['file'], ) ); $author = $comment['author']; if (empty($comment['author'])) { $author = l10n('guest'); } $tpl_comment = array( 'U_PICTURE' => $url, 'TN_SRC' => $thumbnail_src, 'ALT' => $name, 'AUTHOR' => trigger_event('render_comment_author', $author), 'DATE' => format_date($comment['date'],'mysql_datetime',true), 'CONTENT' => trigger_event('render_comment_content',$comment['content']), 'WIDTH' => $datas[3], 'HEIGHT' => $datas[4], ); switch ($datas[2]) { case 1 : $tpl_comment['CLASS'] = 'one_comment'; break; case 2 : $tpl_comment['CLASS'] = 'two_comment'; break; case 3 : $tpl_comment['CLASS'] = 'three_comment'; break; } if ( is_admin() ) { $url = get_root_url().'index.php'.get_query_string_diff(array('delete','validate')); $tpl_comment['U_DELETE'] = add_url_params($url, array( 'delete' => $comment['comment_id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); if ($comment['validated'] != 'true') { $tpl_comment['U_VALIDATE'] = add_url_params($url, array( 'validate' => $comment['comment_id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } } // Show comment editor link if (defined('CE_PATH') and ((!is_a_guest() and ($user[$conf['user_fields']['username']] == $author)) or is_admin())) { load_language('plugin.lang', CE_PATH); $tpl_comment['U_EDIT'] = add_url_params(get_root_url() . 'index.php', array( CE_ACTION => CE_ACTION_EDIT, CE_ID => $comment['comment_id'], 'pwg_token' => get_pwg_token())); } array_push($block['comments'], $tpl_comment); } } else { return false; } ?>