prefixe = 'PLUGIN_PICTURE_'; $template->func_combine_css(array( 'path' => 'plugins/PWG_Stuffs/theme/stuffs_picture.css', ) ); pwgs_picture_special_sections(); } else { $template->func_combine_css(array( 'path' => 'plugins/PWG_Stuffs/theme/stuffs_index.css', ) ); } $this->get_user_groups(); $this->get_modules(); $this->process_modules(); } /* Retrieve user groups */ function get_user_groups() { global $user; $query = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($this->user_groups, $row['group_id']); } } /* Retrieve modules from table */ function get_modules() { global $page, $user; if (!isset($page['stuffs_section'])) return; $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT id, name, path, datas, groups, show_title, id_line, width FROM ' . STUFFS_TABLE . ' LEFT JOIN ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' ON user_id = '.$user['id'].' WHERE (users IS NULL OR users LIKE "%' . $user['status'] . '%") AND (groups IS NULL OR groups REGEXP CONCAT("(^|,)",group_id,"(,|$)")) AND level <= '.$user['level'].' AND '.$page['stuffs_section'].' = "true" ORDER BY pos ASC ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($this->modules, $row); } } /* Process modules */ function process_modules() { global $pwg_loaded_plugins, $conf; foreach ($this->modules as $module) { if ($module['name'] == 'MainBlock') { $this->pos = 'end'; $show = unserialize($module['datas']); if (!$show and empty($conf['AP']['homepage'])) { add_event_handler('loc_end_index', 'hide_main_block'); } continue; } preg_match('#^'.preg_quote(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH).'([^/]*?)/#', $module['path'], $match); if (!isset($pwg_loaded_plugins[$match[1]])) { continue; } $datas = (!empty($module['datas']) ? unserialize($module['datas']) : false); $block = array(); include($module['path'].''); if (!empty($block['TEMPLATE'])) { $block['ID'] = $module['id']; if ($module['show_title'] == 'true') { $block['TITLE'] = trigger_event('render_stuffs_name', $module['name']); } if (is_admin()) { $block['U_EDIT'] = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.STUFFS_DIR.'-edit_module&edit='.$module['id'].'&redirect='.urlencode(urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } $this->set_tpl_block($block, $module); } } } /* Set template blocks */ function set_tpl_block($block, $module) { if (!empty($module['id_line'])) { $block['id_line'] = $module['id_line']; $block['given_width'] = !empty($module['width']) ? $module['width'] : ''; if (!empty($this->blocks[$this->pos])) { $last = end($this->blocks[$this->pos]); $key = key($this->blocks[$this->pos]); $penul = prev($this->blocks[$this->pos]); if (isset($last['id_line']) and $last['id_line'] == $module['id_line']) { if (isset($penul['id_line']) and $penul['id_line'] == $module['id_line']) { $i = 3; !$block['given_width'] or $i--; !$last['given_width'] or $i--; !$penul['given_width'] or $i--; !$i or $default_width = intval((100 - $block['given_width'] - $last['given_width'] - $penul['given_width']) / $i); $penul['WIDTH'] = $penul['given_width'] ? $penul['given_width'] : $default_width; $block['WIDTH'] = $block['given_width'] ? $block['given_width'] : $default_width; $block['CLASS'] = 'right_block'; $block['new_line'] = false; $block['end_line'] = false; $last['end_line'] = true; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key-1] = $penul; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key] = $block; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $last; return; } else { if (empty($block['given_width']) and empty($last['given_width'])) { $last['WIDTH'] = 50; } elseif ($block['given_width']>0) { $last['WIDTH'] = 100 - $block['given_width']; } else { $last['WIDTH'] = $last['given_width']; } $block['CLASS'] = 'middle_block'; $last['CLASS'] = 'left_block'; $block['new_line'] = false; $block['end_line'] = true; $last['end_line'] = false; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key] = $last; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $block; return; } } } } $block['new_line'] = true; $block['end_line'] = true; $block['CLASS'] = 'middle_block'; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $block; } } ?>