1 | <?php |
2 | $lang['piwecard_plugin'] = 'Piwecard Plugin'; |
3 | |
4 | //Admin pages |
5 | $lang['piwecard_admin_saveOK'] = 'Your data have been saved in the database'; |
6 | |
7 | //admin.php |
8 | $lang['piwecard_admin_authorizations'] = 'Authorizations'; |
9 | $lang['piwecard_admin_configuration'] = 'Configuration'; |
10 | $lang['piwecard_admin_management'] = 'Management'; |
11 | |
12 | //admin_authorizations.php |
13 | $lang['piwecard_selected_cats'] = 'Selected categories'; |
14 | $lang['piwecard_non_selected_cats'] = 'Non selected categories'; |
15 | |
16 | //admin_authorizations.tpl |
17 | $lang['piwecard_authorizations_cat'] = 'Authorizations depending on the category'; |
18 | $lang['piwecard_authorizations_all_cats'] = 'Sending of e-cards is authorized on all the categories accessible by the user'; |
19 | $lang['piwecard_authorizations_selected_cats'] = 'Sending of e-cards is authorized only on a selection of catetories and if selected categories are accessible by the user'; |
20 | $lang['piwecard_authorizations_user_cat'] = 'Sending of e-cards is authorized only if the category or one of its parents is named after the user (case sensitive) or if the user is the author of the image'; |
21 | |
22 | //admin_configuration.php |
23 | $lang['piwecard_nolimit'] = 'Unlimited'; |
24 | $lang['piwecard_email_format_default_error'] = 'The default e-mail format must be one of the selected e-mail format'; |
25 | |
26 | //admin_configuration.tpl |
27 | $lang['piwecard_configuration'] = 'Standard configuration'; |
28 | $lang['piwecard_validity_default'] = 'Default validity of the e-card'; |
29 | $lang['piwecard_sender_copy'] = 'Send a copy of the e-card to the sender'; |
30 | $lang['piwecard_sender_email_change'] = 'Allow the sender to change his/her e-mail address (not applicable to guests unless the default e-mail address is configured)'; |
31 | $lang['piwecard_email_format'] = 'e-mail format'; |
32 | $lang['piwecard_email_format_text'] = 'Text'; |
33 | $lang['piwecard_email_format_html'] = 'HTML'; |
34 | $lang['piwecard_email_format_default'] = 'Default e-mail format'; |
35 | $lang['piwecard_show_image_infos'] = 'Show the title and the author of the image under the picture'; |
36 | $lang['piwecard_default_guest_email'] = 'Default e-mail address for guests'; |
37 | $lang['piwecard_email_configuration'] = 'e-mail configuration'; |
38 | $lang['piwecard_email_subject'] = 'Subject'; |
39 | $lang['piwecard_email_message_text'] = 'Message when the e-mail format is text'; |
40 | $lang['piwecard_email_message_html'] = 'Message when the e-mail format is HTML'; |
41 | $lang['piwecard_parameters'] = 'Parameters'; |
42 | $lang['piwecard_sender_name'] = 'Sender name'; |
43 | $lang['piwecard_sender_email'] = 'Sender e-mail'; |
44 | $lang['piwecard_recipient_name'] = 'Recipient name'; |
45 | $lang['piwecard_recipient_email'] = 'Recipient e-mail'; |
46 | $lang['piwecard_website'] = 'Name of the gallery'; |
47 | $lang['piwecard_website_url'] = 'Gallery URL'; |
48 | $lang['piwecard_ecard_url'] = 'Ecard URL'; |
49 | $lang['piwecard_ecard_subject'] = 'Ecard title'; |
50 | $lang['piwecard_ecard_message'] = 'Message'; |
51 | $lang['piwecard_ecard_image_url'] = 'Image URL'; |
52 | $lang['piwecard_ecard_image_infos'] = 'Image infos (title and author)'; |
53 | |
54 | |
55 | //admin_management.php |
56 | |
57 | |
58 | //admin_management.tpl |
59 | $lang['piwecard_list'] = 'List of e-cards'; |
60 | $lang['piwecard_nb_ecard_valid_total'] = '%nb_valid% valid e-cards out of %nb_total% e-cards'; |
61 | $lang['piwecard_delete_all_invalid'] = 'Delete all expired e-card'; |
62 | $lang['piwecard_title'] = 'Title'; |
63 | $lang['piwecard_date_creation'] = 'Date'; |
64 | $lang['piwecard_sender_name'] = 'Sender'; |
65 | $lang['piwecard_recipient_name'] = 'Recipient'; |
66 | $lang['piwecard_validity'] = 'Validity date'; |
67 | $lang['piwecard_delete'] = 'Delete'; |
68 | $lang['piwecard_deleted'] = 'Selected e-cards have been deleted.'; |
69 | $lang['piwecard_invalid_deleted'] = 'All expired e-cards have been deleted.'; |
70 | $lang['piwecard_nb_ecard_page'] = 'Number of e-card per page'; |
71 | $lang['piwecard_no_ecard'] = 'No e-card in the database'; |
72 | $lang['piwecard_delete_selected'] = 'Delete selected e-cards'; |
73 | |
74 | //ecard.tpl |
75 | $lang['piwecard_send_stage1'] = 'Stage 1: Write the message'; |
76 | $lang['piwecard_send_stage2'] = 'Stage 2: Edit the informations'; |
77 | $lang['piwecard_send_stage3'] = 'Stage 3: Options'; |
78 | $lang['piwecard_send_stage4'] = 'Stage 4: Send the e-card!'; |
79 | $lang['piwecard_error'] = 'Error!'; |
80 | $lang['piwecard_error_text'] = 'Please enter a text.'; |
81 | $lang['piwecard_error_email'] = 'Please enter a valid e-mail.'; |
82 | $lang['piwecard_error_integer'] = 'Please enter a valid number.'; |
83 | $lang['piwecard_errors'] = 'See detail of errors below'; |
84 | $lang['piwecard_send_title'] = 'Title'; |
85 | $lang['piwecard_send_message'] = 'Message'; |
86 | $lang['piwecard_sender'] = 'Sender'; |
87 | $lang['piwecard_recipient'] = 'Recipient'; |
88 | $lang['piwecard_validity_label'] = 'Period of validity'; |
89 | $lang['piwecard_send_mandatory_fields'] = 'Mandatory fields'; |
90 | $lang['piwecard_send'] = 'Send'; |
91 | $lang['piwecard_send_link'] = 'Click here to send an e-card'; |
92 | |
93 | //publish.tpl |
94 | $lang['piwecard_invalid_ecard'] = 'Invalid or expired e-card'; |
95 | $lang['piwecard_publish_footer'] = 'This e-card was sent by '; |
96 | |
97 | //piwecard.class.php |
98 | $lang['piwecard_subject'] = 'e-mail subject'; |
99 | $lang['piwecard_message'] = 'Message'; |
100 | $lang['piwecard_recipient_name'] = 'Recipient name'; |
101 | $lang['piwecard_recipient_email'] = 'Recipient e-mail'; |
102 | $lang['piwecard_days'] = 'days'; |
103 | ?> |