[25994] | 1 | {combine_script id='core.switchbox' load='async' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/switchbox.js'} |
[18803] | 2 | {$MENUBAR} |
[19209] | 3 | |
| 4 | |
| 6 | |
| 7 | <div id="content" class="content{if isset($MENUBAR)} contentWithMenu{/if}"> |
| 8 | |
| 9 | <div class="titrePage{if isset($chronology.TITLE)} calendarTitleBar{/if}"> |
| 10 | <ul class="categoryActions"> |
| 11 | {if !empty($image_orders)} |
| 12 | <li>{strip}<a id="sortOrderLink" title="{'Sort order'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 13 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-sort"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Sort order'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 14 | </a> |
| 15 | <div id="sortOrderBox" class="switchBox"> |
| 16 | <div class="switchBoxTitle">{'Sort order'|@translate}</div> |
| 17 | {foreach from=$image_orders item=image_order name=loop}{if !$smarty.foreach.loop.first}<br>{/if} |
| 18 | {if $image_order.SELECTED} |
| 19 | <span>✔ </span>{$image_order.DISPLAY} |
| 20 | {else} |
| 21 | <span style="visibility:hidden">✔ </span><a href="{$image_order.URL}" rel="nofollow">{$image_order.DISPLAY}</a> |
| 22 | {/if} |
| 23 | {/foreach} |
| 24 | </div> |
| 25 | |
[25994] | 26 | {footer_script}(SwitchBox=window.SwitchBox||[]).push("#sortOrderLink", "#sortOrderBox");{/footer_script} |
[18803] | 27 | {/strip}</li> |
| 28 | {/if} |
| 29 | {if !empty($image_derivatives)} |
| 30 | <li>{strip}<a id="derivativeSwitchLink" title="{'Photo sizes'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 31 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-sizes"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Photo sizes'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 32 | </a> |
| 33 | <div id="derivativeSwitchBox" class="switchBox"> |
| 34 | <div class="switchBoxTitle">{'Photo sizes'|@translate}</div> |
| 35 | {foreach from=$image_derivatives item=image_derivative name=loop}{if !$smarty.foreach.loop.first}<br>{/if} |
| 36 | {if $image_derivative.SELECTED} |
| 37 | <span>✔ </span>{$image_derivative.DISPLAY} |
| 38 | {else} |
| 39 | <span style="visibility:hidden">✔ </span><a href="{$image_derivative.URL}" rel="nofollow">{$image_derivative.DISPLAY}</a> |
| 40 | {/if} |
| 41 | {/foreach} |
| 42 | </div> |
| 43 | |
[25994] | 44 | {footer_script}(SwitchBox=window.SwitchBox||[]).push("#derivativeSwitchLink", "#derivativeSwitchBox");{/footer_script} |
[18803] | 45 | {/strip}</li> |
| 46 | {/if} |
| 47 | |
| 48 | {if isset($favorite)} |
[25994] | 49 | <li id="cmdFavorite"><a href="{$favorite.U_FAVORITE}" title="{'delete all photos from your favorites'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
| 50 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-favorite-del"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'delete all photos from your favorites'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 51 | </a></li> |
| 52 | {/if} |
| 53 | {if isset($U_CADDIE)} |
[25994] | 54 | <li id="cmdCaddie"><a href="{$U_CADDIE}" title="{'Add to caddie'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button"> |
| 55 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-caddie-add"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Caddie'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 56 | </a></li> |
| 57 | {/if} |
| 58 | {if isset($U_EDIT)} |
[25994] | 59 | <li id="cmdEditAlbum"><a href="{$U_EDIT}" title="{'Edit album'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button"> |
| 60 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-category-edit"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Edit'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 61 | </a></li> |
| 62 | {/if} |
| 63 | {if isset($U_SEARCH_RULES)} |
| 64 | {combine_script id='core.scripts' load='async' path='themes/default/js/scripts.js'} |
| 65 | <li><a href="{$U_SEARCH_RULES}" onclick="popuphelp(this.href); return false;" title="{'Search rules'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 66 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-help"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">(?)</span> |
[18803] | 67 | </a></li> |
| 68 | {/if} |
| 69 | {if isset($U_SLIDESHOW)} |
[25994] | 70 | <li id="cmdSlideshow">{strip}<a href="{$U_SLIDESHOW}" title="{'slideshow'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
| 71 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-slideshow"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'slideshow'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 72 | </a>{/strip}</li> |
| 73 | {/if} |
| 74 | {if isset($U_MODE_FLAT)} |
| 75 | <li>{strip}<a href="{$U_MODE_FLAT}" title="{'display all photos in all sub-albums'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 76 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-category-view-flat"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'display all photos in all sub-albums'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 77 | </a>{/strip}</li> |
| 78 | {/if} |
| 79 | {if isset($U_MODE_NORMAL)} |
| 80 | <li>{strip}<a href="{$U_MODE_NORMAL}" title="{'return to normal view mode'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button"> |
[25994] | 81 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-category-view-normal"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'return to normal view mode'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 82 | </a>{/strip}</li> |
| 83 | {/if} |
| 84 | {if isset($U_MODE_POSTED)} |
| 85 | <li>{strip}<a href="{$U_MODE_POSTED}" title="{'display a calendar by posted date'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 86 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-calendar"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Calendar'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 87 | </a>{/strip}</li> |
| 88 | {/if} |
| 89 | {if isset($U_MODE_CREATED)} |
| 90 | <li>{strip}<a href="{$U_MODE_CREATED}" title="{'display a calendar by creation date'|@translate}" class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow"> |
[25994] | 91 | <span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-camera-calendar"></span><span class="pwg-button-text">{'Calendar'|@translate}</span> |
[18803] | 92 | </a>{/strip}</li> |
| 93 | {/if} |
[25994] | 94 | |
| 95 | {if !empty($PLUGIN_INDEX_BUTTONS)}{foreach from=$PLUGIN_INDEX_BUTTONS item=button}<li>{$button}</li>{/foreach}{/if} |
[18803] | 96 | {if !empty($PLUGIN_INDEX_ACTIONS)}{$PLUGIN_INDEX_ACTIONS}{/if} |
| 97 | </ul> |
| 98 | |
| 99 | <h2>{$TITLE}</h2> |
| 100 | |
| 101 | |
| 102 | |
| 103 | {if isset($chronology_views)} |
| 104 | <div class="calendarViews">{'View'|@translate}: |
[25994] | 105 | |
| 106 | <a id="calendarViewSwitchLink" href="#"> |
| 107 | {foreach from=$chronology_views item=view}{if $view.SELECTED}{$view.CONTENT}{/if}{/foreach} |
| 108 | </a> |
| 109 | <div id="calendarViewSwitchBox" class="switchBox"> |
| 110 | {foreach from=$chronology_views item=view name=loop}{if !$smarty.foreach.loop.first}<br>{/if} |
| 111 | <span{if !$view.SELECTED} style="visibility:hidden"{/if}>✔ </span><a href="{$view.VALUE}">{$view.CONTENT}</a> |
[18803] | 112 | {/foreach} |
[25994] | 113 | |
| 114 | </div> |
| 115 | {footer_script}(SwitchBox=window.SwitchBox||[]).push("#calendarViewSwitchLink", "#calendarViewSwitchBox");{/footer_script} |
[18803] | 116 | </div> |
| 117 | {/if} |
| 118 | |
| 119 | {if isset($chronology.TITLE)} |
| 120 | <h2 class="calendarTitle">{$chronology.TITLE}</h2> |
| 121 | {/if} |
| 122 | |
| 123 | </div>{* <!-- titrePage --> *} |
| 124 | |
| 125 | {if isset($errors) or not empty($infos)} |
| 126 | {include file='infos_errors.tpl'} |
| 127 | {/if} |
| 129 | |
| 130 | {if !empty($category_search_results)} |
[25994] | 131 | <div class="category_search_results" style="font-size:16px;margin:10px 16px">{'Album results for'|@translate} <strong>{$QUERY_SEARCH}</strong> : |
[18803] | 132 | <em><strong> |
| 133 | {foreach from=$category_search_results item=res name=res_loop} |
| 134 | {if !$smarty.foreach.res_loop.first} — {/if} |
| 135 | {$res} |
| 136 | {/foreach} |
| 137 | </strong></em> |
| 138 | </div> |
| 139 | {/if} |
| 140 | |
| 141 | {if !empty($tag_search_results)} |
[25994] | 142 | <div class="tag_search_results" style="font-size:16px;margin:10px 16px">{'Tag results for'|@translate} <strong>{$QUERY_SEARCH}</strong> : |
[18803] | 143 | <em><strong> |
| 144 | {foreach from=$tag_search_results item=res name=res_loop} |
| 145 | {if !$smarty.foreach.res_loop.first} — {/if} |
| 146 | {$res} |
| 147 | {/foreach} |
| 148 | </strong></em> |
| 149 | </div> |
| 150 | {/if} |
| 151 | |
| 152 | {if isset($FILE_CHRONOLOGY_VIEW)} |
| 153 | {include file=$FILE_CHRONOLOGY_VIEW} |
| 154 | {/if} |
| 155 | |
| 156 | {if !empty($CONTENT_DESCRIPTION)} |
| 157 | <div class="additional_info"> |
| 159 | </div> |
| 160 | {/if} |
| 161 | |
[25994] | 162 | {if !empty($CONTENT)}{$CONTENT}{/if} |
[18803] | 163 | {if !empty($CATEGORIES)}{$CATEGORIES}{/if} |
[22309] | 164 | {if !empty($cats_navbar)} |
| 165 | {include file='navigation_bar.tpl'|@get_extent:'navbar' navbar=$cats_navbar} |
| 166 | {/if} |
| 167 | |
[18803] | 168 | {if !empty($THUMBNAILS)} |
[25994] | 169 | <div class="loader"><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.img_dir}/ajax_loader.gif"></div> |
[18803] | 170 | <ul class="thumbnails" id="thumbnails"> |
| 171 | {$THUMBNAILS} |
| 172 | </ul> |
| 173 | {/if} |
[22309] | 174 | {if !empty($thumb_navbar)} |
| 175 | {include file='navigation_bar.tpl'|@get_extent:'navbar' navbar=$thumb_navbar} |
| 176 | {/if} |
[18803] | 177 | |
| 179 | </div>{* <!-- content --> *} |
| 181 | |
[19028] | 182 | </div> <!-- page_content2 --> |
| 183 | </div> <!-- page_content1 --> |
| 184 | </div> <!-- page_content --> |
| 185 | </div> <!--the_page --> |