0) { pwg_query("DELETE FROM ".CATEGORY_FILTERS_TABLE." WHERE category_id = ".$cat_id.";"); $limit_is_set = false; foreach ($_POST['filters'] as $filter) { if (($filter = smart_check_filter($filter)) != false) { pwg_query("INSERT INTO ".CATEGORY_FILTERS_TABLE." VALUES(".$cat_id.", '".$filter['type']."', '".$filter['cond']."', '".$filter['value']."');"); } } $associated_images = smart_make_associations($cat_id); invalidate_user_cache(true); $template->assign('IMAGE_COUNT', l10n_dec('%d photo', '%d photos', count($associated_images))); } } /* select options, for html_options */ $template->assign('options', array( 'tags' => array( 'all' => l10n('All these tags'), 'one' => l10n('One of these tags'), 'none' => l10n('None of these tags'), 'only' => l10n('Only these tags'), ), 'date' => array( 'the' => l10n('Added the'), 'before' => l10n('Added before the'), 'after' => l10n('Added after the'), ), 'limit' => array('limit' => 'limit'), // second filter not used )); /* get filters for this album */ $filters = pwg_query("SELECT * FROM ".CATEGORY_FILTERS_TABLE." WHERE category_id = ".$cat_id." ORDER BY type ASC, cond ASC;"); while ($filter = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($filters)) { // get tags name and id if ($filter['type'] == 'tags') { $query = " SELECT id AS tag_id, name AS tag_name FROM ".TAGS_TABLE." WHERE id IN(".$filter['value'].") "; $filter['value'] = get_fckb_taglist($query); } $template->append('filters', array( 'TYPE' => $filter['type'], 'COND' => $filter['cond'], 'VALUE' => $filter['value'], )); } /* get image number */ if ($template->get_template_vars('IMAGE_COUNT') == null) { list($image_num) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE." WHERE category_id = ".$cat_id." AND smart = true;")); $template->assign('IMAGE_COUNT', l10n_dec('%d photo', '%d photos', $image_num)); } $template->assign(array( 'SMART_PATH' => SMART_PATH, 'COUNT_SCRIPT_URL' => SMART_PATH.'include/count_images.php', )); $template->set_prefilter('categories', 'smart_cat_modify_prefilter'); } function smart_cat_modify_prefilter($content, &$smarty) { $search = '