%s'] = 'the picture %s'; $lang['all pictures of the album %s'] = 'all pictures of the album %s'; $lang['the album %s'] = 'the album %s'; $lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'; $lang['Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'] = 'Notify administrators when a user take a new subscription'; $lang['Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'] = 'Allow users to subscribe to global notifications'; $lang['Subscribe to mail notifications'] = 'Subscribe to mail notifications'; $lang['Notify me of followup comments'] = 'Notify me of followup comments'; $lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = 'You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'; $lang['this picture'] = 'this picture'; $lang['all pictures of this album'] = 'all pictures of this album'; $lang['all pictures of the gallery'] = 'all pictures of the gallery'; $lang['this album'] = 'this album'; $lang['all albums of the gallery'] = 'all albums of the gallery'; $lang['Manage my subscriptions'] = 'Manage my subscriptions'; $lang['Subscribe'] = 'Subscribe'; $lang['Unsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe'; $lang['Validate'] = 'Validate'; $lang['Confirm subscription'] = 'Confirm subscription'; $lang['Stop receiving notifications'] = 'Stop receiving notifications'; $lang['New subscription on %s'] = 'New subscription on %s'; $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = 'You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s..'; $lang['To activate, click the confirm button. If you believe this is an error, please just ignore this message.'] = 'To activate, click the confirm button. If you believe this is an error, please just ignore this message.'; $lang['Want to edit your notifications options?'] = 'Want to edit your notifications options?'; $lang['New comment on %s'] = 'New comment on %s'; $lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = 'Subscriptions of %s'; $lang['Return to item page'] = 'Return to item page'; $lang['Global subscriptions'] = 'Global subscriptions'; $lang['Subject'] = 'Subject'; $lang['Followed on'] = 'Followed on'; $lang['Unsubscribe from all email notifications'] = 'Unsubscribe from all email notifications'; $lang['comments on a picture'] = 'comments on a picture'; $lang['comments on all pictures of an album'] = 'comments on all pictures of an album'; $lang['comments on an album'] = 'comments on an album'; $lang['First subscription'] = 'First subscription'; $lang['Last subscription'] = 'Last subscription'; $lang['All album photos'] = 'All album photos'; $lang['★ : registered users'] = '★ : registered users'; $lang['No result'] = 'No result'; $lang['%s wrote on %s'] = '%s wrote on %s'; $lang['Apply action'] = 'Apply action'; $lang['Choose an action'] = 'Choose an action'; $lang['Subscribe without commenting'] = 'Subscribe without commenting'; ?>