%s'] = '相册 %s 中的所有相片'; $lang['all pictures of the gallery'] = '画廊中的所有相片'; $lang['all pictures of this album'] = '本相册中的所有相片'; $lang['comments on a picture'] = '相片评论'; $lang['comments on all pictures of an album'] = '相册中所有相片的评论'; $lang['comments on an album'] = '相册的评论'; $lang['the album %s'] = '相册 %s'; $lang['the picture %s'] = '相片 %s'; $lang['this album'] = '该相册'; $lang['this picture'] = '该相片'; $lang['%s has subscribed to comments on'] = '%s 订阅了评论'; $lang['%s has subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '%s 在 %s 订阅了评论'; $lang['Global subscriptions'] = '全局订阅'; $lang['New comment on %s'] = '在 %s 的新评论'; $lang['New subscription on %s'] = '在 %s 的新订阅'; $lang['Stop receiving notifications'] = '停止接收通知'; $lang['Subscribe to comments on %s'] = '在%s订阅评论'; $lang['Subscriptions of %s'] = '%s的订阅'; $lang['You are currently subscribed to comments on %s.'] = '你目前在%s订阅了评论'; $lang['You requested to subscribe by email to comments on %s.'] = '你请求在%s通过电子邮件订阅评论'; $lang['★ : registered users'] = '★ : 注册用户'; $lang['All album photos'] = '所有相册照片'; $lang['First subscription'] = '第一个订阅'; $lang['Last subscription'] = '最后一个订阅'; $lang['No result'] = '没有结果'; ?>