$name, 'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(UAM_PATH.'/admin/UAM_admin.php') ) ); return $menu; } /* Lastvisit table feed for Ghost Tracker */ add_event_handler('loc_begin_index', 'UAM_GhostTracker'); function UAM_GhostTracker() { global $conf, $user; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); /* Admins, Guests and Adult_Content users are not tracked for Ghost Tracker or Users Tracker */ if (!is_admin() and !is_a_guest() and $user['username'] != "16" and $user['username'] != "18") { if ((isset($conf_UAM[16]) and $conf_UAM[16] == 'true') or (isset($conf_UAM[19]) and $conf_UAM[19] == 'true')) { $userid = get_userid($user['username']); /* Looking for existing entry in last visit table */ $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.USER_LASTVISIT_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$userid.' ;'; $count = pwg_db_num_rows(pwg_query($query)); if ($count == 0) { /* If not, data are inserted in table */ $query = ' INSERT INTO '.USER_LASTVISIT_TABLE.' (user_id, lastvisit, reminder) VALUES ('.$userid.', now(), "false") ;'; pwg_query($query); } else if ($count > 0) { /* If yes, data are updated in table */ $query = ' UPDATE '.USER_LASTVISIT_TABLE.' SET lastvisit = now(), reminder = "false" WHERE user_id = '.$userid.' LIMIT 1 ;'; pwg_query($query); } } } } /* User creation */ add_event_handler('register_user', 'UAM_Adduser'); function UAM_Adduser($register_user) { global $conf; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); // Exclusion of Adult_Content users if ($register_user['username'] != "16" and $register_user['username'] != "18") { if ((isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'true') and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'local')) { /* This is to send an information email and set user to "waiting" group or status until admin validation */ $passwd = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $passwd, $register_user['email'], false); setgroup($register_user['id']);// Set to "waiting" group or status until admin validation } elseif ((isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'false') and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'local')) { /* This is to set user to "waiting" group or status until admin validation */ setgroup($register_user['id']);// Set to "waiting" group or status until admin validation } elseif ((isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'true') and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'false')) { /* This is to send an information email without validation key */ $passwd = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $passwd, $register_user['email'], false); } /* Sending registration confirmation by email */ elseif ((isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'true' or $conf_UAM[0] == 'false') and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'true')) { if (is_admin() and isset($conf_UAM[20]) and $conf_UAM[20] == 'true') { $passwd = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $passwd, $register_user['email'], true); } elseif (is_admin() and isset($conf_UAM[20]) and $conf_UAM[20] == 'false') { $passwd = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $passwd, $register_user['email'], false); } elseif (!is_admin()) { $passwd = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; SendMail2User(1, $register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], $passwd, $register_user['email'], true); } } } } /* User deletion */ add_event_handler('delete_user', 'UAM_Deluser'); function UAM_Deluser($user_id) { /* Cleanup for ConfirmMail table */ DeleteConfirmMail($user_id); /* Cleanup for LastVisit table */ DeleteLastVisit($user_id); /* Cleanup Redirection settings */ DeleteRedir($user_id); } // Check users registration add_event_handler('register_user_check', 'UAM_RegistrationCheck', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, 2); function UAM_RegistrationCheck($err, $user) { global $errors, $conf; // Exclusion of Adult_Content users if ($user['username'] != "16" and $user['username'] != "18") { // *********************************************************** // We need to reset the standard Piwigo's register controls // because the call of register_user_check trigger resets them // *********************************************************** // ********************************** // Standard Piwigo's username control // ********************************** if ($_POST['login'] == '') { return l10n('reg_err_login1'); } if (preg_match('/^.* $/', $_POST['login'])) { return l10n('reg_err_login2'); } if (preg_match('/^ .*$/', $_POST['login'])) { return l10n('reg_err_login3'); } if (get_userid($_POST['login'])) { return l10n('reg_err_login5'); } if (script_basename() == 'admin' and isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page'] == 'user_list') // not the same email variable if we are on users registration page or on admin's user registration page { // Email doblons check $atom = '[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~]'; // before arobase $domain = '([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?)'; // domain name $regex = '/^' . $atom . '+' . '(\.' . $atom . '+)*' . '@' . '(' . $domain . '{1,63}\.)+' . $domain . '{2,63}$/i'; if (!preg_match($regex, $_POST['email'])) { return l10n('reg_err_mail_address'); } $query = ' SELECT count(*) FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE upper('.$conf['user_fields']['email'].') = upper(\''.$_POST['email'].'\') ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($count != 0) { return l10n('reg_err_mail_address_dbl'); } } if (script_basename() == 'register') // not the same email variable if we are on users registration page or on admin's user registration page { // Email doblons check $atom = '[-a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~]'; // before arobase $domain = '([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+)?)'; // domain name $regex = '/^' . $atom . '+' . '(\.' . $atom . '+)*' . '@' . '(' . $domain . '{1,63}\.)+' . $domain . '{2,63}$/i'; if (!preg_match($regex, $_POST['mail_address'])) { return l10n('reg_err_mail_address'); } $query = ' SELECT count(*) FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE upper('.$conf['user_fields']['email'].') = upper(\''.$_POST['mail_address'].'\') ;'; list($count) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ($count != 0) { return l10n('reg_err_mail_address_dbl'); } } // ****************************************** // End of Piwigo's standard register controls // ****************************************** // ****************************************** // Here begins the advanced register controls // ****************************************** $PasswordCheck = 0; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); // Password enforcement control if (isset($conf_UAM[13]) and $conf_UAM[13] == 'true' and !empty($conf_UAM[14])) { if (!empty($user['password']) and !is_admin()) { $PasswordCheck = testpassword($user['password']); if ($PasswordCheck < $conf_UAM[14]) { $message = get_l10n_args('reg_err_login4_%s', $PasswordCheck); return($lang['reg_err_pass'] = l10n_args($message).$conf_UAM[14]); } } else if (!empty($user['password']) and is_admin() and isset($conf_UAM[15]) and $conf_UAM[15] == 'true') { $PasswordCheck = testpassword($user['password']); if ($PasswordCheck < $conf_UAM[14]) { $message = get_l10n_args('reg_err_login4_%s', $PasswordCheck); return($lang['reg_err_pass'] = l10n_args($message).$conf_UAM[14]); } } } // Username without forbidden keys if (isset($conf_UAM[6]) and $conf_UAM[6] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['login']) and ValidateUsername($_POST['login']) and !is_admin()) { $_POST['login'] = ''; return($lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login6')."'".$conf_UAM[7]."'"); } // Email without forbidden domains if (isset($conf_UAM[11]) and $conf_UAM[11] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['mail_address']) and ValidateEmailProvider($_POST['mail_address']) and !is_admin()) { $_POST['mail_address'] = ''; return($lang['reg_err_login1'] = l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_UAM[12]."'"); } } } if (script_basename() == 'profile') { add_event_handler('loc_begin_profile', 'UAM_Profile_Init'); function UAM_Profile_Init() { global $conf, $user, $template; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); if ((isset($conf_UAM[21]) and $conf_UAM[21] == 'true')) { $user_idsOK = array(); if (!check_consult($user['id'], $user_idsOK)) { $user_idsOK[] = $user['id']; $query = " UPDATE ".CONFIG_TABLE." SET value = \"".implode(',', $user_idsOK)."\" WHERE param = 'UserAdvManager_Redir';"; pwg_query($query); } } if (isset($_POST['validate']) and !is_admin()) { /* Email without forbidden domains */ if (isset($conf_UAM[11]) and $conf_UAM[11] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['mail_address'])) { if (ValidateEmailProvider($_POST['mail_address'])) { $template->append('errors', l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_UAM[12]."'"); unset($_POST['validate']); } } $typemail = 3; if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) { $typemail = 2; /* Password enforcement control */ if (isset($conf_UAM[13]) and $conf_UAM[13] == 'true' and !empty($conf_UAM[14])) { $PasswordCheck = testpassword($_POST['use_new_pwd']); if ($PasswordCheck < $conf_UAM[14]) { $message = get_l10n_args('reg_err_login4_%s', $PasswordCheck); $template->append('errors', l10n_args($message).$conf_UAM[14]); unset($_POST['use_new_pwd']); unset($_POST['validate']); } } } /* Sending registration confirmation by email */ if ((isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'true') or (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'true') or (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'local')) { $confirm_mail_need = false; if (!empty($_POST['mail_address'])) { $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['email'].' AS email FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user['id'].'\' ;'; list($current_email) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); /* This is to send a new validation key */ if ($_POST['mail_address'] != $current_email and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'true')) $confirm_mail_need = true; /* This is to set the user to "waiting" group or status until admin validation */ if ($_POST['mail_address'] != $current_email and (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and $conf_UAM[1] == 'local')) setgroup($register_user['id']);// Set to "waiting" group or status until admin validation $confirm_mail_need = false; } if ((!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd']) and (isset($conf_UAM[0]) and $conf_UAM[0] == 'true') or $confirm_mail_need)) { $query = ' SELECT '.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' = \''.$user['id'].'\' ;'; list($username) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); SendMail2User($typemail, $user['id'], $username, $_POST['use_new_pwd'], $_POST['mail_address'], $confirm_mail_need); } } } } } // RedirectToProfile - Thx to LucMorizur // redirects a visitor (except for admins, webmasters and generic statuses) to his // profile.php page // // no variable, no return add_event_handler('login_success', 'RedirectToProfile'); function RedirectToProfile() { global $conf, $user; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); $query =' SELECT user_id, status FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if ($data['status'] <> "admin" and $data['status'] <> "webmaster" and $data['status'] <> "generic") { if ((isset($conf_UAM[21]) and $conf_UAM[21] == 'true')) { $user_idsOK = array(); if (!check_consult($user['id'], $user_idsOK)) redirect(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'profile.php'); } } } add_event_handler('init', 'UAM_InitPage'); /* *** Important ! This is necessary to make email exclusion work in admin's users management panel *** */ function UAM_InitPage() { load_language('plugin.lang', UAM_PATH); global $conf, $template, $page, $lang, $errors; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); /* Admin user management */ if (script_basename() == 'admin' and isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page'] == 'user_list') { if (isset($_POST['submit_add'])) { /* Email without forbidden domains */ if (isset($conf_UAM[11]) and $conf_UAM[11] == 'true' and !empty($_POST['email']) and ValidateEmailProvider($_POST['email'])) { $template->append('errors', l10n('reg_err_login7')."'".$conf_UAM[12]."'"); unset($_POST['submit_add']); } } } } add_event_handler('user_comment_check', 'UAM_CheckEmptyCommentAuthor', 50, 2); function UAM_CheckEmptyCommentAuthor($comment_action, $comm) { load_language('plugin.lang', UAM_PATH); global $infos, $conf, $template; $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); /* User creation OR update */ if (isset($conf_UAM[5]) and $conf_UAM[5] == 'true' and $conf['comments_forall'] == 'true' and $comm['author'] == 'guest') { $comment_action = 'reject'; array_push($infos, l10n('UAM_Empty Author')); } return $comment_action; } ?>