Known bug : This feature doesn't work on user profile page. So, already registered users can change their email address to a forbiden one. -- 2.10.9a : Email provider exclusion is no longer case sensitive -- 2.10.9b : Bug fixed - Home icon wasn't linked to gallery url in ConfirmMail page. If GALLERY_URL is not set, Home icon gets the pwg root path. -- 2.10.9c : Bug fixed - If Email provider exclusion is set off, new registered user will have a PHP notice on "Undefined variable: ncsemail" -- 2.10.9d : Code simplification - need no more ""template"" sub-directory in plugin directory for enhance "back link" icon in ConfirMail.tpl -- 2.10.9e : Compatibility improvement with PHP 5.3 - Some old functions will be deprecated like : ereg replaced by preg_match eregi replace by preg_match with "i" moderator split replace by preg_split -- 2.10.9f : Compatibility bug fixed when used with DynamicRecentPeriod plugin ***** Plugin history (branch 2.11)***** -- 2.11.0 : New tabsheet menu to manage ConfirMail functions (setting a timeout without validation, Cleanup expired user's accounts, Force confirmation, Renew validation key, list unvalidated users,...) Beautify plugin's main admin panel -- 2.11.1 : Bug fixed with install and upgrade functions Language files correction -- 2.11.2 : Bug fixed on bad query for unvalidated users display in unvalidated users list Bug fixed : Sql syntax error on plugin activation -- 2.11.3 : On Patricia's request (french forum and bug 1173), the unvalidated users management tab shows users according with the settings of unvalidated group and / or unvalidated status. Feature 1172 added : Email providers exclusion list can be set with CR/LF between each entry. The comma seperator (,) is still mandatory. Bug 1175 fixed : Bad translation tag in french language file. Improvement of unvalidated users management tab (feature 1174)- Expired users are displayed in red color text. -- 2.11.4 : Bug 1177 fixed : Width of excluded email providers list reset to ancient value (80 col) Bug 1179 fixed : Adding a notice in plugin inline documentation for use of validation groups and status. A default group must be set in Piwigo's groups settings and the "Guest" (or another user) must be set as default for status values. Bug 1182 fixed : Language tag missing in confirmation email generation -- 2.11.5 : Bug 1195 fixed : Registration displays the good title *************************************** ***** Plugin history (branch 2.12)***** *************************************** -- 2.12.0 : Bug 1206 fixed : All plugin functionnalities work in user's profile page Plugin's core code and admin panel refactoring Password control and enforcement : A complexity score is computed on user registration. If this score is less than the goal set by admin, the password choosen is rejected. Feature 1194 "Ghost Tracker" added : New plugin tab displays users who don't comes back to the gallery since x days. Ability to send email reminders and to delete reminded but "dead" users. It's the reason why this feature is called "Ghost Tracker". -- 2.12.1 : Rollback on admin panel improvement (it was a bad idea) -- 2.12.2 : Bug 1221 fixed - Adding of a new funtion to populate the lastvisit table on Ghost Tracker activation Bug 1224 fixed - Error in database after plugin activation Bug 1225 fixed - "Reminder" status don't change from "false" to "true" after the sent of a reminder email Some code beautify (SQL requests and HTML 4 strict for tpl) -- 2.12.3 : Bug 1226 fixed - "duplicate key error" when lastvisit table is not empty and on using Ghost Tracker init function -- 2.12.4 : Adding a password field control for SendMail2User - Neighborhood plugin compatibility improvement Bug 1229 fixed - Email was no longer mandatory when plugin was active, even if Piwigo's email madatory option was set. -- 2.12.5 : Bug 1233 fixed - "duplicate key error" when a user wants to register with an existing username. In fact, all standard Piwigo's register controls didn't work when plugin was activated. That fixes this too. Adding DE, ES and IT languages. All translations are not finalized and could be improved. Adding of description.txt file in language directories. -- 2.12.6 : Bug 1236 fixed - Admins was unable to add a new user in the user_list page. Beginning of IT translations -- 2.12.7 : Bug 1238 fixed - Simple custom email text wasn't send when Extended Description plugin wasn't set Bug 1245 fixed - Semicolons (;) are no longer allowed in text areas (mail info text, ConfirmMail text, reminder text,...). They'll be replaced by dots (.). Bug 1248 fixed - Php notice on user registration with a forbidden email domain Bug 1250 fixed - Email provider didn't work after the third exclusion in list Escaping all special characters typed in login name and recover them *************************************** ***** Plugin history (branch 2.13)***** *************************************** -- 2.13.0 : Bug 1246 fixed - Extended Description tags are working again ! Caution : The language used and saved in database is the one configured by default in the visitor's browser and not the language given by Language Switch. Evolution 1239 - New option to add a new tab that shows the number of days since their last visit for each registered user. Bug 1257 fixed - If email exclusion list begins with a CR-LF, an informative warning message is displayed (I was unable to delete automatically this CR-LF). Bug 1259 fixed - PHP notice on user addition by admin in user_list page. Bug 1260 fixed - Username case sensitivity is now fully functionnal in all users entries (user registration and admin panel) Evolution 1273 - Adding of reminder field in advanced user management tab. This allows to see if a reminder have already been send. Evolution 1292 - Adding of navigation bar in tabs where users are listed (when more than 1 page is needed to display users). Code refactory and improvements. Translations improvements. -- 2.13.1 : Bug 1302 fixed - Re-coded double email check on registration. Bug 1304 fixed - Adding of plugin version in plugin admin panel title. -- 2.13.2 : Bug 1308 fixed - Reminder emails have the good translated subject. -- 2.13.3 : Bug 1309 fixed - Forbidden characters in login name work fine again. Bug 1340 fixed - Explanation improvement for option "Nickname is mandatory for comments" Bug 1342 fixed - Calculation between last visit and today is ok and displays the good color in user list. Italian language improvement (thx to Rio) -- 2.13.4 : Add of obsolete files management Bug 1303 and 1387 fixed - Due to a bug in Piwigo's 2.0.8 switch_lang() function, the email contents using Extended Description tags wasn't taking user's language in account. A first fix is now set for the current 2.0.8 Piwigo's version and another one is ready to work for the next Piwigo's release. Bug 1444 fixed Bug 1445 fixed - The plugin's administration panel have been all reviewed and improved with text simplification and display enhancement. Bug 1463 fixed *** Feature temporarily postponed in a later version due to problems with ";" in text fields *** Add compatibility with FCK Editor plugin for email text fields *************************************** ***** Plugin history (branch 2.14)***** *************************************** -- 2.14.0 : Bug 1308 refixed - Piwigo 2.0.9 fixes the bug on switch_lang() function so the initial UAM fix is no longer needed Evolution 1392 - No more confirmation email for admins profile changing Evolution 1465 - Plugin's configuration data are now serialized in database Bug 1466 fixed - The plugin version is correctly displayed on Ghost Tracker tab Bug 1468 fixed - Java error (thx to cljosse) Evolution 1485 - The admin's can choose if the validation of registration have to be sent to users created by them Improving obsolete files cleaning Evolution 1488 - When an admin creates an account an information email is always sent to created user Code simplification - All variables are changed from "UserAdvManager" to "UAM" -- 2.14.1 : Bug 1497 fixed - Using users tracker without Ghost Tracker is now OK *************************************** ***** Plugin history (branch 2.15)***** *************************************** -- 2.15.0 : Plugin compatibility for Piwigo 2.1 Bug 1467 fixed - FCK Editor's functionnalities are available on registration's confirmation return page customization fields Bug 1474 fixed - Messages on registration's confirmation return page (ConfirmMail.tpl) are customizable Bug 1508 fixed - Plugin's name is now UserAdvManager (deletion of "nbc_" in code and PEM) Bug 1551 fixed - Database upgrade improvement -- 2.15.1 : Bug 1571 fixed - Missing translation tag Bug 1572 fixed - Fix unable to read resource: "ConfirmMail.tpl" Bug 1574 fixed - Beautifying ConfirmMail page Bug 1576 fixed - Compatibility with other database systems than MySql like PostgreSql or Sqlite. Using Piwigo's pwg_db_### integrated functions. Bug 1586 fixed - Links to official forum topic support and bugtacker were added in plugin's admin page -- 2.15.2 : Bug 1551 re-fixed - There was some problems remaining with old version upgrades Some translations revisited Bug 1655 fixed - Navigation bar is usefull again -- 2.15.3 : Quick update to fix a database upgrade issue -- 2.15.4 : Bug 1310 fixed - UAM tables are now sortable Bug 1656 fixed - New register validation mode: Manual validation by admin Bug 1687 fixed - Login case sensitivity is no more used in this plugin because already set in Piwigo's core Bug 1727 partially fixed - New option to redirect users to profile page after their first login only. Known problem: The redirection doesn't work after registration and after confirmation page (if ConfirmMail is enabled) The redirection applies to already registered users including admins, webmaster and generic status. Bug 1789 fixed - Escaping double quotes in text fields Bug 1790 fixed - Validation tracking tab is set when correct options are set Bug 1795 fixed - Fixes rules using email information and/or email of validation -- 2.15.5 : Bug 1693 fixed - Multi-languages are available for ConfirmMail customization (using Extended Description plugin) Bug 1727 fixed - The redirection does not appli to admins, webmaster and generic users. Bug 1807 fixed - Textareas are resized according the screen resolution Bug 1808 fixed - The Tracking users table is ordered by default on "LastVisit" field (last in at top) Bug 1809 fixed - Addition of a direct link to user's profile in all UAM tables. The link gives a new window Bug 1810 partially fixed - Auto login is not performed after visitors have validated their registration but the "home" button changes his link to redirect to identification page when the redirection option is set. Note: The redirection to profile.php doesn't work because I was unable to use the log_user() function on ConfirmMail page. This feature is still under investigation to perform the best way. -- 2.15.6 : Bug 1819 fixed - Wrong help text on redirection function Bug 1821 fixed - Cleanup of old deprecated functions slags (Case sensitivity on logins) Bug 1834 fixed - Improving plugin installation and uninstallation process -- 2.15.7 : Bug 1869 fixed - Compatibility with Adult_Content installation process -- 2.15.8 : Bug 1935 fixed - Fatal error on ConfirmMail page when Extended Description plugin is not used Bug 1936 fixed - Bad home link in ConfirmMail page when gallery URL is not set small CSS improvement (thx to Gotcha) -- 2.15.9 : Bug 2010 fixed - No confirmation email when information email is not set -- 2.15.10 : Bug 2050 fixed - Compatibility with Captcha *************************************** ***** Plugin history (branch 2.16)***** *************************************** -- 2.16.0 : Bug 1585 fixed - UAM version is set in database to improve future upgrades Bug 2011 fixed - Text fields are no longer locked if related option button is not set and saved. Now this fields and unused options are hidden Bug 2046 fixed - Using Piwigo's $conf['insensitive_case_logon'] = true option works again with UAM Bug 2053 fixed - Manual validation by admins wasn't working correctly Bug 2054 fixed - Add of customized email notification to validated users when admins validate them manually Bug 1430, 1840, 2056 fixed - Automated tasks are available to delete or downgrade ghost users with or without email notification Add of Latvian (lv_LV) translation (Thx to Aivars Baldone) */ ?>