Itt van egy vagy több érvénytelen karakter : '; $lang['UAM_Err_audit_email_forbidden'] = 'Letiltott e-mail szolgáltatót tartalmaz : '; $lang['UAM_Err_audit_advise'] = 'új szabályokat állítottál be, amik módosításokat kívánnak.
Használj egy adatbázis kezelő programot és javítsd ki a felhasználói adatokat ebben a táblázatban: ###_USERS'; $lang['UAM_reg_err_login2'] = 'A felhasználónév nem egyezhet meg az következőkkel: '; $lang['UAM_reg_err_login5'] = 'Az e-mail szolgáltatód itt le van tiltva.Your email provider is banned for registration. A letiltott szolgáltatók listája: '; $lang['UAM_empty_pwd'] = '[üres jelszó]'; $lang['UAM_no_update_pwd'] = '[profil módosítás jelszó változtatás nélkül]'; $lang['UAM_No_validation_for_Guest'] = 'A "Guest" ("Vendég") azonosítót nem kell érvényesíteni'; $lang['UAM_No_validation_for_default_user'] = 'Az alapértelmezett azonosítót nem kell érvényesíteni'; $lang['UAM_No_validation_for_Webmaster'] = 'A "Webmaster" ("Web-mester") azonosítót nem kell érvényesíteni'; $lang['UAM_No_validation_for_your_account'] = 'A saját admin azonosítódat nem kell érvényesíteni'; /* Processing messages */ $lang['UAM_%d_Mail_With_Key'] = '%d üzenet lett elküldve új kulccsal'; $lang['UAM_%d_Mails_With_Key'] = '%d üzenet lett elküldve új kulccsal'; $lang['UAM_%d_Reminder_Sent'] = '%d emlékeztető lett elküldve'; $lang['UAM_%d_Reminders_Sent'] = '%d emlékeztető lett elküldve'; $lang['UAM_%d_Validated_User'] = '%d Felhasználó lett kézileg érvényesítve'; $lang['UAM_%d_Validated_Users'] = '%d Felhasználó lett kézileg érvényesítve'; /* Action button names */ $lang['UAM_Delete_selected'] = 'Töröl'; $lang['UAM_Mail_without_key'] = 'Emlékeztető kulcs nélkül'; $lang['UAM_Mail_with_key'] = 'Emlékeztető kulccsal'; // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.0 and 2.12.1 /* Global Configuration Tab */ $lang['UAM_PasswordTest'] = 'Erősség számoló'; /* Ghost Tracker Tab */ $lang['UAM_Tab_GhostTracker'] = 'Szellem követő'; $lang['UAM_Reminder'] = 'E-mail emlékeztető'; $lang['UAM_Reminder_Sent_OK'] = 'IGEN'; $lang['UAM_Reminder_Sent_NOK'] = 'NEM'; /* Errors and Warnings */ $lang['UAM_save_config'] ='Configuráció mentve.'; $lang['UAM_reg_err_login3'] = 'Biztonság : Jelszó kötelező!'; $lang['UAM_reg_err_login4_%s'] = 'Biztonság : Egy ellenőrző rendszer kiszámítja a jelszó hatékonyságát. A te jelszavad hatékonysága túlságosan alacsony (hatékonyság = %s). Kérlek, válassz új jelszót az alábbi javaslatok szerint:
- Használsz betűket és számokat
- Hazsnálj kis és nagy betűket
- Növeld a méretét (a jelek számát)
Az admin által megkövetelt minimális hatékonyság: '; $lang['UAM_No_reminder_for_Guest'] = 'A "Guest" ("Vendég") azonosító nem kap emlékeztetőt a Szellem-Követőtől'; $lang['UAM_No_reminder_for_default_user'] = 'Az alapértelmezett azonosító nem kap emlékeztetőt a Szellem-Követőtől'; $lang['UAM_No_reminder_for_Webmaster'] = 'A "Webmaster" ("Web-Mester") azonosító nem kap emlékeztetőt a Szellem-Követőtől'; $lang['UAM_No_reminder_for_your_account'] = 'A személyes admin azonosítód nem kap emlékeztetőt a Szellem-Követőtől'; /* Action button names */ $lang['UAM_audit'] = 'Beállítások megvizsgálása'; $lang['UAM_submit'] = 'Beállítások mentése'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.0 and 2.12.1 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.2 /* Errors and Warnings */ $lang['UAM_GhostTracker_Init_OK'] = 'Szellem-Követő visszaállítva !'; /* Action button names */ $lang['UAM_GT_Reset'] = 'Szellem-Követő visszaállítása'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.2 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8 /* Errors and Warnings */ $lang['UAM_mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0 /* UserList Tab */ $lang['UAM_UserList_Title'] = 'Monitoring registered users'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.0 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.4 /* Global Configuration Tab */ $lang['UAM_Title_Tab'] = 'UserAdvManager - Version : '; $lang['UAM_SubTitle1'] = 'Plugin configuration'; $lang['UAM_Tab_Global'] = 'Configuration'; $lang['UAM_Title1'] = 'Setting restrictions for registrations'; $lang['UAM_Title2'] = 'Setting confirmations and validations of registration'; $lang['UAM_Title3'] = 'Setting the registered users monitoring and other options'; $lang['UAM_Title4'] = 'Tips and examples of use'; $lang['UAM_No_Casse'] = 'Usernames: Case sensitivity'; $lang['UAM_Username_Char'] = 'Usernames: Exclusion of characters'; $lang['UAM_Username_Char_true'] = ' Banning characters:
(Use a comma to separate each character)

'; $lang['UAM_Username_Char_false'] = ' Permit all (default)'; $lang['UAM_Password_Enforced'] = 'Strengthening the security level of passwords'; $lang['UAM_Password_Enforced_true'] = ' Enable. Minimum Score: '; $lang['UAM_AdminPassword_Enforced'] = 'Applying to administrators'; $lang['UAM_PasswordTest'] = 'Password test: '; $lang['UAM_ScoreTest'] = 'Result: '; $lang['UAM_MailExclusion'] = 'Email domains exclusion'; $lang['UAM_MailExclusion_true'] = ' Exclude the following domains:
(Use a comma to separate each domain)'; $lang['UAM_Mail_Info'] = 'Information email to user:'; $lang['UAM_MailInfo_Text'] = ' Customizing the information email:'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail'] = 'Confirmation of registration:'; $lang['UAM_ConfirmMail_Text'] = ' Customizing the confirmation email:'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_grpstat_notice'] = 'Caution: It is advisable to use either the group or the validation statutes and not both simultaneously.'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_Group'] = 'Validation Groups
(leave ------- to not affect group)'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_Status'] = 'Validation Statutes
(leave ------- to keep the Piwigo\'s default)'; $lang['UAM_No_Confirm_Group'] = 'Group for users who have not validated their registration
'; $lang['UAM_Validated_Group'] = 'Group for users who have validated their registration
'; $lang['UAM_No_Confirm_Status'] = 'Status for users who have not validated their registration
'; $lang['UAM_Validated_Status'] = 'Status for users who have validated their registration
'; $lang['UAM_ValidationLimit_Info'] = 'Deadline for registration validation limited'; $lang['UAM_ConfirmMail_TimeOut_true'] = ' Enable. Number of days until expiration: '; $lang['UAM_ConfirmMail_Remail'] = 'Remind unvalidated users'; $lang['UAM_ConfirmMail_ReMail_Txt1'] = 'Customizing the reminder message with new regeneration of key validation.'; $lang['UAM_ConfirmMail_ReMail_Txt2'] = 'Customizing the reminder message without regeneration of key validation.'; $lang['UAM_GhostTracker'] = 'Ghost visitors management (Ghost Tracker)'; $lang['UAM_GhostTracker_true'] = ' Enable. Maximum period in days between two visits: '; $lang['UAM_GhostTracker_ReminderText'] = 'Customizing Ghost Tracker\'s reminder message'; $lang['UAM_LastVisit'] = ' Tracking registered users'; $lang['UAM_Tab_UserManager'] = 'Tracking validations'; /* UserManager Tab */ $lang['UAM_SubTitle3'] = 'Tracking validations'; $lang['UAM_UserManager_Title'] = 'Tracking validations'; /* Ghost Tracker Tab */ $lang['UAM_SubTitle4'] = 'Ghost Tracker'; $lang['UAM_GT_Init'] = 'Initializing Ghost Tracker'; $lang['UAM_GhostTracker_Title'] = 'Ghost visitors management'; $lang['UAM_GhostTracker_Init'] = 'If you enable this feature for the first time or you have reactivated after a long period off during which new visitors are registered, you must initialize or reset the Ghost Tracker. This action is done only after activation or reactivation of the option. Please click once the reset button below.'; /* UserList Tab */ $lang['UAM_SubTitle5'] = 'Tracking users'; $lang['UAM_Tab_UserList'] = 'Tracking users'; /* Mailing */ $lang['UAM_Add of %s'] = 'Profile created for %s'; $lang['UAM_Update of %s'] = 'Profile %s updated'; /* Mailing */ $lang['UAM_Ghost_reminder_of_%s'] = '%s, this is a reminder email'; $lang['UAM_Reminder_with_key_of_%s'] = '%s, your validation key has been renewed'; $lang['UAM_Reminder_without_key_of_%s'] = '%s, your validation key will expire'; /* Errors and Warnings */ $lang['UAM_Err_GhostTracker_Settings'] = 'This page is available only if "Ghost Tracker" is active in "Setting the registrations followed and other options".'; $lang['UAM_Err_Userlist_Settings'] = 'This page is available only if "Monitoring registered users" is active in the "Setting the registrations followed and other options".'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.13.4 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0 $lang['UAM_AdminConfMail'] = 'Confirmation of registration for admins'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom_Txt1'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation accepted'; $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom_Txt2'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation rejected'; $lang['UAM_LastVisit_Date'] = 'Last visit'; $lang['UAM_Nb_Days'] = 'Difference in days'; $lang['UAM_Err_UserManager_Settings'] = 'This page is available only if "Confirmation of registration" is active and if a group of visitors not validated is configured in "Setting confirmations and validations of registration".'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.1 $lang['UAM_Support_txt'] = 'The official support on this plugin is only on these Piwigo forum topic:
English forum -

Also available, the project\'s bugtracker:'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.1 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4 $lang['UAM_Force_Validation'] = 'Manual validation'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Enable - Validation by user'; $lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Enable - Validation by admin (no validation key sent)'; $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirect to "Customization" page'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0 $lang['UAM_Expired_Group'] = 'Group for user\'s registration has expired
'; $lang['UAM_Expired_Status'] = 'Status for user\'s registration has expired
'; $lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users'; $lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Automatic deletion of accounts'; $lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatic change of group / status'; $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status'; $lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Access denied - Account destroyed!'; $lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Access denied for having an account destroyed!'; $lang['UAM_Error_GTAutoMail_cannot_be_set_without_ConfirmMail'] = 'Consistency error in the chosen configuration:

"Setting the registered users monitoring and other options > Ghost visitors management (Ghost Tracker) > Automatic management of ghosts users > Automatically sending an email when changing group / status" can not be activated if "Setting confirmations and validations of registration > Confirmation of registration - Validation by user" is not enabled at first.

To ensure consistency, the option "Automatically sending an email when changing group / status" was automatically repositioned "disabled".

'; $lang['UAM_Demotion of %s'] = 'Demotion of %s'; $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail_Text'] = 'Notification of manual registration validation'; $lang['UAM_Validation of %s'] = 'Validation of %s'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0 $lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetr'] = 'Customize lost password email content'; $lang['UAM_USRAuto'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users'; $lang['UAM_USRAutoDel'] = 'Custom message on deleted account'; $lang['UAM_USRAutoMail'] = 'Automated email reminder'; $lang['UAM_Disable'] = ' Disable (default)'; $lang['UAM_Enable'] = ' Enable '; $lang['UAM_Tips1'] = 'Information of non-validated registration with UAM and PWG_Stuffs'; $lang['UAM_Tips1_txt'] = ' '; $lang['UAM_Tips2'] = 'Information of non-validated registration with UAM and Additional Pages'; $lang['UAM_Tips2_txt'] = ' '; $lang['UAM_No_Ghosts'] = 'No ghosts visitors for the moment'; $lang['UAM_No_Userlist'] = 'No visitors to list for the moment'; $lang['UAM_No_Usermanager'] = 'No unvalidated registers to list for the moment'; $lang['UAM_Stuffs_Title'] = 'UAM block'; $lang['UAM_Stuffs_Desc'] = 'Adds an information block for unvalidated users'; $lang['UAM_Stuffs'] = 'PWG Stuffs block'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3 $lang['UAM_DumpTxt'] = 'Backup your configuration'; $lang['UAM_Dump_Download'] = 'To download the backup file, please check this box:'; $lang['UAM_Save'] = 'Run backup'; $lang['UAM_Dump_OK'] = 'Backup file created successfully'; $lang['UAM_Dump_NOK'] = 'Error: Unable to create backup file !'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4 $lang['UAM_HidePassw'] = 'Password in clear text in the information email'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11 $lang['UAM_Error_Using_illegal_flag'] = 'Syntax error ! The [Kdays] AutoText flag is used as the "Deadline for registration validation limited" option was not activated. Please activate the option or correct the text field(s) colored in red.'; // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11 ?>