%s, %s sent you a photos collection from %s'] = '您好 %s, 從%s 發送你 %s 的照片收藏集'; $lang['Inactive'] = '待用'; $lang['Invalid collection'] = '無效的收藏集'; $lang['Message (optional)'] = '留言(可選)'; $lang['Number of images'] = '圖片的數量'; $lang['Please enter the recipient e-mail'] = '請輸入收件人的電子郵件'; $lang['Please enter the recipient name'] = '請輸入收件人的姓名'; $lang['Please enter your e-mail'] = '請輸入您的電子郵件信箱'; $lang['Please enter your name'] = '請輸入您的姓名'; $lang['Please give a name'] = '請提供一個名稱'; $lang['Preview'] = '預覽'; $lang['Public collection'] = '公共'; $lang['Recipient e-mail'] = '收件人電子郵件'; $lang['Recipient name'] = '收件人名稱'; $lang['Remove from collection'] = '從收藏集中刪除'; $lang['Return to collections list'] = '返回至名單'; $lang['Edit this collection'] = '編輯本收藏集'; $lang['Clear this collection'] = '清除此收藏集'; $lang['Click here to view the complete collection'] = '點擊這裡查看完整的收藏集'; $lang['Collection'] = '收藏集'; $lang['Collection name:'] = '收藏集名稱:'; $lang['Collections'] = '名稱:'; $lang['Copied'] = '已複製'; $lang['Copy to clipboard'] = '複製到剪貼板'; $lang['Create a new collection'] = '建立新的收藏集'; $lang['Date added to collection, new → old'] = '加入日期收藏集,新 → 舊'; $lang['Date added to collection, old → new'] = '加入日期收藏集,舊 → 新'; $lang['Delete this collection'] = '刪除此收藏集'; $lang['Download CSV file'] = '下載CSV檔案'; $lang['E-mail sent successfully'] = 'E-mail發送成功'; $lang['%d more...'] = '%d 更多...'; $lang['A photo collection by %s'] = '%s 的照片集'; $lang['Active'] = '活躍'; $lang['Add to collection'] = '新增至收藏集'; $lang['Allow users to send their public collections by mail'] = '允許使用者通過郵件發送給他們的公開收藏'; $lang['Allow users to set their collections as public'] = '允許使用者設定他們的收藏品為公開'; $lang['Clear'] = '清除'; $lang['Save'] = '儲存'; $lang['Saved collections'] = '儲存的收藏集品'; $lang['See all my collections'] = '我所有的收藏集品'; $lang['Send this collection my mail'] = '將此收藏集發送到我的郵件'; $lang['The collection must be public in order to send it'] = '發送收藏集必須是公共的'; $lang['This collection is empty'] = '這個收藏集是空的'; $lang['Unsaved collections'] = '未儲存的收藏集品'; $lang['You have %d collection'] = '您有 %d 收藏集'; $lang['You have %d collections'] = '您有 %d 收藏集'; $lang['You have no collection'] = '你有沒收藏集'; $lang['Your e-mail'] = '您的電子郵件'; $lang['Your name'] = '您的姓名'; $lang['active'] = '活躍'; $lang['by %s'] = '由 %s'; $lang['save'] = '儲存'; $lang['set active'] = '設定動作'; $lang['(remove)'] = '(移除)'; $lang['Name, A → Z'] = '名稱 A → Z'; $lang['Name, Z → A'] = '名稱 Z → A'; $lang['Photos number, high → low'] = '相片數量 高 → 低'; $lang['Photos number, low → high'] = '相片數量 低 → 高'; $lang['Collection not found'] = '收藏集未找到'; $lang['New share added: %s'] = '新分享添加:%s'; $lang['Share this collection'] = '分享此收藏集'; $lang['Share deleted'] = '共享刪除'; $lang['Expiration date'] = '失效日期'; $lang['Restricted access'] = '受限訪問'; $lang['Share'] = '共享'; $lang['Share key'] = '分享鍵'; $lang['The key must be at least 8 characters long'] = '鍵必須是至少8個字符長'; $lang['This key is already used'] = '已經使用此鍵'; $lang['This link expired'] = '該鏈接已過期'; ?>