1 | <td> |
2 | <table class="thumbnails"> |
3 | <tr class="nline"> {* Top thumbnail navigation *} |
4 | <td colspan="{$AK_BY_LINE}"> |
5 | {if !empty($navbar) and isset($navbar.URL_PREV)} |
6 | <div class="navbar fleft"> |
7 | <a rel="previous" class="navButton" href="{$navbar.URL_PREV}" title="{'Previous page'|@translate}"> |
8 | <img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/left.png" class="button" alt="{'Previous page'|@translate}"> |
9 | </a> |
10 | </div> |
11 | {/if} |
12 | {if !empty($navbar) and isset($navbar.URL_NEXT)} |
13 | <div class="navbar fright"> |
14 | <a rel="next" class="navButton" href="{$navbar.URL_NEXT}" title="{'Next page'|@translate}"> |
15 | <img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/right.png" class="button" alt="{'Next page'|@translate}"> |
16 | </a> |
17 | </div> |
18 | {/if} |
19 | </td> |
20 | </tr> |
21 | {foreach from=$thumbnails item=thumbnail name=tn} |
22 | {if $smarty.foreach.tn.index % $AK_BY_LINE == 0} |
23 | <tr class="nline"> |
24 | {/if} |
25 | <td class="ncol{if ($smarty.foreach.tn.first)} selected{/if}"> |
26 | <div class="clipwrapper" style="width:{$AK_THUMBNAIL_SIZE}px;height:{$AK_THUMBNAIL_SIZE}px"> |
27 | <div class="clip" style="clip:rect({$thumbnail.CLIP_TOP}px {$thumbnail.CLIP_RIGHT}px {$thumbnail.CLIP_BOTTOM}px {$thumbnail.CLIP_LEFT}px);top:-{$thumbnail.CLIP_TOP}px;left:-{$thumbnail.CLIP_LEFT}px"> |
28 | <a href="{$thumbnail.URL}" class="load"> |
29 | <img class="thumbnail" src="{$thumbnail.TN_SRC}" alt="{$thumbnail.TN_ALT}" title="{$thumbnail.TN_TITLE}"> |
30 | </a> |
31 | </div> |
32 | </div> |
33 | </td> |
34 | {if ($smarty.foreach.tn.iteration % $AK_BY_LINE == 0) or $smarty.foreach.tn.last } |
35 | </tr> |
36 | {/if} |
37 | {/foreach} |
38 | <tr class="nline"> {* Bottom thumbnail navigation *} |
39 | <td colspan="{$AK_BY_LINE}"> |
40 | {if !empty($navbar) and isset($navbar.URL_PREV)} |
41 | <div class="navbar fleft"> |
42 | <a rel="previous" class="navButton" href="{$navbar.URL_PREV}" title="{'Previous page'|@translate}"> |
43 | <img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/left.png" class="button" alt="{'Previous page'|@translate}"> |
44 | </a> |
45 | </div> |
46 | {/if} |
47 | {if !empty($navbar) and isset($navbar.URL_NEXT)} |
48 | <div class="navbar fright"> |
49 | <a rel="next" class="navButton" href="{$navbar.URL_NEXT}" title="{'Next page'|@translate}"> |
50 | <img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/right.png" class="button" alt="{'Next page'|@translate}"> |
51 | </a> |
52 | </div> |
53 | {/if} |
54 | </td> |
55 | </tr> |
56 | </table> {* end of Thumbnails *} |
57 | </td> |