1 | <!-- /charlie_flash.tpl --> |
2 | {* |
3 | If you don't plan to play flash files on your web site, |
4 | change player by the one you want |
5 | Based on documention from http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flashplayer/ |
6 | *} |
7 | <br /> |
8 | {assign var="main_width" value="`$fileinfo.video.resolution_x+$by_style+$by_style`"} |
9 | <div id="charlie" style="height: {$fileinfo.video.resolution_y}px; width:{$main_width}px; padding-top: 55px; margin-top: 10px;"> |
10 | <div class="{$curtain}_1" style="padding-left:{$by_style}px;"> |
11 | <div class="{$curtain}_2" style="padding-right:{$by_style}px;"> |
12 | <object id="player" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" |
13 | codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" |
14 | width="{$fileinfo.video.resolution_x}" height="{$fileinfo.video.resolution_y}" align="middle"> |
15 | <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> |
16 | <param name="movie" value="{$SRC_IMG}"> |
17 | {if ($Charlies.autoplay==1)}<param name="Play" value="true">{/if} |
18 | {if ($Charlies.loop==1)}<param name="Loop" value="false">{/if} |
19 | <param name="Quality" value="high"> |
20 | <param name="bgcolor" value="{$Charlies.color0}" /> |
21 | <param name="Scale" value="ExactFit"> |
22 | <param name="SAlign" value="B"> |
23 | <param name="PluginsPage" value="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> |
24 | <param name="Type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash"> |
25 | {if ($Charlies.volume!='')}<param name="Volume" value="{$Charlies.volume}">{/if} |
26 | <param name="FlashVars" value="myURL={$SRC_IMG}{* - |
27 | General options |
28 | *}{if ($Charlies.loop==1)}&loop=1{/if}{* - |
29 | *}{if ($Charlies.autoload==1)}&autoload=1{/if}{* - |
30 | *}{if ($Charlies.autoplay==1)}&autoplay=1{/if}{* - |
31 | *}{if ($Charlies.full==1)}&showfullscreen=1{/if}{* - |
32 | *}{if $Charlies.forced_width!=''}&width={$Charlies.forced_width}{/if}{* - |
33 | *}{if $Charlies.forced_height!=''}&height={$Charlies.forced_height}{/if}{* - |
34 | *}{if ($Charlies.volume!='')}&volume={$Charlies.volume}{/if}{* - |
35 | *}{if ($Charlies.onclick!='')}&onclick={$Charlies.onclick}{/if}{* - |
36 | *}{if ($Charlies.onclicktarget==1)}&onclicktarget=_blank{/if}{* - |
37 | *}{if ($Charlies.ondoubleclick!='')}&ondoubleclick={$Charlies.ondoubleclick}{/if}{* - |
38 | *}{if ($Charlies.ondoubleclicktarget==1)}&ondoubleclicktarget=_blank{/if}{* - |
39 | Buffering |
40 | *}{if $Charlies.buffer!=''}&buffer={$Charlies.buffer}{/if}{* - |
41 | *}{if ($Charlies.buffermessage==1)}&buffermessage=1&buffercolor={$Charlies.color5|substr:1}{/if}{* - |
42 | *}{if ($Charlies.buffershowbg==1)}&buffershowbg=1&bufferbgcolor={$Charlies.color6|substr:1}{/if}{* - |
43 | Config by element |
44 | *}{if ($Charlies.config==1)}&config={$SRC_IMG_ENCODED|substr:0:-3}txt{/if}{* - |
45 | *}{if ($Charlies.configxml==1)}&configxml={$SRC_IMG_ENCODED|substr:0:-3}xml{/if}{* - |
46 | Skin |
47 | *}{if $Charlies.margin!=''}&margin={$Charlies.margin}{/if}{* - |
48 | *}{if $Charlies.skin!=''}&skin={$Charlies.skin}{/if}{* - |
49 | Titleling |
50 | *}{if $Charlies.title!=''}&title={$Charlies.title}&titlecolor={$Charlies.color7|substr:1}{/if}{* - |
51 | *}{if $Charlies.titlesize!=''}&titlesize={$Charlies.titlesize}{/if}{* - |
52 | *}{if $Charlies.start_image!=''}&startimage={$Charlies.start_image}{/if}{* - |
53 | *}{if ($Charlies.showtitleandstartimage==1)}&showtitleandstartimage=1{/if}{* - |
54 | *}{if ($Charlies.showiconplay==1)}&showiconplay=1{/if}{* - |
55 | *}{if ($Charlies.iconplaybgalpha!='')}&iconplaybgalpha={$Charlies.iconplaybgalpha}{/if}{* - |
56 | *}{if ($Charlies.top1!='')}&top1={$Charlies.top1}{/if}{* - |
57 | Subtitleling |
58 | *}{if ($Charlies.srt==1)}&srt=1&srtcolor={$Charlies.color8|substr:1}{* - |
59 | *}&srtcolor={$Charlies.color9|substr:1}{/if}{* - |
60 | *}{if ($Charlies.srtsize!='')}&srtsize={$Charlies.srtsize}{/if}{* - |
61 | *}{if ($Charlies.srturl!='')}&srturl={$Charlies.srturl}{/if}{* - |
62 | Player and Buttons |
63 | *}{if ($Charlies.showplayer==1)}&showplayer=autohide{/if}{* - |
64 | *}{if ($Charlies.showplayer==2)}&showplayer=always{/if}{* - |
65 | *}{if ($Charlies.showplayer==0)}&showplayer=never{/if}{* - |
66 | *}{if ($Charlies.showloading==1)}&showloading=autohide{/if}{* - |
67 | *}{if ($Charlies.showloading==2)}&showloading=always{/if}{* - |
68 | *}{if ($Charlies.showloading==0)}&showloading=never{/if}{* - |
69 | *}{if ($Charlies.showmouse==1)}&showmouse=autohide{/if}{* - |
70 | *}{if ($Charlies.showmouse==2)}&showmouse=always{/if}{* - |
71 | *}{if ($Charlies.showmouse==0)}&showmouse=never{/if}{* - |
72 | *}{if ($Charlies.showtime>0)}&showtime={$Charlies.showtime}{/if}{* - |
73 | *}{if ($Charlies.playeralpha!='')}&playeralpha={$Charlies.playeralpha}{/if}{* - |
74 | *}{if isset($Charlies.playertimeout)}&playertimeout={$Charlies.playertimeout}{/if}{* - |
75 | *}{if ($Charlies.showstop==1)}&showstop=1{/if}{* - |
76 | *}{if ($Charlies.showvolume==1)}&showvolume=1{/if}{* - |
77 | *}{if ($Charlies.showswitchsubtitles==1)}&showswitchsubtitles=1{/if}{* - |
78 | *}{if $Charlies.loadonstop==1}&loadonstop=1{/if}{* - |
79 | *}{if ($Charlies.shortcut!='')}&shortcut={$Charlies.shortcut}{/if}{* - |
80 | Miscellaneous |
81 | *}{if ($Charlies.phpstream==1)}&phpstream=1{/if}{* - |
82 | *}{if ($Charlies.netconnection!='')}&netconnection={$Charlies.netconnection}{/if}{* - |
83 | Colors |
84 | *}&bgcolor={$Charlies.color0|substr:1}{* - |
85 | *}&bgcolor1={$Charlies.color1|substr:1}{* - |
86 | *}&bgcolor2={$Charlies.color2|substr:1}{* - |
87 | *}&buttoncolor={$Charlies.color3|substr:1}{* - |
88 | *}&buttonovercolor={$Charlies.color4|substr:1}{* - |
89 | *}&playercolor={$Charlies.color10|substr:1}{* - |
90 | *}&loadingcolor={$Charlies.color11|substr:1}{* - |
91 | *}&slidercolor1={$Charlies.color12|substr:1}{* - |
92 | *}&slidercolor2={$Charlies.color13|substr:1}{* - |
93 | *}&sliderovercolor={$Charlies.color14|substr:1}{* - |
94 | *}&videobgcolor={$Charlies.color0|substr:1}{* - |
95 | *}&iconplaycolor={$Charlies.color15|substr:1}{* - |
96 | *}&iconplaybgcolor={$Charlies.color16|substr:1}" /> |
97 | <!--[if !IE]> <--> |
98 | <embed src="{$SRC_IMG}" Type="application/x-shockwave-flash" |
99 | pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" align="middle" bgcolor="{$Charlies.color0}" |
100 | FlashVars="myURL={$SRC_IMG}" |
101 | width="{$fileinfo.video.resolution_x}" height="{$fileinfo.video.resolution_y}" id="embedplayer" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" |
102 | {if ($Charlies.autoplay==1)}Play="true"{/if} |
103 | {if ($Charlies.loop==1)}Loop="true"{/if} Quality="high" Scale="ExactFit" SAlign="B"> |
104 | <!--> <![endif]--> |
105 | </object> <!-- embed is needed almost for FireFox --> |
106 | </div> |
107 | </div> |
108 | </div> |
109 | {html_head} |
110 | <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$CHARLIES_PATH|@cat:'charlies.css'}"> |
111 | {/html_head} |