$ext) { if (is_array($ext) and in_array($extension, $ext)) $player = strtolower($tpl); } // Active Charlie's player template $template->set_filenames( array('default_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/charlie_$player.tpl") ); // TODO TPL DOES NOT EXIST $path = $picture['element_path']; $url = $picture['element_url']; if ( !url_is_remote($url) ) { set_make_full_url(); $url = get_element_url( $picture ); unset_make_full_url(); } // If needed NO_https can easily be set in your config_local thru LocalFiles Editor if (isset($conf['NO_https']) and $conf['NO_https'] and strncasecmp($url, 'https://', 8) == 0 ) $url = 'http://' . substr($url, 8); if (!isset($conf['video_default_width'])) $conf['video_default_width'] = $charlie['video_default_width']; if (!isset($conf['video_default_height'])) $conf['video_default_height'] = $charlie['video_default_height']; // Get info via getid3 if (!isset($conf['Charlies getid exclude'])) $conf['Charlies getid exclude'] = array(); if ( !in_array($extension, $conf['Charlies getid exclude']) ) { if ( !url_is_remote($path) ) { require_once(CHARLIES_PATH.'getid3/getid3/getid3.php'); $prev_lvl = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); $getID3 = new getID3; $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($path); $prev_lvl = error_reporting($prev_lvl); } else { $fileinfo['asf']['video_media'][2]['format_data']['image_width'] = $conf['video_default_width']; $fileinfo['asf']['video_media'][2]['format_data']['image_height'] = $conf['video_default_height']; } } if (isset($fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['width'])) { $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] = $fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['width']; $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] = $fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['height']; } $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] = (int) @$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']; if ( $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] < 2 ) { $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] = $conf['video_default_width']; $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] = $conf['video_default_height']; } if ( $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] < 0 ) { $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'] = $conf['video_default_width']; $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'] = (int) (18*$conf['video_default_width']/32); } $bg = get_root_url().'plugins/charlies_content/background.png'; # var_dump($fileinfo); // Assign as much we can to offer different fields to display $template->assign( array( /* Compatibility entries with prior releases for personal templates */ 'H_MUSIC' => '44', 'W_MUSIC' => '450', 'C_VIDEO' => 55, 'FW_VIDEO' => (int) @$fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'], 'FH_VIDEO' => 20 + (int) @$fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'], 'WIDTH' => @$fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['width'], 'HEIGHT' => @$fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['height'], 'FRAMERATE' => @$fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['framerate'], 'STEREO' => (@$fileinfo['meta']['onMetaData']['stereo']) ? 'stereo' : 'mono', // l10n TODO 'BITRATE' => @$fileinfo['bitrate'], 'PLAYTIME' => @$fileinfo['playtime_string'], // Full new list 'SRC_IMG' => $url, 'SRC_IMG_ENCODED' => urlencode($url), 'BG_SRC_ENCODED' => urlencode($bg), 'ALT_IMG' => $picture['file'], 'WW_VIDEO' => (int) @$fileinfo['video']['streams'][2]['resolution_x'], 'WH_VIDEO' => 25 + (int) @$fileinfo['video']['streams'][2]['resolution_y'], // 25 + ... is for reader height 'FILENAME' => basename($path), 'FILESIZE' => $picture['filesize'], 'CHARLIES_PATH' => CHARLIES_PATH, 'fileinfo' => $fileinfo, 'by_style' => 27, 'curtain' => $charlie['curtain'], 'Charlies' => $charlie, ) ); $ret = $template->parse('default_content', true); return $ret; } ?>