subtab1 : General options $lang['Autoload'] = 'Autoload'; $lang['Display first picture'] = 'Display first picture'; $lang['Autoplay'] = 'Autoplay'; $lang['Loop'] = 'Loop'; $lang['Fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen'; $lang['Flash Player or above is required.'] = 'Flash Player or above is required.'; $lang['Forced video width'] = 'Forced video width'; $lang['Forced video height'] = 'Forced video height'; $lang['Video default width'] = 'Video default width'; $lang['Video default height'] = 'Video default height'; $lang['Volume [0-200]'] = 'Volume [0-200]'; $lang['Onclick URL'] = 'Onclick URL'; $lang['or fullscreen or playpause or none'] = 'or fullscreen or playpause or none'; $lang['_blank'] = '_blank'; $lang['_self'] = '_self'; //tab2 : options -> subtab2 : Buffering $lang['Video buffer size in seconds'] = 'Video buffer size in seconds'; $lang['Default 5 seconds'] = 'Default 5 seconds'; $lang['Video buffer percent message'] = 'Video buffer percent message'; $lang['Buffering _n_'] = 'Buffering _n_'; $lang['Video buffer background'] = 'Video buffer background'; //tab2 : options -> subtab3 : Config by element $lang['Use existing .txt to config'] = 'Use existing .txt to config'; $lang['Filename.txt might be use as config.txt file'] = 'Filename.txt might be use as config.txt file'; $lang['Use existing .xml to config'] = 'Use existing .xml to config'; $lang['Filename.xml might be use as config.xml file'] = 'Filename.xml might be use as config.xml file'; //tab2 : options -> subtab4 : Skin $lang['Margin for skin'] = 'Margin for skin'; $lang['Skin image'] = 'Skin image'; $lang['(URL of a non progressive jpg)'] = '(URL of a non progressive jpg)'; //tab2 : options -> subtab5 : Titleling $lang['Title'] = 'Title'; $lang['Title font size [12-72]'] = 'Title font size [12-72]'; $lang['Default size might be 20.'] = 'Default size might be 20.'; $lang['Start image'] = 'Start image'; $lang['Title and start picture'] = 'Title and start picture'; $lang['Play icon in middle'] = 'Play icon in middle'; $lang['Play icon transparency [0-100]'] = 'Play icon transparency [0-100]'; $lang['Load an image over video'] = 'Load an image over video'; $lang['(URL|x|y : where x,y are the offsets to place the picture)'] = '(URL|x|y : where x,y are the offsets to place the picture)'; //tab2 : options -> subtab6 : Subtitleling $lang['Use subtitles'] = 'Use subtitles'; $lang[' might be use for captioning'] = ' might be use for captioning'; $lang['Subtitles font size [8-24]'] = 'Subtitles font size [8-24]'; $lang['Default size might be 11.'] = 'Default size might be 11.'; $lang['Subtitles file URL'] = 'Subtitles file URL'; $lang['URL of .srt'] = 'URL of .srt'; //tab2 : options -> subtab7 : Player and Buttons $lang['Show player'] = 'Show player'; $lang['Autohide'] = 'Autohide'; $lang['Always'] = 'Always'; $lang['Never'] = 'Never'; $lang['Show loading'] = 'Show loading'; $lang['Show mouse'] = 'Show mouse'; $lang['Show time'] = 'Show time'; $lang['Time left'] = 'Time left'; $lang['Player transparency [0-100]'] = 'Player transparency [0-100]'; $lang['Autohide delay [0-9999]'] = 'Autohide delay [0-9999]'; $lang['Default 1500 milliseconds.'] = 'Default 1500 milliseconds.'; $lang['Show stop button'] = 'Show stop button'; $lang['Show volume'] = 'Show volume'; $lang['Show subtitles switch'] = 'Show subtitles switch'; $lang['Stop stops loading'] = 'Stop stops loading'; $lang['Keyboard shortcuts'] = 'Keyboard shortcuts'; //tab2 : options -> subtab8 : Miscellaneous $lang['PHP streaming'] = 'PHP streaming'; $lang['RTMP server URL'] = 'RTMP server URL'; $lang['(Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data)'] = '(Adobe Systems for streaming audio, video and data)'; $lang['FYI: all these options might be used or NOT by the inbound player (template).'] = 'FYI: all these options might be used or NOT by the inbound player (template).'; $lang['Reset ALL Charlies\' configuration'] = 'Reset ALL Charlies\' configuration'; $lang['Reset ALL Confirmation'] = 'Reset ALL Confirmation'; //Tab3 : colors $lang['Players colours selection'] = 'Players colours selection'; $lang['Background'] = 'Background'; $lang['Subtitles background'] = 'Subtitles background'; $lang['Top border fading'] = 'Top border fading'; $lang['Player'] = 'Player'; $lang['Bottom border fading'] = 'Bottom border fading'; $lang['Loading bar'] = 'Loading bar'; $lang['Player buttons'] = 'Player buttons'; $lang['Leftbar gradient fading'] = 'Leftbar gradient fading'; $lang['Hover player buttons'] = 'Hover player buttons'; $lang['Rightbar gradient fading'] = 'Rightbar gradient fading'; $lang['Buffer'] = 'Buffer'; $lang['Hover bar gradient'] = 'Hover bar gradient'; $lang['Buffer background'] = 'Buffer background'; $lang['Play icon'] = 'Play icon'; $lang['Title'] = 'Title'; $lang['Play icon background'] = 'Play icon background'; $lang['Subtitles'] = 'Subtitles'; $lang['Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently)'] = 'Color usage might be just for information (Players could just ignore them or use them differently)'; //Tab4 : curtain $lang['Active curtains'] = 'Active curtains'; $lang['.png without transparency are recommended. Maybe you can change a set of curtains by yours.'] = '.png without transparency are recommended. Maybe you can change a set of curtains by yours.'; ?>