call for user '.$user_id.'
'; global $conf, $user; $cache_key = community_get_cache_key(); if (!isset($cache_key)) { $cache_key = community_update_cache_key(); } // I (plg) don't understand why, but when you connect, you keep the // permissions calculated for the "guest" : the session "inherits" // variables from guest to the connected user, so I add a // $_SESSION['community_user_id'] to force refresh if the permissions were // not calculated for the right user if ( isset($_SESSION['community_user_id']) and $_SESSION['community_user_id'] == $user_id and $_SESSION['community_cache_key'] == $cache_key ) { return $_SESSION['community_user_permissions']; } $return = array( 'upload_whole_gallery' => false, 'create_whole_gallery' => false, 'user_album' => false, 'create_categories' => array(), 'upload_categories' => array(), 'permission_ids' => array(), 'nb_photos' => 0, 'storage' => 0, ); // what are the user groups? $query = ' SELECT group_id FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id.' ;'; $user_group_ids = array_from_query($query, 'group_id'); $query = ' SELECT id, type, category_id, user_album, recursive, create_subcategories, nb_photos, storage FROM '.COMMUNITY_PERMISSIONS_TABLE.' WHERE (type = \'any_visitor\')'; if ($user_id != $conf['guest_id']) { $query.= ' OR (type = \'any_registered_user\') OR (type = \'user\' AND user_id = '.$user_id.')'; if (count($user_group_ids) > 0) { $query.= ' OR (type = \'group\' AND group_id IN ('.implode(',', $user_group_ids).'))'; } } $query.= ' ;'; $recursive_categories = array(); $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($return['permission_ids'], $row['id']); if ('false' == $row['user_album']) { if (empty($row['category_id'])) { $return['upload_whole_gallery'] = true; } else { array_push($return['upload_categories'], $row['category_id']); if ('true' == $row['recursive']) { array_push($recursive_categories, $row['category_id']); } } } if ('true' == $row['create_subcategories']) { if (empty($row['category_id'])) { $return ['create_whole_gallery'] = true; } else { array_push($return['create_categories'], $row['category_id']); } } if ($return['nb_photos'] != -1) { if (empty($row['nb_photos']) or -1 == $row['nb_photos']) { // that means "no limit" $return['nb_photos'] = -1; } elseif ($row['nb_photos'] > $return['nb_photos']) { $return['nb_photos'] = $row['nb_photos']; } } if ($return['storage'] != -1) { if (empty($row['storage']) or -1 == $row['storage']) { // that means "no limit" $return['storage'] = -1; } elseif ($row['storage'] > $return['storage']) { $return['storage'] = $row['storage']; } } if ($conf['community']['user_albums'] and 'any_visitor' != $row['type']) { $return['user_album'] = true; } } if (is_admin()) { $return ['upload_whole_gallery'] = true; $return ['create_whole_gallery'] = true; $return['nb_photos'] = -1; $return['storage'] = -1; } // these are categories with access permission but considering the user // has a level 8 (maximum level). We want to keep categories with no // photos inside (for nobody) $forbidden_categories = calculate_permissions($user['id'], $user['status']); $empty_categories = array_diff( explode(',', $user['forbidden_categories']), explode(',', $forbidden_categories) ); if (count($empty_categories) > 0) { $query = ' SELECT category_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id = id WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',', $empty_categories).') AND level > '.$user['level'].' AND level <= 8 GROUP BY category_id ;'; $not_really_empty_categories = array_keys(hash_from_query($query, 'category_id')); $forbidden_categories.= ','.implode(',', $not_really_empty_categories); } $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; $all_categories = array_keys(hash_from_query($query, 'id')); if ($return['upload_whole_gallery']) { $return['upload_categories'] = array_diff( $all_categories, explode(',', $forbidden_categories) ); } elseif (count($return['upload_categories']) > 0) { if (count($recursive_categories) > 0) { $return['upload_categories'] = array_unique( array_merge( $return['upload_categories'], get_subcat_ids($recursive_categories) ) ); } $return['upload_categories'] = array_diff( $return['upload_categories'], explode(',', $forbidden_categories) ); } if ($return ['create_whole_gallery']) { $return['create_categories'] = array_diff( $all_categories, explode(',', $forbidden_categories) ); } elseif (count($return['create_categories']) > 0) { // no need to check for "recursive", an upload permission can't be // "create_subcategories" without being "recursive" $return['create_categories'] = get_subcat_ids($return['create_categories']); $return['create_categories'] = array_diff( $return['create_categories'], explode(',', $forbidden_categories) ); } if ($return['user_album']) { $user_album_category_id = community_get_user_album($user_id); if (!empty($user_album_category_id) and !in_array($user_album_category_id, $return['upload_categories'])) { array_push($return['upload_categories'], $user_album_category_id); } } // is the user allowed to use community upload? if (count($return['upload_categories']) > 0 or $return['create_whole_gallery'] or $return['user_album']) { $return['community_enabled'] = true; } else { $return['community_enabled'] = false; } $_SESSION['community_user_permissions'] = $return; $_SESSION['community_cache_key'] = $cache_key; $_SESSION['community_user_id'] = $user_id; // echo __FUNCTION__.' => cache reset for user '.$user_id.'
'; return $_SESSION['community_user_permissions']; } /** * return the user album category_id. The album is automatically created if * it does not exist (or has been deleted) */ function community_get_user_album($user_id) { global $conf; $user_album_category_id = null; $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE community_user = '.$user_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $user_album_category_id = $row['id']; break; } if (!isset($user_album_category_id)) { $user_infos = getuserdata($user_id, false); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); $category_info = create_virtual_category($user_infos['username'], $conf['community']['user_albums_parent']); single_update( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array('community_user' => $user_id), array('id' => $category_info['id']) ); $user_album_category_id = $category_info['id']; // in functions_html::get_cat_display_name_cache we use a cache and this // cache must be reset so that new album is included inside it. global $cache; unset($cache['cat_names']); } return $user_album_category_id; } function community_reject_pendings($image_ids) { if (count($image_ids) == 0) { return; } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.COMMUNITY_PENDINGS_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $image_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); // needs to be in administration panel delete_elements($image_ids, true); } function community_reject_user_pendings($user_id) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.COMMUNITY_PENDINGS_TABLE.' AS cp INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i ON = cp.image_id WHERE state != \'validated\' AND added_by = '.$user_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $image_ids = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($image_ids, $row['image_id']); } community_reject_pendings($image_ids); } function community_update_cache_key() { $cache_key = generate_key(20); conf_update_param('community_cache_key', $cache_key); return $cache_key; } function community_get_cache_key() { global $conf; if (isset($conf['community_cache_key'])) { return $conf['community_cache_key']; } else { return null; } } function community_get_user_limits($user_id) { // how many photos and storage for this user? $query = ' SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_photos, IFNULL(FLOOR(SUM(filesize)/1024), 0) AS storage FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE added_by = '.$user_id.' ;'; return pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); } ?>