source: extensions/event_cats/admin/template/config.tpl @ 30463

Last change on this file since 30463 was 10522, checked in by LucMorizur, 13 years ago

Adapt terms to Piwigo 2.2 policy
("category" and "image" replaced by "album" and "photo"),
and a few cosmetic corrections on displayed messages

File size: 8.5 KB
1{* <!-- Event Cats (event categories) LucMorizur June 2009 - ... --> *}
3{* <!-- Keeps file coded in UTF-8 without BOM : é --> *}
5{include file=$HeaderIncTPL}
7{* <!-- Whether plugin Additionnal Pages is active or not, and help banner management --> *}
8<div style = "text-align:right; font-style:italic;">
9  <span id = "ec_help_banner2">
10    {'Help banner'|@translate}&nbsp;
11    <label for = "ec_help_banner2_1" onclick = "ec_mark_help('ec_help_banner_1');">
12      <input type = "radio" name = "ec_help_banner2_onoff" id = "ec_help_banner2_1">
13      {'Show'|@translate}
14    </label>
15    &nbsp;
16    <label for = "ec_help_banner2_0" onclick = "ec_mark_help('ec_help_banner_0');">
17      <input type = "radio" name = "ec_help_banner2_onoff" id = "ec_help_banner2_0">
18      {'Hide'|@translate}
19    </label>
20    &nbsp;—&nbsp;
21  </span>
22  {if $ec_ap_ok}
23    {'Additional Pages active'|@translate}
24    <script type = "text/javascript">
25      var ec_ap_ok = {if count($add_pages) == 0}false{else}true{/if};
26    </script>
27  {else}
28    {'Additional Pages inactive'|@translate}
29    <script type = "text/javascript">
30      var ec_ap_ok = false;
31    </script>
32  {/if}
33</div><span id = "ec_help_ban"></span>
34<script type = "text/javascript"><!--
35  document.getElementById('ec_help_banner2').style.display = "none";
38<form action = "" method = "post" class = "titrePage" name = "ec_gen_conf" onsubmit = "return ec_check_submit();">
40  {* <!-- Duplication configuration parameters --> *}
41  <fieldset><legend>{'Duplication'|@translate}</legend>
42    <table>
43      <tr>
44        <td style = "text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">
45          {'Duplication allowance'|@translate}&nbsp;&nbsp;
46        </td>
47        <td>
48          <label for = "ec_dup_conf_none_id">
49            <input
50              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_conf" value = "0" id = "ec_dup_conf_none_id"
51              {if $ec_conf.dup_allow == '0'} checked = "checked" {/if}
52            >
53            {'No account'|@translate}
54          </label><br>
55          <label for = "ec_dup_conf_group_id">
56            <input
57              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_conf" value = "2" id = "ec_dup_conf_group_id"
58              {if $ec_conf.dup_allow == '2'} checked = "checked" {/if}
59            >
60            {'Selection per group'|@translate}
61          </label><br>
62          <label for = "ec_dup_conf_all_id">
63            <input
64              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_conf" value = "1" id = "ec_dup_conf_all_id"
65              {if $ec_conf.dup_allow == '1'} checked = "checked" {/if}
66            >
67            {'All accounts'|@translate}
68          </label>
69        </td>
70        <td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td> {* <!-- sorry :-\ --> *}
71        <td style = "text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">
72          {* <!-- Replace "Register" link ? --> *}
73          {$ec_dup_link_conf}&nbsp;&nbsp;
74        </td>
75        <td>
76          <label for = "ec_dup_disp_normal_id">
77            <input
78              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_disp" value = "0" id = "ec_dup_disp_normal_id"
79              {if $ec_conf.duplic_display == '0'} checked = "checked" {/if}
80            >
81            {'No account'|@translate}
82          </label><br>
83          <label for = "ec_dup_disp_but_gen_id">
84            <input
85              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_disp" value = "2" id = "ec_dup_disp_but_gen_id"
86              {if $ec_conf.duplic_display == '2'} checked = "checked" {/if}
87            >
88            {'All but generics'|@translate}
89          </label><br>
90          <label for = "ec_dup_disp_dup_id">
91            <input
92              type = "radio" name = "ec_dup_disp" value = "1" id = "ec_dup_disp_dup_id"
93              {if $ec_conf.duplic_display == '1'} checked = "checked" {/if}
94            >
95            {'All accounts'|@translate}
96          </label><br>
97        </td>
98      </tr>
99    </table>
100  </fieldset>
102  {* <!-- What to do if an unknown code is used --> *}
103  <fieldset><legend>{'Unknown code'|@translate}</legend>
104    <table>
105      <tr>
106        <td style = "text-align:right; vertical-align:top; font-weight:bold;">
107          {'Page for unknown code'|@translate}&nbsp;&nbsp;
108        </td>
109        <td>
110          <label for = "ec_unknown_0_id" onclick = "ec_mark_action('ec_unknown_0_id');">
111            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_unknown" value = "0" id = "ec_unknown_0_id">
112            {'Home'|@translate}
113          </label><br>
114          <label for = "ec_unknown_1_id" onclick = "ec_mark_action('ec_unknown_1_id');">
115            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_unknown" value = "1" id = "ec_unknown_1_id">
116            {'Access denied'|@translate}
117          </label><br>
118          {* <!-- Additionnal Page, provided the plugin is activated and at least one Add. P. is available --> *}
119          <label class = "ec_block" for = "ec_in_up_aps_id" {if !$ec_ap_ok or count($add_pages) == 0} style = "display:none;" {/if}
120           onclick = "ec_mark_action('ec_unknown_2_id');"
121          >
122            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_unknown" value = "2" id = "ec_unknown_2_id" for = "ec_in_up_aps_id">
123            {'Additional Page'|@translate}<br>
124            <select class = "categoryList" name = "ec_in_up_aps" size="30" id = "ec_in_up_aps_id" onchange = "ec_selected_AP = this.value;" >
125              {html_options options=$add_pages}
126            </select>
127          </label>
128        </td>
129      </tr>
130    </table>
131  </fieldset>
133  {* <!-- Other --> *}
134  <fieldset><legend>{'Other'|@translate}</legend>
135    <table>
136      <tr>
137        <td style = "text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">
138          {'Comments display'|@translate}&nbsp;&nbsp;
139        </td>
140        <td>
141          <label for = "ec_comments_0_id">
142            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_comments" value = "0" id = "ec_comments_0_id"
143              {if $ec_conf.comment_display == '0'} checked = "checked" {/if}
144            >
145            {'As tooltip'|@translate}
146          </label><br>
147          <label for = "ec_comments_1_id">
148            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_comments" value = "1" id = "ec_comments_1_id"
149              {if $ec_conf.comment_display == '1'} checked = "checked" {/if}
150            >
151            {'In a row'|@translate}
152          </label>
153        </td>
154        <td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td> {* <!-- sorry :-\ --> *}
155        <td style = "text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">
156          {'Help banner'|@translate}&nbsp;&nbsp;
157        </td>
158        <td>
159          <label for = "ec_2help_banner_1_id">
160            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_help_banner_onoff2" value = "1" id = "ec_2help_banner_1_id"
161              onclick = "ec_mark_help('ec_help_banner_1');"
162            >
163            {'Banner on'|@translate}
164          </label><br>
165          <label for = "ec_2help_banner_0_id">
166            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_help_banner_onoff2" value = "0" id = "ec_2help_banner_0_id"
167              onclick = "ec_mark_help('ec_help_banner_0');"
168            >
169            {'Banner off'|@translate}
170          </label>
171        <td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td> {* <!-- sorry :-\ --> *}
172        <td style = "text-align:right; font-weight:bold;">
173          {$ec_display_connect_conf}&nbsp;&nbsp;
174        </td>
175        <td>
176          <label for = "ec_connection_1_id">
177            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_connection" value = "1" id = "ec_connection_1_id"
178              {if $ec_conf.display_connection == '1'} checked = "checked" {/if}
179            >
180            {'Yes'|@translate}
181          </label><br>
182          <label for = "ec_connection_0_id">
183            <input type = "radio" name = "ec_connection" value = "0" id = "ec_connection_0_id"
184              {if $ec_conf.display_connection == '0'} checked = "checked" {/if}
185            >
186            {'No'|@translate}
187          </label>
188        </td>
189    </table>
190  </fieldset>
192  <div style = "text-align:center;">
193    <input class = "submit" type = "submit" name = "ec_conf_submit" value = "{'Submit'|@translate}">
194  </div>
199{* <!-- JavaScript functions --> *}
200<script type = "text/javascript" src = "{$RACINE_URL}{$EVNTCATS_PATH}admin/template/config.js"></script>
201<script type = "text/javascript"><!--
202  ec_help_in_config = true;
203  ec_JS_message                                               = "{'ec_gen_user_act_miss'|@translate|@escape:javascript}";
204  ec_selected_action                                          = "{$ec_conf.unknown_code}";
205  ec_selected_AP                                              = "{$ec_conf.unknown_code_ap_id}";
206  document.ec_gen_conf.ec_unknown[ec_selected_action].checked = 'checked';
207  if (de('ec_unknown_2_id').checked != '') ec_mark_action('ec_unknown_2_id');
210{include file=$FooterIncTPL}
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