delete_compiled_templates(); array_push($menu, array( 'NAME' => 'Event Cats', 'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(dirname(__FILE__). '/admin/evntcats_admin.php') ) ); return $menu; } } // End class $obj = new event_cats(); // Adds the translation of "duplicate" link load_language('duplic.lang', EVNTCATS_PATH); // Admin help management add_event_handler('get_popup_help_content', 'ec_popup_help_content', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, 2); function ec_popup_help_content($popup_help_content, $page) { return ( $help_content = (is_admin() and $page == 'help') ? load_language($page.'.html',EVNTCATS_PATH,array('return' => true)) : false ) ? $popup_help_content.$help_content : $popup_help_content; } //---------------------------------- /** * * auto_log_user() * the function uses the value of the argument "autolog" of the posted URL, * as a code to know which username has to be logged in. * * @param no parameter * @return no return value */ add_event_handler('init', 'auto_log_user'); function auto_log_user() { global $ec_lists; $ec_ap = NULL; $ec_cat = NULL; $ec_img = NULL; if (isset($_GET['autolog']) and (read_ec_conf('activated') == '1')) { if (!is_a_guest()) { $url = ''; foreach ($_GET as $item => $value) { $url.= '&'.$item.'='.$value; } logout_user(); redirect(make_index_url().$url); } build_ec_lists(); foreach ($ec_lists['ec_table'] as $ec_entry) { if ($code_exists = ($ec_entry['code'] == $_GET['autolog'])) break; } if ($code_exists) { if (is_in($ec_entry['action'], 'ec_ok')) { log_user($ec_entry['user_id'], false); if (isset($_GET['ap'])) $ec_ap = $_GET['ap']; if (isset($_GET['cat'])) $ec_cat = $_GET['cat']; if (isset($_GET['img'])) $ec_img = $_GET['img']; if ($ec_entry['forced'] == 'true') { if (empty($ec_entry['arg1']) and !empty($ec_entry['arg2'])) { $ec_ap = $ec_entry['arg2']; } elseif (!empty($ec_entry['arg1'])) { $ec_cat = $ec_entry['arg1']; if (!empty($ec_entry['arg2'])) $ec_img = $ec_entry['arg2']; } } if (isset($ec_ap)) { if (array_key_exists($ec_ap,$ec_lists['add_pages'])) { redirect( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'index.php?/additional_page/'.$ec_ap); } } elseif (isset($ec_cat)) { if (array_key_exists($ec_cat, $ec_lists['categories'])) { if (isset($ec_img)) { if (ec_image_exists($ec_cat, $ec_img)) { redirect(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'picture.php?/'.$ec_img.'/category/'.$ec_cat); } } redirect(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'index.php?/category/'.$ec_cat); } } redirect(make_index_url()); } else { if ( $ec_entry['action'] == 'ec_nok' or $ec_entry['action'] == 'ec_nok_ap_pb' ) { if ($ec_entry['action'] == 'ec_nok_ap_pb') access_denied(); $ec_ap = $ec_entry['arg2']; if (array_key_exists($ec_ap, $ec_lists['add_pages'])) { redirect( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'index.php?/additional_page/'.$ec_ap); } access_denied(); } else { redirect(make_index_url()); } } } else { if ( read_ec_conf('unknown_code') == '2' and array_key_exists( read_ec_conf('unknown_code_ap_id'), $ec_lists['add_pages'] ) ) { redirect( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'index.php?/additional_page/'.read_ec_conf('unknown_code_ap_id') ); } elseif (read_ec_conf('unknown_code') == '1' or read_ec_conf('unknown_code') == '2') { access_denied(); } else { redirect(make_index_url()); } } } } /** * * assign_perm_for_new_user() * copies/paste groups+access+properties associations of previously connected * username, to newly created username. * * @param no parameter * @return no return value */ add_event_handler('register_user', 'assign_perm_for_new_user'); function assign_perm_for_new_user($new_user) { global $user; if (read_ec_conf('activated') == '1') { if ( !is_a_guest() and !is_admin() and ( read_ec_conf('dup_allow') == '1' or ( read_ec_conf('dup_allow') == '2' and ( dup_allowed($user['id']) or ( read_ec_conf('simple_mode_on') == '1' and is_generic() ) ) ) ) ) { // User access $result = pwg_query(" SELECT `cat_id` FROM `".USER_ACCESS_TABLE."` WHERE `user_id` = ".$user['id']."; "); $insert = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) $insert[] = "(".$new_user['id'].",".$row['cat_id'].")"; if (!empty($insert)) pwg_query(" INSERT INTO `".USER_ACCESS_TABLE."` VALUES ".implode(',', $insert)."; "); // User groups $result = pwg_query(" SELECT `group_id` FROM `".USER_GROUP_TABLE."` WHERE `user_id` = ".$user['id']."; "); $insert = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) $insert[] = "(".$new_user['id'].",".$row['group_id'].")"; if (!empty($insert)) pwg_query(" INSERT INTO `".USER_GROUP_TABLE."` VALUES ".implode(',', $insert)."; "); // User infos $result = pwg_query(" SELECT `level` FROM `".USER_INFOS_TABLE."` WHERE `user_id` = ".$user['id']."; "); $insert = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) $insert[] = "(".$new_user['id'].",".$row['level'].")"; if (!empty($insert)) pwg_query(" UPDATE `".USER_INFOS_TABLE."` SET `level` = ".$user['level']." WHERE `user_id` = ".$new_user['id']."; "); } } } /** * * duplicate_account_url() * adds a link for duplicating the currently identified user in * Identification block menu, in case the identifed user is granted to * duplication. Displays also the connection link for generic users, if * required in the configuration. * * ec_duplicate_prefilter * is used to modify the "quick connect" block in identification menu block, * so that visitors identifying themselves this way, are redirected to the * page they're currently displaying, instead of home page. This * functionnality has been added at version 2.1.0 in Piwigo core * (see bug:1484 Redirection after quickconnect), thus it is useless to * implement it from here for Piwigo versions higher or equal to 2.1.0. * * @param no parameter * @return no return value */ add_event_handler('blockmanager_apply', 'duplicate_account_url'); function ec_duplicate_prefilter($content, &$smarty) { $search = "{'Quick connect'|@translate}"; $addon = ''; $replacement = "{'Quick connect'|@translate}".$addon; return str_replace($search, $replacement, $content); } function duplicate_account_url() { global $lang, $template, $user; if (read_ec_conf('activated') == '1') { if (version_compare(PHPWG_VERSION, '2.1.0', '<')) { // Makes the "quick connect" fieldset able to redirect to current page // after user identification, just as does the "connection" link. $template->assign(array('U_REDIRECT' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $template->set_prefilter('menubar', 'ec_duplicate_prefilter'); } // Add duplication link, if needed if ( !is_admin() and !is_a_guest() and ( read_ec_conf('dup_allow') == '1' or ( read_ec_conf('dup_allow') == '2' and ( dup_allowed($user['id']) or ( read_ec_conf('simple_mode_on') == '1' and is_generic() ) ) ) ) ) { $template->assign('U_REGISTER', get_root_url().'register.php'); if ( read_ec_conf('duplic_display') == '1' or ( read_ec_conf('duplic_display') == '2' and !is_generic() ) ) { $lang['Register'] = $lang['Duplicate']; $lang['Create a new account'] = $lang['Create a new account with same properties']; } } // Adds connection link, if needed if (read_ec_conf('display_connection') == '1' and is_generic()) { // Adds connection link $template->assign( 'U_LOGIN', get_root_url().'identification.php?redirect='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); } } } add_event_handler( 'get_admin_plugin_menu_links', array(&$obj, 'plugin_admin_menu') ); set_plugin_data($plugin['id'], $obj); ?>