access denied; ec_ok_ap_pb : not valid Additional Page id -> home page; ec_ok_cat_pb : not valid category id -> home page; ec_ok_img_pb : not valid image id -> category page; _ the two main fields are "user_id" and "code", as the main purpose of the plugin, and thus of the table, is to establish a relationship between a code and an account on the gallery -- a user_id. "action" is an important field too, as it tells which action to perform. _ though, even if "action", "user_id" and "code" are important, all of them can be omitted (thus can be NULL), and both "user_id" and "code" can be repeated (thus are not UNIQUE). This because: _ the same code can automatically log in ("autolog") the same account following several ways, depending on "cat", "img", and "ap" arguments of the URL; and thus different ways can be stored in the DB; _ a "disabled" code (the user tries to "autolog", but (s)he's not allowed to) does not need a corresponding "user_id", thus "user_id" can be NULL; _ "user_id" field is used to store groups ids when "code" is NULL, to identify groups authorized to duplication; _ "code" does not have the MySQL UNIQUE attribute, but it has to be unique when the "forced" Event Cats parameter is true, which is the case when this code is disabled (outdated). */ if ($r) $r = (pwg_query(" INSERT INTO `".CONFIG_TABLE."` (`param`,`value`,`comment`) VALUES ('event_cats','0','Paramètres du plugin Event Cats'); ") !== false); if ($r) $r = (change_ec_conf('activated', '0')); if ($r) return true; else { plugin_uninstall(); return false; } } // *********************************************************************** function plugin_activate() { change_ec_conf('activated', '1'); } // *********************************************************************** function plugin_deactivate() { change_ec_conf('activated', '0'); } ?>