enableCache('fs', FLICKR_FS_CACHE); // must authenticate $u = $flickr->test_login(); if ( ($u === false or empty($_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token'])) and @$_GET['action']!='login' ) { $_GET['action'] = 'init_login'; } // generate token after authentication if (!empty($_GET['frob'])) { $flickr->auth_getToken($_GET['frob']); $_GET['action'] = 'logued'; } } if (!isset($_GET['action'])) $_GET['action'] = 'main'; switch ($_GET['action']) { // button to login page case 'init_login': { $template->assign('flickr_login', FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=login'); break; } // call flickr login procedure case 'login': { $flickr->auth('read', false); break; } // message after login case 'logued': { $_SESSION['page_infos'][] = l10n('Successfully logued to you Flickr account'); redirect(FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import'); break; } // logout case 'logout': { unset($_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token']); $_SESSION['page_infos'][] = l10n('Logued out'); redirect(FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import'); break; } // main menu case 'main': { $u = $flickr->people_getInfo($u['id']); $template->assign(array( 'username' => $u['username'], 'profile_url' => $u['profileurl'], 'logout_url' => FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=logout', 'list_albums_url' => FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=list_albums', 'import_all_url' => FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=list_all', )); break; } // list user albums case 'list_albums': { // all albums $albums = $flickr->photosets_getList($u['id']); $total_albums = $albums['total']; $albums = $albums['photoset']; foreach ($albums as &$album) { $album['U_LIST'] = FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=list_photos&album='.$album['id']; } unset($album); // not classed $wo_albums = $flickr->photos_getNotInSet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'photos', NULL, NULL, 1); if ($wo_albums['photos']['total'] > 0) { array_push($albums, array( 'id' => 'not_in_set', 'title' => l10n('Pictures without album'), 'description' => null, 'photos' => $wo_albums['photos']['total'], 'U_LIST' => FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=list_photos&album=not_in_set', )); } $template->assign(array( 'total_albums' => $total_albums, 'albums' => $albums, )); break; } // list photos of an album case 'list_photos': { $self_url = FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=list_photos&album='.$_GET['album']; $flickr_prefix = 'flickr-'.$u['username'].'-'; $flickr_root_url = $flickr->urls_getUserPhotos($u['id']); // pagination if (isset($_GET['start'])) $page['start'] = intval($_GET['start']); else $page['start'] = 0; if (isset($_GET['display'])) $page['display'] = $_GET['display']=='all' ? 500 : intval($_GET['display']); else $page['display'] = 20; // get photos if ($_GET['album'] == 'not_in_set') { $all_photos = $flickr->photos_getNotInSet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'photos', NULL, NULL, 500); $all_photos = $all_photos['photos']['photo']; } else { $all_photos = $flickr->photosets_getPhotos($_GET['album'], NULL, NULL, 500, NULL, 'photos'); $all_photos = $all_photos['photoset']['photo']; } // get existing photos $query = ' SELECT id, file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE file LIKE "'.$flickr_prefix.'%" ;'; $existing_photos = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'file'); $existing_photos = array_map(create_function('$p', 'return preg_replace("#^'.$flickr_prefix.'([0-9]+)\.([a-z]{3,4})$#i", "$1", $p);'), $existing_photos); // remove existing photos $duplicates = 0; foreach ($all_photos as $i => $photo) { if (in_array($photo['id'], $existing_photos)) { unset($all_photos[$i]); $duplicates++; } } if ($duplicates>0) { array_push($page['infos'], l10n_dec('One picture is not displayed because already existing in the database.', '%d pictures are not displayed because already existing in the database.', $duplicates)); } // displayed photos $page_photos = array_slice($all_photos, $page['start'], $page['display']); $all_elements = array_map(create_function('$p', 'return \'"\'.$p["id"].\'"\';'), $all_photos); foreach ($page_photos as &$photo) { $photo['thumb'] = $flickr->buildPhotoURL($photo, "thumbnail"); $photo['src'] = $flickr->get_biggest_size($photo['id'], "medium_800"); $photo['url'] = $flickr_root_url.$photo['id']; } unset($photo); $template->assign(array( 'nb_thumbs_set' => count($all_photos), 'nb_thumbs_page' => count($page_photos), 'thumbnails' => $page_photos, 'all_elements' => $all_elements, 'album' => $_GET['album'], 'F_ACTION' => FLICKR_ADMIN.'-import&action=import_set', 'U_DISPLAY' => $self_url, )); // get piwigo categories $query = ' SELECT id, name, uppercats, global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; display_select_cat_wrapper($query, array(), 'category_parent_options'); // get navbar $nav_bar = create_navigation_bar( $self_url, count($all_elements), $page['start'], $page['display'] ); $template->assign('navbar', $nav_bar); break; } // list all photos of the user case 'list_all': { $flickr_prefix = 'flickr-'.$u['username'].'-'; // get all photos in all albums $all_albums = $flickr->photosets_getList($u['id']); $all_albums = $all_albums['photoset']; $all_photos = array(); foreach ($all_albums as $album) { $album_photos = $flickr->photosets_getPhotos($album['id'], NULL, NULL, 500, NULL, 'photos'); $album_photos = $album_photos['photoset']['photo']; foreach ($album_photos as $photo) { $all_photos[ $photo['id'] ][] = $album['title']; } } // get existing photos $query = ' SELECT id, file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE file LIKE "'.$flickr_prefix.'%" ;'; $existing_photos = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'file'); $existing_photos = array_map(create_function('$p', 'return preg_replace("#^'.$flickr_prefix.'([0-9]+)\.([a-z]{3,4})$#i", "$1", $p);'), $existing_photos); // remove existing photos $duplicates = 0; foreach ($all_photos as $id => &$photo) { if (in_array($id, $existing_photos)) { unset($all_photos[$id]); $duplicates++; } else { $photo = array( 'id' => $id, 'albums' => implode(',', $photo), ); } } unset($photo); $all_photos = array_values($all_photos); if ($duplicates>0) { array_push($page['infos'], l10n_dec('%d picture is not displayed because already existing in the database.', '%d pictures are not displayed because already existing in the database.', $duplicates)); } $template->assign(array( 'nb_elements' => count($all_photos), 'all_elements' => json_encode($all_photos), 'F_ACTION' => FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import&action=import_set', )); // get piwigo categories $query = ' SELECT id, name, uppercats, global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; display_select_cat_wrapper($query, array(), 'category_parent_options'); break; } // success message after import case 'import_set': { if (isset($_POST['done'])) { $_SESSION['page_infos'][] = sprintf(l10n('%d pictures imported'), $_POST['done']); } redirect(FLICKR_ADMIN . '-import'); } } $template->assign('ACTION', $_GET['action']); $template->set_filename('flickr2piwigo', dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/import.tpl'); ?>