Line | |
1 | <div id="div_Menu"> |
2 | <ul id="Menu"> |
3 | {foreach from=$block->data item=link} |
4 | {if is_array($link)} |
5 | <li><a href="{$link.URL}" title="{$link.TITLE}" {if isset($link.REL)}{$link.REL}{/if}><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/menu/{cycle values="tag.png,search.png,chat.png,apropos.png,rss.png"}" alt="[*]"/>{$link.NAME}</a></li> |
6 | {/if} |
7 | {/foreach} |
8 | <li> |
9 | <form action="{$ROOT_URL}qsearch.php" method="get" id="quicksearch"> |
10 | <p style="margin:0;padding:0"> |
11 | <input type="text" name="q" id="qsearchInput" onfocus="if (value==qsearch_prompt) value='';" onblur="if (value=='') value=qsearch_prompt;" style="width:90%"/> |
12 | </p> |
13 | </form> |
14 | <script type="text/javascript">var qsearch_prompt="{'qsearch'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}"; document.getElementById('qsearchInput').value=qsearch_prompt;</script> |
15 | </li> |
16 | <li><a href="{$myblock->data.U_CATEGORIES}" title="{'return to homepage'|@translate}"><img src="{$themeconf.icon_dir}/home.png" class="button" alt="{'home'|@translate}"/></a></li> |
17 | |
18 | </ul> |
19 | </div> |
20 | |
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