1 | {* $Id: menubar.tpl 2409 2008-07-01 02:09:21Z rvelices $ *} |
2 | <div id="menubar"> {if not empty($links)} |
3 | <table id="table_menu_link" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
4 | <tr> |
5 | <td class="menu_up_left"> </td> |
6 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
7 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
8 | </tr> |
9 | <tr> |
10 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
11 | <td class="blocmenu_in"><dl id="mbLinks"> |
12 | <dt>{'Links'|@translate}</dt> |
13 | <dd> |
14 | <ul> |
15 | {foreach from=$links item=link} |
16 | <li> <a href="{$link.URL}" |
17 | {if isset($link.new_window) }onclick="window.open(this.href, '{$link.new_window.NAME|@escape:'javascript'}','{$link.new_window.FEATURES|@escape:'javascript'}'); return false;"{/if} |
18 | > {$link.LABEL} </a> </li> |
19 | {/foreach}{*links*} |
20 | </ul> |
21 | </dd> |
22 | </dl></td> |
23 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
24 | </tr> |
25 | <tr> |
26 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
27 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
28 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
29 | </tr> |
30 | </table> |
31 | {/if}{*links*} |
32 | <table id="table_menu_cat" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
33 | <tr> |
34 | <td class="blocmenu_up_left"> </td> |
35 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
36 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
37 | </tr> |
38 | <tr> |
39 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
40 | <td class="blocmenu_in"> {if isset($U_START_FILTER)} <a href="{$U_START_FILTER}" title="{'start_filter_hint'|@translate}" rel="nofollow"><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/start_filter.png" class="button" alt="start filter"></a> {/if} |
41 | {if isset($U_STOP_FILTER)} <a href="{$U_STOP_FILTER}" title="{'stop_filter_hint'|@translate}"><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/stop_filter.png" class="button" alt="stop filter"></a> {/if} |
42 | <dl id="mbCategories"> |
43 | <dt><a href="{$U_CATEGORIES}">{'Categories'|@translate}</a></dt> |
45 | {if isset($U_UPLOAD)} |
46 | <ul> |
47 | <li> <a href="{$U_UPLOAD}">{'upload_picture'|@translate}</a> </li> |
48 | </ul> |
49 | {/if} |
50 | <p class="totalImages">{$pwg->l10n_dec('%d element', '%d elements', $NB_PICTURE)}</p> |
51 | </dd> |
52 | </dl></td> |
53 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
54 | </tr> |
55 | <tr> |
56 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
57 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
58 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
59 | </tr> |
60 | </table> |
61 | {if not empty($related_tags)} |
62 | <table id="table_menu_tag" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
63 | <tr> |
64 | <td class="blocmenu_up_left"> </td> |
65 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
66 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
67 | </tr> |
68 | <tr> |
69 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
70 | <td class="blocmenu_in"><dl id="mbTags"> |
71 | <dt>{'Related tags'|@translate}</dt> |
72 | <dd> |
73 | <ul id="menuTagCloud"> |
74 | {foreach from=$related_tags item=tag} |
75 | <li> {if !empty($tag.U_ADD) } <a href="{$tag.U_ADD}" |
76 | title="{$pwg->l10n_dec('%d element are also linked to current tags', '%d elements are also linked to current tags', $tag.counter)}" |
77 | rel="nofollow"> <img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/add_tag.png" alt="+" /> </a> {/if} <a href="{$tag.URL}" class="tagLevel{$tag.level}" title="{'See elements linked to this tag only'|@translate}">{$tag.name}</a> </li> |
78 | {/foreach} |
79 | </ul> |
80 | </dd> |
81 | </dl></td> |
82 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
83 | </tr> |
84 | <tr> |
85 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
86 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
87 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
88 | </tr> |
89 | </table> |
90 | {/if} |
91 | <table id="table_menu_spe" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
92 | <tr> |
93 | <td class="blocmenu_up_left"> </td> |
94 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
95 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
96 | </tr> |
97 | <tr> |
98 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
99 | <td class="blocmenu_in"><dl id="mbSpecial"> |
100 | <dt>{'special_categories'|@translate}</dt> |
101 | <dd> |
102 | <ul> |
103 | {foreach from=$special_categories item=cat} |
104 | <li><a href="{$cat.URL}" title="{$cat.TITLE}" {if isset($cat.REL)}{$cat.REL}{/if}>{$cat.NAME}</a></li> |
105 | {/foreach} |
106 | </ul> |
107 | </dd> |
108 | </dl></td> |
109 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
110 | </tr> |
111 | <tr> |
112 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
113 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
114 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
115 | </tr> |
116 | </table> |
117 | <table id="table_menu_menu" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
118 | <tr> |
119 | <td class="blocmenu_up_left"> </td> |
120 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
121 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
122 | </tr> |
123 | <tr> |
124 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
125 | <td class="blocmenu_in"><dl id="mbMenu"> |
126 | <dt>{'title_menu'|@translate}</dt> |
127 | <dd> |
128 | <form action="{$ROOT_URL}qsearch.php" method="get" id="quicksearch"> |
129 | <p style="margin:0;padding:0"> {*this <p> is for html validation only - does not affect positioning*} |
130 | <input type="text" name="q" id="qsearchInput" onfocus="if (value==qsearch_prompt) value='';" onblur="if (value=='') value=qsearch_prompt;" style="width:90%"/> |
131 | </p> |
132 | </form> |
133 | <script type="text/javascript">var qsearch_prompt="{'qsearch'|@translate|@escape:'javascript'}"; document.getElementById('qsearchInput').value=qsearch_prompt;</script> |
134 | <ul> |
135 | {foreach from=$summaries item=sum} |
136 | <li><a href="{$sum.U_SUMMARY}" title="{$sum.TITLE}" {if isset($sum.REL)}{$sum.REL}{/if}>{$sum.NAME}</a></li> |
137 | {/foreach} |
138 | </ul> |
139 | </dd> |
140 | </dl></td> |
141 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
142 | </tr> |
143 | <tr> |
144 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
145 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
146 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
147 | </tr> |
148 | </table> |
149 | <table id="table_menu_id" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
150 | <tr> |
151 | <td class="blocmenu_up_left"> </td> |
152 | <td class="blocmenu_up"> </td> |
153 | <td class="blocmenu_up_right"> </td> |
154 | </tr> |
155 | <tr> |
156 | <td class="blocmenu_left"> </td> |
157 | <td class="blocmenu_in"><dl id="mbIdentification"> |
158 | <dt>{'identification'|@translate}</dt> |
159 | <dd> {if isset($USERNAME)} |
160 | <p>{'hello'|@translate} {$USERNAME} !</p> |
161 | {/if} |
162 | <ul> |
163 | {if isset($U_REGISTER)} |
164 | <li><a href="{$U_REGISTER}" title="{'Create a new account'|@translate}" rel="nofollow">{'Register'|@translate}</a></li> |
165 | {/if} |
166 | |
167 | {if isset($U_IDENTIFY)} |
168 | <li><a href="{$U_IDENTIFY}" rel="nofollow">{'Connection'|@translate}</a></li> |
169 | {/if} |
170 | |
171 | {if isset($U_LOGOUT)} |
172 | <li><a href="{$U_LOGOUT}">{'logout'|@translate}</a></li> |
173 | {/if} |
174 | |
175 | {if isset($U_PROFILE)} |
176 | <li><a href="{$U_PROFILE}" title="{'hint_customize'|@translate}">{'customize'|@translate}</a></li> |
177 | {/if} |
178 | |
179 | {if isset($U_ADMIN)} |
180 | <li><a href="{$U_ADMIN}" title="{'hint_admin'|@translate}">{'admin'|@translate}</a></li> |
181 | {/if} |
182 | </ul> |
183 | {if isset($U_IDENTIFY)} |
184 | <form method="post" action="{$U_IDENTIFY}" class="filter" id="quickconnect"> |
185 | <fieldset> |
186 | <legend>{'Quick connect'|@translate}</legend> |
187 | <label> {'Username'|@translate} |
188 | <input type="text" name="username" size="15" value=""> |
189 | </label> |
190 | <label> {'Password'|@translate} |
191 | <input type="password" name="password" size="15"> |
192 | </label> |
194 | <label> {'remember_me'|@translate} |
195 | <input type="checkbox" name="remember_me" value="1"> |
196 | </label> |
197 | {/if} |
198 | <p> |
199 | <input class="submit" type="submit" name="login" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"> |
200 | </p> |
201 | <ul class="actions"> |
202 | <li><a href="{$U_LOST_PASSWORD}" title="{'Forgot your password?'|@translate}" rel="nofollow"><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/lost_password.png" class="button" alt="{'Forgot your password?'|@translate}"></a></li> |
203 | {if isset($U_REGISTER)} |
204 | <li><a href="{$U_REGISTER}" title="{'Create a new account'|@translate}" rel="nofollow"><img src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/register.png" class="button" alt="{'Register'|@translate}"/></a></li> |
205 | {/if} |
206 | </ul> |
207 | </fieldset> |
208 | </form> |
209 | {/if} </dd> |
210 | </dl></td> |
211 | <td class="blocmenu_right"> </td> |
212 | </tr> |
213 | <tr> |
214 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_left"> </td> |
215 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom"> </td> |
216 | <td class="blocmenu_bottom_right"> </td> |
217 | </tr> |
218 | </table> |
219 | </div> |
220 | <!-- menubar --> |