/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALLY Template for Piwigo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ file: gally/gallyjs-tcp.js file release: 1.4.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ author: grum at piwigo.org << May the Little SpaceFrog be with you >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JS for the categories pages need jQuery 1.2.6 see the release_notes.txt file for more informations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var gallyCP=null; $(document).ready( function() { gallyCP=new GallyCP(); } ); function GallyCP () { var menuState, initContentDesc = function() { var tmpInfo=''; if(($("#additional_infoTOP").length + $("#additional_infoBOTTOM").length)<2) { // if div TOP & BOTTOM don't exists, it's not necessary to process this the // initialisation return(false); } /* this code permit to manage 3 informations panels with one text area (or 2 if extended description plugin is used) this function don't use a regExp object (due to some freeze with this method during test) known tags : if the plugin "ExtendedDescription" is installed, the "" tag is already managed by the plugin : - top text is in a
=> text is moved to the to the '#additional_infoTOP' div and the '.additional_info' div added by the plugin is deleted - bottom text is in
=> if tag "" is present text on right is moved to the to the '#additional_infoBOTTOM' div and removed from the '#additional_infoLEFT' div if the plugin "ExtendedDescription" is not installed, all the text is in the
=> if tag "" is present text on right is moved to the to the '#additional_infoTOP' div and removed from the '#additional_infoLEFT' div => if tag "" is present on the '#additional_infoLEFT' div text on right is moved to the to the '#additional_infoBOTTOM' div and removed from the '#additional_infoLEFT' div */ // tag txt = $("#additional_infoLEFT").prop("innerHTML"); if(txt==null) { txt=""; } tmp = txt.indexOf(""); if(tmp>-1) { // tag is not managed by the ExtendedDescription plugin $("#additional_infoTOP").prop("innerHTML", txt.slice(0,tmp)); txt=txt.substr(tmp+14); //remove the tag } else { // perhaps tag is managed by the ExtendedDescription plugin $(".additional_info").each( function (i) { if(this.id=="") { $("#additional_infoTOP").prop("innerHTML", $("#additional_infoTOP").prop("innerHTML")+this.innerHTML); this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } } ); } // tag tmp = txt.indexOf(""); if(tmp>-1) { // tag is present, cut the right text to the $("#additional_infoBOTTOM").prop("innerHTML", txt.slice(0,tmp)); txt=txt.substr(tmp+17); } $("#additional_infoLEFT").prop("innerHTML", txt); if((txt.replace(/\s*/im, "")=="")&&($("#additional_infoID").length>0)) { // remove the left area if empty $("#additional_infoID").get(0).parentNode.removeChild($("#additional_infoID").get(0)); } $(".additional_info").css("visibility", "visible"); tmpInfo=$("#additional_infoBOTTOM").prop("innerHTML"); if(tmpInfo==null) tmpInfo=''; if(tmpInfo.replace(/\s*/im, "")=="") { // remove the bottom area if empty $("#additional_infoBOTTOM").get(0).parentNode.removeChild($("#additional_infoBOTTOM").get(0)); } else { $("#additional_infoBOTTOM").css("visibility", "visible"); } tmpInfo=$("#additional_infoTOP").prop("innerHTML"); if(tmpInfo==null) tmpInfo=''; if(tmpInfo.replace(/\s*/im, "")=="") { // remove the top area if empty $("#additional_infoTOP").get(0).parentNode.removeChild($("#additional_infoTOP").get(0)); } else { $("#additional_infoTOP").css("visibility", "visible"); } }, initMenu = function () { if(options.menuAnimated != "noswitch") { $("#menubar").css( { visibility:"hidden", top: $("#titrePageID").prop("offsetTop")+$("#titrePageID").prop("offsetHeight")-2+'px' } ); switchmenu('n'); switch(options.menuWidth) { case "auto": $("#menubar").css("width", "auto"); maxwidth=options.menuMaxWidth; regexp = /[1234567]\./i; if(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version.match(regexp)) { maxwidth=options.menuMSIEMaxWidth; } if(maxwidth>0) { $("#menubar").css("max-width", maxwidth+"px"); } break; case "info": $("#menubar").css("width", $(".additionnal_info").css("width")); break; default: $("#menubar").css("width", options.menuWidth+"px"); } } else { $("#menubar dl dd").each( function (index, elem) { //alert($(this.parentNode).prop('offsetWidth')+"---"+$(this.parentNode).prop('id')); $(this).css("min-width", $(this.parentNode).prop('offsetWidth')); if(jQuery.browser.msie) { $(this).css("max-width", options.menuMSIEMaxWidth+"px"); } } ); } }, switchmenu = function(force, iconpath) { if(force=='') { (!menuState)?force='y':force='n'; } if(options.menuAnimated == "fade") { switch(force) { case 'y': $("#menubar").css({ visibility:"visible", height:"auto" }).fadeTo(options.animateDelay,1); $("#icon_menu").toggleClass("button button2"); menuState=true; break; default: $("#menubar").fadeTo(options.animateDelay, 0, function () { $("#menubar").css({ visibility:"hidden", height:"0px" }); }); $("#icon_menu").toggleClass("button button2"); menuState=false; } } else { switch(force) { case 'y': $("#menubar").css({ visibility:"visible", height:"auto" }); $("#icon_menu").toggleClass("button button2"); menuState=true; break; default: $("#menubar").css({ visibility:"hidden", height:"0px" }); $("#icon_menu").toggleClass("button button2"); menuState=false; } } }; this.switchmenu = function(force, iconpath) { switchmenu(force, iconpath); }; initMenu(); initContentDesc(); }