1 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.button.css"} |
2 | {combine_css path="themes/greydragon/admin/css/styles.css"} |
3 | {combine_script id='greydragon.admin' load='footer' require='jquery,jquery.ui.button' path='themes/greydragon/admin/js/admin.js' } |
4 | {if $options.p_debug == "on"} |
5 | {debug} |
6 | {/if} |
7 | |
8 | <div class="titrePage"> |
9 | <h2>{'GreyDragon Theme'|@translate} - {$options.version}</h2> |
10 | <div class="left-links"> |
11 | <ul><li><a href="http://blog.dragonsoft.us/piwigo/" target="_blank">{'Home'|@translate}</a> | </li> |
12 | <li><a href="http://piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=154192" target="_blank">{'Support'|@translate}</a> | </li> |
13 | <li><a title="Follow me on Twitter" href="http://twitter.com/greydragon_th" target="_blank">{'Follow'|@translate}</a> | </li> |
14 | <li><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9MWBSVJMWMJEU" target="_blank">{'Coffee Fund'|@translate}</a> | </li> |
15 | <li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=775" onclick="return false" target="_blank">{'Download'|@translate}</a></li> |
16 | </ul> |
17 | </div> |
18 | </div> |
19 | <form method="post" class="properties" action="" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" name="form" class="properties"> |
20 | <div id="configContent"> |
21 | <fieldset> |
22 | <legend>{'Prerequisits'|@translate}</legend> |
23 | <ul> |
24 | <li> |
25 | <label> |
26 | <span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.hasMinVer=="yes"}icon-check success{else}icon-check-empty error{/if}"></span> |
27 | <input name="vercheck" disabled="1" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1"> |
28 | {'Piwigo 2.6.3+ Core Installed'|@translate} |
29 | </label> |
30 | </li> |
31 | <li> |
32 | <label> |
33 | <span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.hasAP=="yes"}icon-check success{else}icon-check-empty error{/if}"></span> |
34 | <input name="addpagescheck" disabled="1" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1"> |
35 | {'Additional Pages'|@translate} {'Installed'|@translate} |
36 | </label> |
37 | </li> |
38 | <li> |
39 | <label> |
40 | <span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.hasED=="yes"}icon-check success{else}icon-check-empty error{/if}"></span> |
41 | <input name="extdesccheck" disabled="1" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1"> |
42 | {'Extended Description'|@translate} {'Installed'|@translate} |
43 | </label> |
44 | </li> |
45 | </ul> |
46 | </fieldset> |
47 | <fieldset> |
48 | <legend>{'Suggested Modules'|@translate}</legend> |
49 | <ul> |
50 | <li> |
51 | <label> |
52 | <span class="graphicalCheckbox icon-check {if $options.hasGT=="yes"}icon-check success{else}icon-check-empty error{/if}"></span> |
53 | <input name="vercheck" disabled="1" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1"> |
54 | <a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=771" target=_blank>{'gdThumb'|@translate}</a> {'Installed'|@translate} |
55 | </label> |
56 | </li> |
57 | <li> |
58 | <label> |
59 | <span class="graphicalCheckbox icon-check {if $options.hasAT=="yes"}icon-check success{else}icon-check-empty error{/if}"></span> |
60 | <input name="vercheck" disabled="1" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="1"> |
61 | <a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=720" target=_blank>{'Admin Tools'|@translate}</a> {'Installed'|@translate} |
62 | </label> |
63 | </li> |
64 | </ul> |
65 | </fieldset> |
66 | <fieldset> |
67 | <legend>{'General Settings'|@translate}</legend> |
68 | <ul> |
69 | <li><input id="p_logo_path" name="p_logo_path" type="text" value="{$options.p_logo_path}"><label for="p_logo_path">{'Logo Image'|@translate}</label> |
70 | <li><input id="p_favicon_path" name="p_favicon_path" type="text" value="{$options.p_favicon_path}"><label for="p_favicon_path">{'URL (or relative path) to your favicon.ico'|@translate}</label> |
71 | {* |
72 | <li><input id="p_apple_path" name="p_apple_path" type="text" value="{$options.p_apple_path}"><label for="p_apple_path">{'URL (or relative path) to your Apple Touch icon'|@translate}</label> |
73 | *} |
74 | <li><input id="p_header" name="p_header" type="text" value="{$options.p_header|escape:"html"}"><label for="p_header">{'Header Text'|@translate}</label> |
75 | <li><input id="p_footer" name="p_footer" type="text" value="{$options.p_footer|escape:"html"}"><label for="p_footer">{'Footer Text'|@translate}</label> |
76 | <li> |
77 | <select id="p_colorpack" name="p_colorpack" adisabled="1"> |
78 | {foreach from=$colorpackArr item=name} |
79 | <option {if $options.p_colorpack == $name}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$name}">{$name}</option> |
80 | {/foreach} |
81 | <!-- <option selected="selected" value="slateblue">slateblue</option> --> |
82 | </select> |
83 | <label for="p_colorpack">{'Color Pack'|@translate}</label> |
84 | </li> |
85 | </ul> |
86 | </fieldset> |
87 | <fieldset> |
88 | <legend>{'Advanced Options - General'|@translate}</legend> |
89 | <ul> |
90 | <li> |
91 | <select id="p_main_menu" name="p_main_menu"> |
92 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="static"}selected="selected"{/if} value="static">{'Static Menu'|@translate}</option> |
93 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="header-bottom"}selected="selected"{/if} value="header-bottom">{'Static Menu - Header Bottom'|@translate}</option> |
94 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="opened"}selected="selected"{/if} value="opened">{'Popup Menu Opened'|@translate}</option> |
95 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="closed"}selected="selected"{/if} value="closed">{'Popup Menu Closed'|@translate}</option> |
96 | {* |
97 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="top-bar"}selected="selected"{/if} value="top-bar">{'Static Menu - Top Bar'|@translate}</option> |
98 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="header-top"}selected="selected"{/if} value="header-bottomleft">{'Header Top Left'|@translate}</option> |
99 | *} |
100 | <option {if $options.p_main_menu=="disabled"}selected="selected"{/if} value="disabled">{'Disabled'|@translate}</option> |
101 | </select> |
102 | <label for="p_main_menu">{'Main Menu Mode'|@translate}</label> |
103 | </li> |
104 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_animated_menu=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_animated_menu" id="p_animated_menu" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_animated_menu=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Animate Menu'|@translate}</label></li> |
105 | <li> |
106 | <select id="p_credits" name="p_credits"> |
107 | <option {if $options.p_credits=="on"}selected="selected"{/if} value="on">{'Show Credits (Icon)'|@translate}</option> |
108 | <option {if $options.p_credits=="text"}selected="selected"{/if} value="text">{'Show Credits (Text)'|@translate}</option> |
109 | <option {if $options.p_credits=="off"}selected="selected"{/if} value="off">{'Hide'|@translate}</option> |
110 | </select> |
111 | <label for="p_credits">{'Show Site Credits'|@translate}</label> |
112 | </li> |
113 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_nogenerator=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_nogenerator" id="p_nogenerator" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_nogenerator=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Remove Piwigo Generator Meta Tag'|@translate}</label></li> |
114 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_lowertext=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_lowertext" id="p_lowertext" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_lowertext=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Use Lowercase Text'|@translate}</label></li> |
115 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_hideabout=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_hideabout" id="p_hideabout" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_hideabout=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Hide About Link'|@translate}</label></li> |
116 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_adminemail=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_adminemail" id="p_adminemail" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_adminemail=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Include Contact Webmaster Email in the Footer for Members'|@translate}</label></li> |
117 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_nocounter=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_nocounter" id="p_nocounter" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_nocounter=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Remove photo counter in breadcrumbs'|@translate}</label></li> |
118 | </ul> |
119 | </fieldset> |
120 | <fieldset> |
121 | <legend>{'Advanced Options - Photo Page'|@translate}</legend> |
122 | <ul> |
123 | <li> |
124 | <select id="p_pict_tab_default" name="p_pict_tab_default"> |
125 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="desc"}selected="selected"{/if} value="desc">{'Description'|@translate}</option> |
126 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="info"}selected="selected"{/if} value="info">{'Info'|@translate}</option> |
127 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="exif"}selected="selected"{/if} value="exif">{'Exif'|@translate}</option> |
128 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="tags"}selected="selected"{/if} value="tags">{'Tags'|@translate}</option> |
129 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="comments"}selected="selected"{/if} value="comments">{'Comments'|@translate}</option> |
130 | <option {if $options.p_pict_tab_default=="hide"}selected="selected"{/if} value="hide">{'Hide'|@translate}</option> |
131 | </select> |
132 | <label for="p_pict_tab_default">{'Default tab to be displayed'|@translate}</label> |
133 | </li> |
134 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_pict_tab_anim=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_pict_tab_anim" id="p_pict_tab_anim" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_pict_tab_anim=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Animate Tabs'|@translate}</label></li> |
135 | </ul> |
136 | </fieldset> |
137 | <fieldset> |
138 | <legend>{'Advanced Options - Root Page'|@translate}</legend> |
139 | <ul> |
140 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_rootpage=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_rootpage" id="p_rootpage" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_rootpage=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Enable Root Page'|@translate}</label></li> |
141 | <li> |
142 | <label class="textarea" for="p_rootpage_desc"><span class="textarea">{'Gallery Description'|@translate} {'(with Safe Quotes)'|@translate}</span> </label> |
143 | <textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="p_rootpage_desc" name="p_rootpage_desc">{$options.p_rootpage_desc|unescape:"html"}</textarea> |
144 | </li> |
145 | <li> |
146 | <select id="p_rootpage_src" name="p_rootpage_src"> |
147 | <option value="photo" {if $options.p_rootpage_src=="photo"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Static Photo'|@translate}</option> |
148 | <option value="random" {if $options.p_rootpage_src=="random"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Static Random Photo'|@translate}</option> |
149 | <option value="slider" {if $options.p_rootpage_src=="slider"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slideshow'|@translate}</option> |
150 | </select> |
151 | <label for="p_rootpage_src">{'Image Source (Default: Slideshow)'|@translate}</label> |
152 | </li> |
153 | <li><input id="p_rootpage_id" name="p_rootpage_id" type="text" value="{$options.p_rootpage_id}"><label for="p_rootpage_id">{'Photo/Album Index'|@translate}</label> |
154 | <li> |
155 | <select id="p_rootpage_mode" name="p_rootpage_mode"> |
156 | <option value="sliceDown" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceDown"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Down'|@translate}</option> |
157 | <option value="sliceDownLeft" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceDownLeft"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Down Left'|@translate}</option> |
158 | <option value="sliceUp" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceUp"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Up'|@translate}</option> |
159 | <option value="sliceUpLeft" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceUpLeft"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Up Left'|@translate}</option> |
160 | <option value="sliceUpDown" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceUpDown"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Up Down'|@translate}</option> |
161 | <option value="sliceUpDownLeft" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="sliceUpDownLeft"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slice Up Down Left'|@translate}</option> |
162 | <option value="fold" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="fold"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Fold'|@translate}</option> |
163 | <option value="fade" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="fade"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Fade (Default)'|@translate}</option> |
164 | <option value="random" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="random"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Random'|@translate}</option> |
165 | <option value="slideInRight" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="slideInRight"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slide In Right'|@translate}</option> |
166 | <option value="slideInLeft" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="slideInLeft"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Slide In Left'|@translate}</option> |
167 | <option value="boxRandom" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="boxRandom"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Box Random'|@translate}</option> |
168 | <option value="boxRain" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="boxRain"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Box Rain'|@translate}</option> |
169 | <option value="boxRainReverse" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="boxRainReverse"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Box Rain Reverse'|@translate}</option> |
170 | <option value="boxRainGrow" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="boxRainGrow"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Box Rain Grow'|@translate}</option> |
171 | <option value="boxRainGrowReverse" {if $options.p_rootpage_mode=="boxRainGrowReverse"}selected="selected"{/if}>{'Box Rain Grow Reverse'|@translate}</option> |
172 | </select> |
173 | <label for="p_rootpage_mode">{'Cycle Effect In Slideshow (Default: Fade)'|@translate}</label> |
174 | </li> |
175 | <li><input id="p_rootpage_delay" name="p_rootpage_delay" type="text" value="{$options.p_rootpage_delay}"><label for="p_rootpage_delay">{'Delay In Slideshow (Default: 10)'|@translate}</label> |
176 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_rootpage_elastic == "on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_rootpage_elastic" id="p_rootpage_elastic" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_rootpage_elastic == "on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Adapt slideshow size to each photo'|@translate}</label></li> |
177 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_rootpage_navarr == "on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_rootpage_navarr" id="p_rootpage_navarr" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_rootpage_navarr == "on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Display navigation arrows'|@translate}</label></li> |
178 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_rootpage_navctr == "on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_rootpage_navctr" id="p_rootpage_navctr" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_rootpage_navctr == "on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Display navigation controls'|@translate}</label></li> |
179 | </ul> |
180 | </fieldset> |
181 | <fieldset> |
182 | <legend>{'Advanced Options - Custom CSS'|@translate}</legend> |
183 | <ul><li> |
184 | <label class="textarea" for="p_customcss"><span class="textarea">{'Custom CSS'|@translate}</span></label> |
185 | <textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="p_customcss" name="p_customcss">{$options.p_customcss|escape:"html"}</textarea> |
186 | </li></ul> |
187 | </fieldset> |
188 | <fieldset> |
189 | <legend>{'Advanced Options - Maintenance'|@translate}</legend> |
190 | <ul> |
191 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox {if $options.p_debug=="on"}icon-check{else}icon-check-empty{/if}"> </span><input name="p_debug" id="p_debug" type="checkbox" value="on" {if $options.p_debug=="on"}checked="checked"{/if}>{'Enable Debug Mode'|@translate}</label></li> |
192 | <li><label><span class="graphicalCheckbox icon-check-empty"> </span><input name="p_reset" id="p_debug" type="checkbox" value="on">{'Reset Theme to a Default State'|@translate}</label></li> |
193 | </ul> |
194 | </fieldset> |
195 | <input class="submit" type="submit" value="{'Save Changes'|@translate}" name="submit_greydragon" /> |
196 | </div> |
197 | <div id="helpContent"> |
198 | <fieldset> |
199 | <legend>{'Help'|@translate}</legend> |
200 | <ul> |
201 | <li><h3>{'Prerequisites'|@translate}</h3> |
203 | Please refer to information on the left. |
204 | </p></li> |
205 | <li><h3>{'General Settings'|@translate}</h3> |
206 | <p>To add logo specify <b>Logo Image</b>. Recommended logo height is 80px. If you need bigger space for your logo, CSS adjustments |
207 | would have to be made. In addition to Logo you can specify <b>Header Text</b>.<br> |
208 | <b>Footer Text</b> allows adding simple text as a row in the footer below menu links and Site's credits. |
209 | <p>Important feature of the theme is a support for Color Packs which is managed by <b>Color Pack</b> Option. It allows changing colors, styles, |
210 | theme for the pages. By default theme includes 3 color packs: slateblue, blackhawk, whitehawk, but you could be easily extend the list by |
211 | creating copy of one of the existing colorpack folders and then adjusting colors. |
212 | </p></li> |
213 | <li><h3>{'Advanced Options - Custom CSS'|@translate}</h3> |
214 | <p>This option allows fine tune Theme's styles to better suit your personal taste.</p> |
215 | <p>Few examples for standard CSS notation:</p> |
216 | <ul> |
217 | <li>Remove fixed width:<br> body { width: auto; }</li> |
218 | <li>Remove fixed width but keep min-width:<br> body { width: auto; min-width: 1270px; }</li> |
219 | <li>Add Thumb shadow for gdThumb: Set margin between thumbs to 10-14px. Modify shadow color to match your theme<br> .gdthumb { box-shadow: 6px 6px 3px #888888; }</li> |
220 | </ul> |
221 | </ul> |
222 | </div> |
223 | </form> |