$_POST['pywaie_add_name'], 'file' => $file_name, 'date_available' => $dbnow, ); $optional_fields = array('author', 'comment'); foreach ($optional_fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field]) and !empty($_POST[$field])) { $insert[$field] = $_POST[$field]; } } check_input_parameter('parent', $_POST, false, PATTERN_ID); $category_id = $_POST['parent']; $query = ' SELECT c.id, c.name, c.permalink, c.dir, c.site_id, s.galleries_url FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS c LEFT JOIN '.SITES_TABLE.' AS s ON s.id = c.site_id WHERE c.id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $category = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); // is the category virtual or is the category on a remote site? $use_galleries_directory = true; if (empty($category['dir'])) { $use_galleries_directory = false; } if (!empty($category['galleries_url']) and url_is_remote($category['galleries_url'])) { $use_galleries_directory = false; } if (!$use_galleries_directory) { list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/[^\d]/', $dbnow, 4); // upload directory hierarchy $upload_dir = sprintf( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf['upload_dir'].'/%s/%s/%s', $year, $month, $day ); prepare_directory($upload_dir); $file_path = $upload_dir.'/'.$file_name; $thumb_path = file_path_for_type($file_path, 'thumb'); $thumb_dir = dirname($thumb_path); prepare_directory($thumb_dir); } // or physical and local else { $catpath = get_fulldirs(array($category_id)); $file_path = $catpath[$category_id].'/'.$file_name; $insert['storage_category_id'] = $category_id; } $insert['path'] = $file_path; if (file_exists($file_path)) { array_push($page['errors'], sprintf(l10n('py_error6'), $file_path)); } else { // Write fake file with video settings inside // // TODO: store these information in a specific database table instead $file_content = stripslashes($video['id']); $file_content.= '/'.$_POST['pywaie_add_h']; $file_content.= '/'.$_POST['pywaie_add_w']; $file_content.= '/'.$_POST['pywaie_add_start']; $bytes_written = file_put_contents($file_path, $file_content); if (false === $bytes_written) { array_push( $page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('py_error7'), $file_path ), sprintf( l10n('py_error8'), dirname($file_path) ) ); } else { // thumbnail $thumb_extension = null; if ($_POST['thumbnail'] == 'thumb_from_server' or $_POST['thumbnail'] == 'thumb_from_user') { include_once ('thumbnails.php'); $insert['tn_ext'] = $thumb_extension; } // database registration mass_inserts( IMAGES_TABLE, array_keys($insert), array($insert) ); $image_id = pwg_db_insert_id(IMAGES_TABLE); associate_images_to_categories(array($image_id), array($category_id)); invalidate_user_cache(); // success information to display array_unshift($page['infos'], l10n('py_info3')); array_push( $page['infos'], sprintf( l10n('py_show_file'), make_picture_url( array( 'image_id' => $image_id, 'section' => 'categories', 'category' => $category, ) ) ) ); } } } } } // display list of all categories $query = ' SELECT id, name, uppercats, global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ;'; if (isset($_POST['parent'])) { $selected = array($_POST['parent']); } else { $selected = array(); } display_select_cat_wrapper($query, $selected , 'category_option_parent', false); // Parametrage du template if (isset($_POST['submit_add'])) { $template->assign(array( 'PYWAIE_ADD_NAME' => $_POST['pywaie_add_name'], 'PYWAIE_ADD_URL' => $_POST['pywaie_add_url'], $_POST['thumbnail'] . '_CHECKED' => 'checked="checked"', 'ADD_BAND' => isset($_POST['add_band']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'THUMB_RESIZE' => isset($_POST['thumb_resize']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PYWAIE_ADD_START' => $_POST['pywaie_add_start'], 'PYWAIE_ADD_W' => $_POST['pywaie_add_w'], 'PYWAIE_ADD_H' => $_POST['pywaie_add_h'], 'AUTHOR' => $_POST['author'], 'COMMENT' => $_POST['comment'])); } else { $template->assign(array('no_thumb_CHECKED' => 'checked="checked"')); } $template->assign(array( 'INFOBULLES_JS' => GVIDEO_PATH . 'admin/infobulles.js', 'ICON_INFOBULLE' => GVIDEO_PATH . 'admin/infobulle.png', 'DEFAULT_THUMB_W' => $conf['upload_form_thumb_maxwidth'], 'DEFAULT_THUMB_H' => $conf['upload_form_thumb_maxheight'])); $template->set_filenames(array('plugin_admin_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/add_page.tpl')); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); ?>