0, 'width' => 640, 'height' => 360, 'sync_description' => 1, 'sync_tags' => 1, 'vimeo' => array( 'title' => 1, 'portrait' => 1, 'byline' => 1, 'color' => '00adef', ), 'dailymotion' => array( 'logo' => 1, 'title' => 1, 'color' => 'F7FFFD', ), 'youtube' => array(), 'wat' => array(), 'wideo' => array(), )); conf_update_param('gvideo', $gvideo_default_config); $conf['gvideo'] = $gvideo_default_config; } else { if (is_string($conf['gvideo'])) { $conf['gvideo'] = unserialize($conf['gvideo']); } if (!isset($conf['gvideo']['sync_description'])) { $conf['gvideo']['sync_description'] = 1; $conf['gvideo']['sync_tags'] = 1; conf_update_param('gvideo', serialize($conf['gvideo'])); } } // create table $query = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'.gvideo_table.'` ( `picture_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL, `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `video_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `width` smallint(9) DEFAULT NULL, `height` smallint(9) DEFAULT NULL, `autoplay` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;'; pwg_query($query); // update video_id lenght $query = 'ALTER TABLE `'.gvideo_table.'` CHANGE `video_id` `video_id` VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;'; pwg_query($query); // new collumn in images table $result = pwg_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' LIKE "is_gvideo";'); if (!pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { pwg_query('ALTER TABLE `' . IMAGES_TABLE . '` ADD `is_gvideo` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'); $query = ' UPDATE '.IMAGES_TABLE.' SET is_gvideo = 1 WHERE id IN( SELECT picture_id FROM '.gvideo_table.' ) ;'; pwg_query($query); } // remove old configuration if (isset($conf['PY_GVideo'])) { pwg_query('DELETE FROM `'. CONFIG_TABLE .'` WHERE param = "PY_GVideo" LIMIT 1;'); unset($conf['PY_GVideo']); } // updade video files gvideo_update_24(); } /** * update from 2.3 to 2.4 */ function gvideo_update_24() { global $conf; // search existing videos $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE file LIKE "%.gvideo" OR file LIKE "%.dm" OR file LIKE "%.ytube" OR file LIKE "%.wideo" OR file LIKE "%.vimeo" OR file LIKE "%.wat" ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (!pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { return; } if (!isset($conf['prefix_thumbnail'])) { $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-'; } if (!isset($conf['dir_thumbnail'])) { $conf['dir_thumbnail'] = 'thumbnail'; } set_time_limit(600); include_once(gvideo_path . 'include/functions.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions_upload.inc.php'); $videos_inserts = array(); $images_updates = array(); $images_delete = array(); while ($img = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $file_content = file_get_contents($img['path']); list($file['id'], $file['height'], $file['width'], ) = explode('/', $file_content); $file['type'] = get_extension($img['path']); switch ($file['type']) { case 'vimeo': $video = array( 'type' => 'vimeo', 'url' => 'http://vimeo.com/'.$file['id'], ); break; case 'dm': $video = array( 'type' => 'dailymotion', 'url' => 'http://dailymotion.com/video/'.$file['id'], ); break; case 'ytube': $video = array( 'type' => 'youtube', 'url' => 'http://youtube.com/watch?v='.$file['id'], ); break; case 'wideo': $video = array( 'type' => 'wideo', 'url' => 'http://wideo.fr/video/'.$file['id'].'.html', ); break; case 'wat': $video = array( 'type' => 'wat', 'url' => null, ); break; case 'gvideo': // closed default: array_push($images_delete, $img['id']); continue; } $real_path = str_replace($img['file'], null, str_replace('././', './', $img['path'])); // get existing thumbnail $thumb = $real_path.$conf['dir_thumbnail'].'/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'].get_filename_wo_extension($img['file']).'.*'; $thumb = glob($thumb); if (!empty($thumb)) { $thumb_name = $video['type'].'-'.$file['id'].'-'.uniqid().'.'.get_extension($thumb[0]); $thumb_source = $conf['data_location'].$thumb_name; copy($thumb[0], $thumb_source); } else { $thumb_name = $video['type'].'-'.$file['id'].'-'.uniqid().'.jpg'; $thumb_source = $conf['data_location'].$thumb_name; copy(gvideo_path.'mimetypes/'.$video['type'].'.jpg', $thumb_source); add_film_frame($thumb_source); } // update element $image_id = add_uploaded_file($thumb_source, $thumb_name, null, null, $img['id']); // update path and rename the file $img['new_path'] = $real_path.$thumb_name; rename($img['path'], $img['new_path']); // why ? what's the purpose of this line ? array_push($images_updates, array( 'id' => $img['id'], 'path' => $img['new_path'], 'is_gvideo' => 1, )); if (empty($file['width'])) $file['width'] = ''; if (empty($file['height'])) $file['height'] = ''; // register video array_push($videos_inserts, array( 'picture_id' => $image_id, 'url' => $video['url'], 'type' => $video['type'], 'video_id' => $file['id'], 'width' => $file['width'], 'height' => $file['height'], 'autoplay' => '', )); unset($thumb_source, $thumb_name, $file, $video, $url); } // delete obsolete elements delete_elements($images_delete); // registers videos mass_inserts( gvideo_table, array('picture_id', 'url', 'type', 'video_id', 'width', 'height', 'autoplay'), $videos_inserts ); // update images mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array('primary'=>array('id'), 'update'=>array('path', 'is_gvideo')), $images_updates ); } ?>