$conf['db_host'], 'db_user' => $conf['db_user'], 'db_password' => $conf['db_password'], 'db_name' => '', 'prefix_table' => 'g2_', 'prefix_column' => 'g_', ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | import data from Menalto | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { foreach (array_keys($conf['menalto2piwigo']) as $key) { $conf['menalto2piwigo'][$key] = $_POST[$key]; } conf_update_param('menalto2piwigo', serialize($conf['menalto2piwigo'])); $pt = $conf['menalto2piwigo']['prefix_table']; $pc = $conf['menalto2piwigo']['prefix_column']; // build an associative array like // // $piwigo_paths = array( // [album 1] => c2 // [album 1/20081220_173438-014.jpg] => i1 // [album 1/20081220_173603-017.jpg] => i2 // [album 1/sub-album 1.1] => c3 // [album 1/sub-album 1.1/1.1.1] => c4 // [album 1/sub-album 1_2] => c5 // [album 2] => c1 // [album 2/20091011_164753-127.jpg] => i3 // [album 2/20091102_172719-190.jpg] => i4 // ); // // cN for categories, iN for images $piwigo_paths = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, REPLACE(path, "./galleries/", "") AS filepath FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE path like "./galleries/%" ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $piwigo_paths[$row['filepath']] = 'i'.$row['id']; } $query = ' SELECT id, dir, uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE site_id = 1 ;'; $albums = query2array($query, 'id'); foreach ($albums as $id => $album) { $path_tokens = array(); foreach (explode(',', $album['uppercats']) as $uppercat_id) { $path_tokens[] = $albums[$uppercat_id]['dir']; } $albums[$id]['path'] = implode('/', $path_tokens); } foreach ($albums as $id => $album) { $piwigo_paths[$album['path']] = 'c'.$id; } unset($albums); ksort($piwigo_paths); // echo '
'; print_r($piwigo_paths); echo '
'; m2p_db_connect(); // Gallery2 or Gallery3? $menalto_tables = m2p_get_tables($pt); if (in_array($pt.'FileSystemEntity', $menalto_tables)) { // Gallery version 2 // Gallery2 parent Ids (root is always 7!) $ids = array(7,0,0,0,0,0); // Piwigo uppercats $uct = array('NULL',0,0,0,0,0); $ranks = array(); // the following algorithm is a conversion into PHP of the Perl script // convertcomments.pl by dschwen, see https://github.com/dschwen/g2piwigo // // this plugin just makes things "simpler" for users but the hard part // comes from dschwen, he deserves all credits! foreach ($piwigo_paths as $dir => $piwigo_id) { $path = explode('/', $dir); $basename = $path[count($path)-1]; $level = count($path); $parentId = $ids[$level-1]; // get id and title/summary/description of tail element in path $query = " SELECT f.".$pc."id, i.".$pc."title, i.".$pc."summary, i.".$pc."description, i.".$pc."canContainChildren, a.".$pc."orderWeight, a.".$pc."viewCount, FROM_UNIXTIME(e.".$pc."creationTimestamp) FROM ".$pt."Item i JOIN ".$pt."FileSystemEntity f ON i.".$pc."id = f.".$pc."id JOIN ".$pt."ChildEntity c ON f.".$pc."id = c.".$pc."id JOIN ".$pt."ItemAttributesMap a ON i.".$pc."id = a.".$pc."itemId JOIN ".$pt."Entity e ON e.".$pc."id = i.".$pc."id WHERE c.".$pc."parentId = ".$parentId." AND f.".$pc."pathComponent='".$basename."' ;"; // echo '
"; $row = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); // print "$row[4] - $parentId -> $row[0] : $row[1] $row[2] $row[3]
"; $title = m2p_remove_bbcode($row[1]); if (empty($title)) { $title = $basename; } $summary = m2p_remove_bbcode($row[2]); $description = m2p_remove_bbcode($row[3]); $weight = $row[5]; $views = $row[6]; $date_available = $row[7]; $ids[$level] = $row[0]; $pid[$row[0]] = $dir; if ($row[4] == 0) { // Menalto says it's an image if (strpos($piwigo_id, 'i') === false) { echo 'Error, '.$piwig_id.' is not an image and Menalto says it is an image'; } $comment = ""; if ( $summary != "" and $description != "" ) { $comment = "$summary - $description"; } else { if ($summary != "") { $comment = $summary; } else { $comment = $description; } } $image_id = substr($piwigo_id, 1); $image_updates[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'name' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($title), 'comment' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($comment), 'date_available' => $date_available, ); // build a map from gallery2 ids to piwigo image ids $iid[$row[0]] = $image_id; } else { // album (folder) if (strpos($piwigo_id, 'c') === false) { echo 'Error, '.$piwig_id.' is not an album and Menalto says it is an album'; } $comment = ""; if ( $summary != "" and $description != "" ) { $comment = "$summary $description"; } else { if ($summary != "") { $comment = $summary; } else { $comment = "$description"; } } // get piwigo category id $cat_id = substr($piwigo_id, 1); $uct[$level] = $cat_id; $cat_updates[] = array( 'id' => $cat_id, 'name' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($title), 'comment' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($comment), 'rank' => $weight, ); // get highlight picture $query = " SELECT d2.".$pc."derivativeSourceId FROM ".$pt."ChildEntity c JOIN ".$pt."Derivative d1 ON c.".$pc."id = d1.".$pc."id JOIN ".$pt."Derivative d2 ON d1.".$pc."derivativeSourceId=d2.".$pc."id WHERE c.".$pc."parentId = ".$ids[$level]; $subresult = pwg_query($query); $subrow = pwg_db_fetch_row($subresult); $hid[$cat_id] = $subrow[0]; } } // apply highlites as representative images foreach ($hid as $cat_id => $menalto_id) { if (!empty($menalto_id)) { $album_thumbs[] = array( 'id' => $cat_id, 'representative_picture_id' => $iid[$menalto_id], ); } } // copy comments $query = " SELECT c.".$pc."parentId AS id, t.".$pc."subject AS subject, t.".$pc."comment AS comment, t.".$pc."author AS author, FROM_UNIXTIME(t.".$pc."date) AS date FROM ".$pt."ChildEntity c JOIN ".$pt."Comment t ON t.".$pc."id = c.".$pc."id WHERE t.".$pc."publishStatus=0 "; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (isset($iid[ $row['id'] ])) { $comment = $row['comment']; if (!empty($row['subject'])) { $comment = '[b]'.$row['subject'].'[/b] '.$comment; } $comment_inserts[] = array( 'image_id' => $iid[ $row['id'] ], 'date' => $row['date'], 'author' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['author']), 'content' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($comment), 'validated' => 'true', ); } } m2p_db_disconnect(); // echo '
'; print_r($image_updates); echo '
'; // echo '
'; print_r($cat_updates); echo '
'; // echo '
'; print_r($hid); echo '
'; // echo '
'; print_r($iid); echo '
'; // echo '
'; print_r($album_thumbs); echo '
'; // echo '
'; print_r($comment_inserts); echo '
'; mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('name', 'comment', 'date_available'), ), $image_updates ); mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('name', 'comment', 'rank'), ), $cat_updates ); mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('representative_picture_id'), ), $album_thumbs ); mass_inserts( COMMENTS_TABLE, array_keys($comment_inserts[0]), $comment_inserts ); array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Information data registered in database')); } elseif (in_array($pt.'items_tags', $menalto_tables)) { // Gallery version 3 $query = ' SELECT id, name, parent_id, relative_path_cache, title, description, type, view_count, created, weight, album_cover_item_id FROM '.$pt.'items ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (isset($piwigo_paths[ $row['relative_path_cache'] ])) { $piwigo_id = $piwigo_paths[ $row['relative_path_cache'] ]; } else { continue; } if ('photo' == $row['type']) { $image_id = substr($piwigo_id, 1); $image_updates[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'name' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['title']), 'comment' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['description']), 'date_available' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['created']), 'hit' => $row['view_count'], ); // build a map from menalto ids to piwigo image ids $iid[ $row['id'] ] = $image_id; } elseif ('album' == $row['type']) { $cat_id = substr($piwigo_id, 1); $cat_updates[] = array( 'id' => $cat_id, 'name' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['title']), 'comment' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['description']), 'rank' => $row['weight'], ); $cover_id[$cat_id] = $row['album_cover_item_id']; } } // album cover id foreach ($cover_id as $cat_id => $menalto_id) { if (!empty($menalto_id) and isset($iid[$menalto_id])) { $album_thumbs[] = array( 'id' => $cat_id, 'representative_picture_id' => $iid[$menalto_id], ); } } // user comments; $query = ' SELECT author_id, server_remote_addr, created, name, full_name, email, url, guest_email, guest_name, guest_url, item_id, state, text FROM '.$pt.'comments JOIN '.$pt.'users AS u ON author_id = u.id ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (isset($iid[ $row['item_id'] ])) { if (!empty($row['guest_name'])) { $name = $row['guest_name']; $email = $row['guest_email']; $url = $row['guest_url']; } else { $name = $row['full_name'].' ('.$row['name'].')'; $email = $row['email']; $url = $row['url']; } if (2 == $row['author_id']) // default admin on G3 { $author_id = 1; // default admin on Piwigo } else { $author_id = 2; // guest on Piwigo } $validated = 'true'; if ('unpublished' == $row['state']) { $validated = 'false'; } $anonymous_id = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $row['server_remote_addr']), 0, 3)); $comment_inserts[] = array( 'image_id' => $iid[ $row['item_id'] ], 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['created']), 'author' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($name), 'author_id' => $author_id, 'anonymous_id' => $anonymous_id, 'email' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($email), 'website_url' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($url), 'content' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['text']), 'validated' => $validated, ); } } // tags $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.$pt.'tags ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tag_inserts[] = array( 'name' => pwg_db_real_escape_string($row['name']), 'url_name' => str2url($row['name']), ); $menalto_tag_ids[ $row['name'] ] = $row['id']; } $query = ' SELECT item_id, tag_id FROM '.$pt.'items_tags ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $items_tags[] = $row; } m2p_db_disconnect(); mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('name', 'comment', 'date_available', 'hit'), ), $image_updates ); mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('name', 'comment', 'rank'), ), $cat_updates ); mass_updates( CATEGORIES_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('representative_picture_id'), ), $album_thumbs ); mass_inserts( COMMENTS_TABLE, array_keys($comment_inserts[0]), $comment_inserts ); mass_inserts( TAGS_TABLE, array_keys($tag_inserts[0]), $tag_inserts ); // we need to retrieve the mapping of piwigo tag name => piwigo tag id, // for image_tag associations $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (isset($menalto_tag_ids[ $row['name'] ])) { $tag_id_convert[ $menalto_tag_ids[ $row['name'] ] ] = $row['id']; } } foreach ($items_tags as $item_tag) { if (isset($iid[ $item_tag['item_id'] ]) and isset($tag_id_convert[ $item_tag['tag_id'] ])) { $image_tag_inserts[] = array( 'image_id' => $iid[ $item_tag['item_id'] ], 'tag_id' => $tag_id_convert[ $item_tag['tag_id'] ], ); } } mass_inserts( IMAGE_TAG_TABLE, array_keys($image_tag_inserts[0]), $image_tag_inserts ); array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Information data registered in database')); } else { m2p_db_disconnect(); array_push($page['errors'], l10n('No Menalto tables found!')); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Template & Form | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames( array( 'plugin_admin_content' => dirname(__FILE__).'/admin.tpl' ) ); $template->assign('action_url', $admin_base_url); $template->assign($conf['menalto2piwigo']); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Sending html | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); ?>