Name, nickname of the author of the site '; $lang['meta_keywords'] = '"keywords" meta description'; $lang['meta_keywords_help'] = '"Keyword, keyword, etc."
Keywords describing the web page. (Separated by a comma)'; $lang['meta_Description'] = '"description" meta description'; $lang['meta_Description_help'] = 'Description of your site
Allows to give an information to display as result for a search engine'; $lang['meta_robots'] = '"robots" meta description'; $lang['meta_robots_help'] = 'all : Allows the robot to reference all the page (by default)
follow : Allows the robot to follow the links of the page
index : Allows the robot to index the page
nofollow : Forbid the robot to follow the links
noindex : Forbid the robot to index the page
none : Prevent the robot from pursuing the indexation of the site'; //tab personal meta $lang['Personal Metadata'] = 'Custom metadata'; $lang['Personal metadata update'] = 'Custom metadata updated'; $lang['Add Personal metadata'] = 'Add custom metadata'; $lang['List Personal Metadata'] = 'List of custom metadata'; //tab contactform meta $lang['Contact page Metadata'] = 'Contact page metadata'; $lang['Keywords of contact page to be completed'] = '"keywords" meta of contact page to be complete'; $lang['Description of contact page to be completed'] = '"description" of contact page to be completed'; //tab Aditional page $lang['Additional Pages Metadata'] = 'Additional pages metadata'; $lang['Choose Additional Pages'] = 'Choose Additional Pages'; $lang['Add metadata for page'] = 'Add metadata for page'; $lang['Keywords of Additional Pages to be completed'] = '"keywords" meta of additional page to complete'; $lang['Description of Additional Pages to be completed'] = '"description" meta of additional page to complete'; $lang['Choose it page'] = 'Choose it page'; ?>