Its activation blocks record in the table of IP *_history specified in the table below.'; $lang['HIPE_admin_section1'] = 'IP Exclusion'; $lang['HIPE_admin_description1'] = 'Enter the complete IP or IP ranges to exclude (one per line) in the box below. To specify an IP range, use the wildcard character "%".
Example : or 74.6.%'; $lang['HIPE_save_config']='Configuration saved.'; $lang['HIPE_CleanHist']='Clean History'; $lang['HIPE_admin_section2'] = 'Queries on history table'; $lang['HIPE_admin_section3'] = 'Result of the historic request'; $lang['HIPE_IPByMember'] = 'IPs by member'; $lang['HIPE_IPByMember_description'] = 'Show the IPs used by members, sorted by IP'; $lang['HIPE_OnlyGuest'] = 'Only Guests IPs'; $lang['HIPE_OnlyGuest_description'] = 'Show the IPs only used by Guests and the number of times it\'s found in the history table, sorted by the number of times'; $lang['HIPE_IPnoGuest'] = ''; $lang['HIPE_IPnoGuest_description'] = ''; $lang['HIPE_IPForMember'] = 'IPs for a member'; $lang['HIPE_IPForMember_description'] = 'Search and displays the IPs associated with a registered user (sorted by IP)'; $lang['HIPE_MemberForIp'] = 'Members for one IP'; $lang['HIPE_MemberForIp_description'] = 'Search and display users attached to one IP (sorted by name)'; $lang['HIPE_resquet_ok'] = 'Request OK.'; $lang['HIPE_hist_cleaned'] = 'Cleaning of the history table done.'; $lang['IP_geolocalisation'] = 'Geolocalisation'; ?>