Error code : %s'] = 'An error occured, please contact the gallery owner. Error code : %s'; $lang['You registered with a %s account, please sign in with the same account.'] = 'You registered with a %s account, please sign in with the same account.'; $lang['Your registration is almost done, please complete the registration form.'] = 'Your registration is almost done, please complete the registration form.'; $lang['Social Connect: You need to configure the credentials'] = 'Social Connect: You need to configure the credentials'; $lang['Social Connect: PHP Curl extension is needed'] = 'Social Connect: PHP Curl extension is needed'; $lang['Display sign in buttons in the menubar'] = 'Display sign in buttons in the menubar'; $lang['Display sign in buttons on the register page'] = 'Display sign in buttons on the register page'; $lang['Icon size on the identification page'] = 'Icon size on the identification page'; $lang['Icon size in the menubar'] = 'Icon size in the menubar'; $lang['Enabled'] = 'Enabled'; $lang['Disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $lang['Sign in with %s'] = 'Sign in with %s'; $lang['Error...'] = 'Error...'; $lang['Loading...'] = 'Loading...'; $lang['Contacting %s. Please wait.'] = 'Contacting %s. Please wait.'; $lang['Please enter your OpenID URL'] = 'Please enter your OpenID URL'; $lang['Please enter your username'] = 'Please enter your username'; $lang['Or sign in with'] = 'Or sign in with'; $lang['Logged with'] = 'Logged with'; $lang['Profile URL'] = 'Profile URL'; ?>