%s Plugin'; $lang['piclens_label_plugins'] = '%s Plugin installed and activated'; $lang['piclens_secureimage_detail'] = 'Use the getFile method from the SecureImage plugin to load pictures.'; $lang['piclens_extendeddesc_detail'] = 'Using language tag [lang] for the picture description and the < !--hidden-- > tag to hide categories and pictures.'; $lang['piclens_cfg_specials_actived'] = 'Enabling Piclens on "Specials" pages'; $lang['piclens_recentpics_label'] = 'Recent pictures'; $lang['piclens_recentcats_label'] = 'Recent categories'; $lang['piclens_mostvisited_label'] = 'Most visited'; $lang['piclens_bestrated_label'] = 'Best rated'; $lang['piclens_favorites_label'] = 'My favorites'; $lang['piclens_label_withoutrecursive'] = 'Without recursion'; $lang['piclens_label_withrecursive'] = 'With recursion'; $lang['piclens_recurs_mode_title'] = 'Recursion Method'; $lang['piclens_recurs_mode_label'] = 'Recursion Method : '; $lang['piclens_recursive_standard'] = 'Standard'; $lang['piclens_recursive_standard_title']= 'Standard Method'; $lang['piclens_recursive_standard_detail']= 'Home
 \- Category A
 \   \- Sub Category AA
 \   \   \- pictures_AAxx
 \   \
 \   \- Sub Category AB
 \   \   \- pictures_ABxx
 \- Category B
     \- Sub Category BA
     \   \- pictures_BAxx
     \- Sub Category BB
         \- pictures_BBxx

- At Home, 1 stream containing all the images of A and B categories and their subcategories (flux Home)
- In each category (eg A), 1 stream containing all images in the category and sub-categories (eg A and AA and AB)
'; $lang['piclens_recursive_specifique'] = 'Specific'; $lang['piclens_recursive_specifique_title']= 'Specific Method '; $lang['piclens_recursive_specifique_detail']= 'Home
 \- Category A
 \   \- Sub Category AA
 \   \   \- pictures_AAxx
 \   \
 \   \- Sub Category AB
 \   \   \- pictures_ABxx
 \- Category B
     \- Sub Category BA
     \   \- pictures_BAxx
     \- Sub Category BB
         \- pictures_BBxx

- At the Home, 1 stream for each category contains all the images of sub-categories (eg, flows A and B flows)
- In each category (eg A), 1 stream for the category containing all images in the category (eg flow A) and 1 stream for each subcategories containing all the images in the sub-categories (eg flow AA and flow AB)'; $lang['piclens_recurs_mode_rem'] = 'Whatever the method chosen, the wall 3D "Cooliris 3D Wall" (Tab 3) operates in Standard Method'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_title'] = 'Piclens : RSS feed Parameters'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_exttitle'] = 'File type show in Piclens'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_ext'] = 'Use these file extensions : '; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_ext1'] = '(Any extension selected => Use all extensions in rss feed)'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_ext2'] = 'Note : !NULL! represent some records without thumbnails (some video file [.flv for exemple])'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_TNtype'] = 'Thumbnail image type use in Piclens slideshow'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_IMGtype'] = 'Normal image type use in Piclens slideshow'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_order'] = 'Display order of pictures in PicLens'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_order1'] = 'Sorting order of pictures in Piclens'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_name'] = 'Pictures name in Piclens'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_namecat'] = 'Show the Category name'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_desc'] = 'Description of pictures in Piclens'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_video'] = 'Video support in Piclens'; $lang['piclens_label_orderPiwigo'] = 'Defaut Piwigo'; $lang['piclens_label_orderCreDate'] = 'Create date'; $lang['piclens_label_orderAddDate'] = 'Add Date'; $lang['piclens_label_orderAverage'] = 'Average rate'; $lang['piclens_label_orderBest'] = 'Best hit'; $lang['piclens_label_orderName'] = 'File name'; $lang['piclens_label_orderID'] = 'Id'; $lang['piclens_label_orderRand'] = 'Random'; $lang['piclens_label_orderCat'] = 'Category'; $lang['piclens_label_orderRank'] = 'Rank'; $lang['piclens_label_sortHome'] = 'Piclens on Home'; $lang['piclens_label_sortCat'] = 'Piclens on Categories'; $lang['piclens_label_sortPiwigo'] = 'Defaut Piwigo'; $lang['piclens_label_sortUp'] = 'UP'; $lang['piclens_label_sortDown'] = 'DOWN'; $lang['piclens_label_TypeTN'] = 'Thumbnail'; $lang['piclens_label_TypeNorm'] = 'Normal'; $lang['piclens_label_TypeHigh'] = 'High'; $lang['piclens_label_Name1'] = 'Thumbnail name : size'; $lang['piclens_label_Name2'] = 'Thumbnail name'; $lang['piclens_label_Name3'] = 'Picture name'; $lang['piclens_label_Name4'] = 'Nothing'; $lang['piclens_label_Desc1'] = 'Nothing'; $lang['piclens_label_Desc2'] = 'Picture name'; $lang['piclens_label_Desc3'] = 'Picture description'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_title'] = 'Piclens : PiclensWall (3D Wall) Configuration'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_navoption_title']= 'Navigation with Cooliris 3D Wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_name'] = 'Cooliris 3D Wall Title :'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_actived'] = 'Enabling Cooliris 3DWall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_info'] = 'Important for 3DWall works: It is necessary to copy the file'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_info_suite'] = 'at the root of the site (or modify the existant one)'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_color'] = 'Background color for the Cooliris 3D wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_colorB'] = 'Black'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_colorW'] = 'White'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_heigh'] = 'Height for the Cooliris 3D Wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_disp'] = 'Choosing display Cooliris 3D wall :'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_disp_opt1'] = 'Home'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_disp_opt2'] = 'Categories'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option'] = 'Display Options of Cooliris 3D Wall :'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt1'] = 'Show links (embed) to sharing page in Facebook and Twitter inside 3D wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt2'] = 'Show "FullScreen" link'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt3'] = 'Show "Search" link'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt4'] = 'Show "Sharing" links'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt5'] = 'Show the button that links out to the original content'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_option-opt6'] = 'Show the "Close" button on individual items'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_transparent'] = '"Transparent" Mode for the wall. Needed for some horizontal themes'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_param'] = 'Cooliris 3D Wall Parameters '; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_paramNORM'] = 'Standard (Same for all the gallery)'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_paramSPEC'] = 'Specific (configuration of the categories below)'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_cat_nav'] = 'Replacing the thumbnails navigation in categories by the Cooliris 3D wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_cat_nav1'] = 'Categories for which the wall replaces 3D navigation :'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_swflocal'] = '[Optional] Using the local flash file (swf) for the 3DWall instead of the Cooliris site [In this case, the crossdomain.xml file is not needed]'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_nbligne'] = 'Number of row display on the wall '; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_cat'] = ' Categories included in the Cooliris 3D wall (when parameter \'specific\') :'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_spec_nav'] = 'Replacing the navigation on specials pages by the Cooliris 3D wall'; $lang['piclens_label_crossdomain1'] = 'The crossdomain.xml file already exist at the root of the site, edit and change it manually if necessary.'; $lang['piclens_label_crossdomain2'] = 'Copy crossdomain.xml file at the root of the site.'; $lang['piclens_label_pwgstuff1'] = 'Note : Option not available because PWG_Stuff is installed (check the option in PWG_Stuff). Some settings can be changed here.'; $lang['piclens_label_pwgstuff2'] = 'Note : Instead, install PWG_Stuff to add PicLens 3DWall block (customizable display in PWG_Stuff).'; $lang['piclens_stuff_notparam'] = 'Parameters specific to the plugin Cooliris PicLens. Not used in PWG Stuff plugin'; $lang['piclens_stuff_param_commun'] = 'Parameters may be common to plugins Cooliris PicLens and PWG-Stuff'; $lang['piclens_3dwallconfig2_tab'] = 'Advanced 3DWall configuration'; $lang['piclens_wallcfgadv_title'] = 'Piclens : Advanced Configuration of Cooliris 3D Wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_colorD'] = 'Dark'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_colorL'] = 'Light'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_showChrome'] = 'Shows the bottom toolbar background'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_showDescription'] = 'Show the item description overlay'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_showReflections'] = 'Show the reflections under the images'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_showTutorial'] = 'Show a tutorial message'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_showNavArrows'] = 'Shows the navigation arrows'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_backgroundAlpha'] = 'Background transparency [0.0-1.0]'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_descriptionHeight'] = 'Height of the name and description overlay [0-100]'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_tilt'] = 'Amount of wall tilt [0-5]'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_backgroundColor'] = 'Color for the background'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_glowColor'] = 'Color of the glow around the selected picture'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_backgroundImage'] = 'URL of background image for the wall'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_tutorial'] = 'URL to tutorial image'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_tutorialtime'] = 'Tutorial delay'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_customButtonURL'] = 'URL for custom button in the lower right corner of the toolbar'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_customButtonTARGET'] = 'Target for custom button'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_icons'] = 'Directory of PNG images for custom toolbar icons'; $lang['piclens_wallcfg_linkCSS'] = 'CSS string to be applied to descriptions'; $lang['piclens_xml_config'] = 'Name and descriptions Configuration'; $lang['piclens_xml_legend'] = 'Parameters for name and description'; //legende $lang['piclens_picture_legend'] = 'Picture'; $lang['piclens_cat_legend'] = 'Category'; $lang['piclens_global_legend'] = 'Global'; $lang['img_id_legend'] = 'Picture ID'; // %I1 $lang['img_name_legend'] = 'Picture Name'; // %I2 $lang['img_description_legend'] = 'Picture Description'; // %I3 $lang['img_author_legend'] = 'Picture Author'; // %I4 $lang['img_URLThumb_legend'] = 'Thumbnail URL (URL From gallerie)'; // %I5 $lang['img_URLNormal_legend'] = 'Piture URL (URL From gallerie)'; // %I6 $lang['img_URLHigh_legend'] = 'HD Picture URL (URL From gallerie)'; // %I7 $lang['img_URLPicturephp_legend'] = 'Link to picture page (picture.php)'; //%I8 $lang['img_URLThumbFull_legend'] = 'Thumbnail URL (full URL)'; // %I9 $lang['img_URLNormalFull_legend'] = 'Piture URL (Full URL)'; // %IA $lang['img_URLHighFull_legend'] = 'HD Picture URL (Full URL)'; // %IB $lang['img_filename_legend'] = 'Picture file name'; // %IC $lang['img_comment_legend'] = 'Last comments'; // %ID $lang['root_path_legend'] = 'Pïwigo path'; // %G1 $lang['cat_id_legend'] = 'Category ID'; // %C1 $lang['cat_name_legend'] = 'Category name'; // %C2 $lang['cat_description_legend'] = 'Category description'; // %C3 $lang['cat_dir_legend'] = 'Path to category (path from Gallerie)'; // %C4 $lang['cat_dirFull_legend'] = 'Path to category (Full path)'; // %C4 // Fin legende $lang['piclens_tags_label'] = 'Tags'; $lang['piclens_rsscfg_exclude_double'] = 'Suppress double picture in the feed (same path)'; $lang['piclens_rss_icon'] = 'URL for Cooliris feed Icon'; $lang['SelectedCat'] = 'Selected Categories'; $lang['NonSelectedCat'] = 'Categories not selected'; $lang['piclens_rss_title'] = 'Title of the RSS flow (blank for no use)'; $lang['piclens_stuffs_description'] = 'Display piclens 3D wall'; $lang['piclens_stuffs_info_param'] = '3D Wall Settings must be modified in Cooliris-piclens/b> plugin configuration page.'; ?>