1 | <?php |
2 | |
3 | $lang['HTML5'] = 'HTML5 video tag préférences'; |
4 | $lang['PRELOAD'] = 'Preload'; |
5 | $lang['PRELOAD_DESC'] = 'The preload attribute informs the browser whether or not the video data should begin downloading as soon as the video tag is loaded.'; |
6 | $lang['CONTROLS'] = 'Controls'; |
7 | $lang['CONTROLS_DESC'] = 'The controls option sets whether or not the player has controls that the user can interact with.'; |
8 | $lang['AUTOPLAY'] = 'Autoplay'; |
9 | $lang['AUTOPLAY_DESC'] = 'If autoplay is true, the video will start playing as soon as page is loaded (without any interaction from the user). NOT SUPPORTED BY APPLE iOS DEVICES.'; |
10 | $lang['LOOP'] = 'Loop'; |
11 | $lang['LOOP_DESC'] = 'The loop attribute causes the video to start over as soon as it ends.'; |
12 | |
13 | $lang['PLUGIN'] = 'Plugin préférences'; |
14 | $lang['SKIN'] = 'Style'; |
15 | $lang['SKIN_DESC'] = 'Selectionner un style a appliquer au lecteur ou <a href="http://designer.videojs.com/" target="_blank">creer votre propre style</a>.'; |
16 | $lang['CUSTOMCSS'] = 'Custom CSS'; |
17 | $lang['CUSTOMCSS_DESC'] = 'Custom CSS a copier coller depuis le site web de <a href="http://www.videojs.com/" target="_blank">VideoJS</a>.'; |
18 | $lang['WIDTH'] = 'Max Width'; |
19 | $lang['WIDTH_DESC'] = 'The max width attribute sets the maximum display width of the video. if higher the witdh became the max width.'; |
20 | $lang['UPSCALE'] = 'Upscale'; |
21 | $lang['UPSCALE_DESC'] = 'Si la taille de la video est plus petite que le parametre max width, la video sera agrandi aux dimension de max width.'; |
22 | |
23 | $lang['VIDEOJSPLUGIN'] = 'VideoJS plugins'; |
24 | $lang['ZOOMROTATE'] = 'ZoomRotate'; |
25 | $lang['ZOOMROTATE_DESC'] = 'Rotate and zoom a video if applicable, use the rotation metadata.'; |
26 | $lang['THUMBNAILS'] = 'Thumbnails'; |
27 | $lang['THUMBNAILS_DESC'] = 'Displays thumbnail images over the progress bar.'; |
28 | $lang['WATERMARK'] = 'Watermark'; |
29 | $lang['WATERMARK_DESC'] = 'Displays watermark over the video.'; |
30 | |
31 | ?> |