1 | <div class="titrePage"> |
2 | <h2>RV Autocomplete {$TABSHEET_TITLE}</h2> |
3 | </div> |
4 | |
5 | <div id="acFormContainer" style="text-align:left"> |
6 | <form> |
7 | <table> |
8 | <tr> |
9 | <td> |
10 | <label for=ac_name style="min-width:100px">{'Query'|@translate}:</label> |
11 | </td> |
12 | <td> |
13 | <input id="ac_name" type="text" size="48"> |
14 | </td> |
15 | </tr> |
16 | <tr> |
17 | <td colspan=2> |
18 | <small>{'Use <b>\</b> to break search (e.g. Central Park\, NY will not match NY but it will display it)'|@translate} |
19 | </small> |
20 | </td> |
21 | </tr> |
22 | |
23 | |
24 | <tr> |
25 | <td> |
26 | <label for=ac_counter>{'Weight'|@translate}:</label> |
27 | </td> |
28 | <td> |
29 | <input id="ac_counter" type="text" size="3"> |
30 | </td> |
31 | </tr> |
32 | |
33 | <tr> |
34 | <td> |
35 | <label for=ac_level>{'Privacy level'|@translate}:</label> |
36 | </td> |
37 | <td> |
38 | <select id="ac_level"> |
39 | {foreach $available_permission_levels as $level=>$label} |
40 | <option value="{$level}">{$label}</option> |
41 | {/foreach} |
42 | </select> |
43 | </td> |
44 | </tr> |
45 | |
46 | <tr> |
47 | <td> |
48 | <label for=ac_url>{'Url'|@translate}:</label> |
49 | </td> |
50 | <td> |
51 | <input id="ac_url" type="text" size="48"> |
52 | </td> |
53 | </tr> |
54 | |
55 | <tr> |
56 | <td colspan=2> |
57 | <small>{'Leave empty for automatic gallery search <br>OR enter an url ($r/ at the start of url means this gallery)<br>OR enter q=Term to search for a specific term'|@translate} |
58 | </small> |
59 | </td> |
60 | </tr> |
61 | </table> |
62 | </form> |
63 | </div> |
64 | |
65 | <p><a class="openAddNew">{'Create a new suggestion'|@translate}</a></p> |
66 | <table id="csTable" class="table2"> |
67 | <thead> |
68 | <tr class="throw"> |
69 | <th class="dtc_Name">{'Name'|@translate}</th> |
70 | <th class="dtc_Weight">{'Weight'|@translate}</th> |
71 | <th class="dtc_Level">{'Privacy level'|@translate}</th> |
72 | <th class="dtc_Url">{'Url'|@translate}</th> |
73 | <th class="dtc_Actions">{'Actions'|@translate}</th> |
74 | </tr> |
75 | </thead> |
76 | <tbody> |
77 | </tbody> |
78 | </table> |
79 | |
80 | <p><a class="openAddNew">{'Create a new suggestion'|@translate}</a></p> |
81 | |
82 | {include file='include/colorbox.inc.tpl'} |
83 | |
84 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.core.css"} |
85 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.button.css"} |
86 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.dialog.css"} |
87 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.theme.css"} |
88 | |
89 | {combine_script id="jquery.ui.dialog" load="footer" require="jquery.ui.button"} |
90 | {combine_script id='core.scripts' load='async' path='themes/default/js/scripts.js'} |
91 | |
92 | |
93 | {combine_script id="jquery.dataTables" load="footer" path="themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.dataTables.js"} |
94 | |
95 | {html_style}{literal} |
96 | .ui-accordion-header-icon {display: none} |
97 | |
98 | .dtBar { |
99 | text-align: right; |
100 | } |
101 | |
102 | .dtBar DIV { |
103 | display: inline; |
104 | padding-right: 10px; |
105 | } |
106 | |
107 | #csTable_filter { |
108 | display: block; |
109 | float: left; |
110 | padding-left: 10px; |
111 | } |
112 | |
113 | .dataTables_paginate A { |
114 | padding-left: 3px; |
115 | } |
116 | |
117 | #csTable TH { |
118 | cursor: pointer; |
119 | } |
120 | |
121 | .sorting_asc:after { content: " \2193" } |
122 | .sorting_desc:after { content: " \2191" } |
123 | {/literal}{/html_style} |
124 | |
125 | {footer_script} |
126 | var SHelper = { |
127 | |
128 | rowFromNode: function(node) { |
129 | return $(node).parents("tr"); |
130 | }, |
131 | |
132 | zoom: function(url){ |
133 | jQuery.colorbox( { |
134 | href: url, |
135 | iframe: 1, |
136 | width: "90%", height: "90%" |
137 | }); |
138 | return false; |
139 | }, |
140 | |
141 | del: function(node){ |
142 | if (!confirm("Are you sure?")) return false; |
143 | var row = SHelper.rowFromNode(node) |
144 | , item=dataTable.fnGetData(row[0]); |
145 | |
146 | row.fadeTo(500, 0.4); |
147 | (new PwgWS("")).callService( |
148 | "rvac.delCustom", { id: item.id}, |
149 | { |
150 | method: "POST", |
151 | onFailure: function(num, text) { row.stop(); row.fadeTo(0,1); alert(num + " " + text); }, |
152 | onSuccess: function(result) { |
153 | dataTable.fnDeleteRow( row[0] ); |
154 | } |
155 | } |
156 | ); |
157 | |
158 | return false; |
159 | }, |
160 | |
161 | add: function() { |
162 | $("#ac_name,#ac_counter,#ac_url").val( "" ); |
163 | $("#ac_level").val("0"); |
164 | $("#acFormContainer") |
165 | .dialog("option", "buttons", [{ text: "Create", click: function() { |
166 | (new PwgWS("")).callService( |
167 | "rvac.addCustom", { name:$("#ac_name").val(), counter:$("#ac_counter").val(), level:$("#ac_level").val(), url:$("#ac_url").val() }, |
168 | { |
169 | method: "POST", |
170 | onFailure: function(num, text) { |
171 | alert(num + " " + text); |
172 | }, |
173 | onSuccess: function(result) { |
174 | dataTable.fnAddData(result); |
175 | $("#ac_name,#ac_counter,#ac_url").val( "" ); |
176 | } |
177 | } |
178 | ); |
179 | } |
180 | }, { text: "Close", click: function(){ $(this).dialog("close") }} ]) |
181 | .dialog("open"); |
182 | }, |
183 | |
184 | edit: function(node) { |
185 | var row = SHelper.rowFromNode(node) |
186 | , item=dataTable.fnGetData(row[0]); |
187 | |
188 | $("#ac_name").val( item.name ); |
189 | $("#ac_counter").val( item.counter ); |
190 | $("#ac_level").val( item.level ); |
191 | $("#ac_url").val( item.url ); |
192 | |
193 | $("#acFormContainer") |
194 | .dialog("option", "buttons", [{ text: "Modify", click: function() { |
195 | (new PwgWS("")).callService( |
196 | "rvac.modCustom", { id: item.id, name:$("#ac_name").val(), counter:$("#ac_counter").val(), level:$("#ac_level").val(), url:$("#ac_url").val() }, |
197 | { |
198 | method: "POST", |
199 | onFailure: function(num, text) { |
200 | alert(num + " " + text); |
201 | }, |
202 | onSuccess: function(result) { |
203 | dataTable.fnUpdate(result, row[0]); |
204 | $("#acFormContainer").dialog("close"); |
205 | } |
206 | } |
207 | ); |
208 | } |
209 | }, { text: "Close", click: function(){ $(this).dialog("close") }} ]) |
210 | .dialog("open"); |
211 | |
212 | return false; |
213 | } |
214 | } |
215 | |
216 | $().ready( function() { |
217 | var table = $("#csTable"); |
218 | dataTable = table.dataTable( { |
219 | sDom : '<"dtBar"filp>rt<"dtBar"ilp>', |
220 | iDisplayLength: 100, |
221 | aaData: [{foreach from=$suggestions item=s name=sloop} |
222 | {ldelim}id:{$s.id},name:"{$s.name|@escape:javascript}",counter:{$s.counter},level:{$s.level},url:"{$s.url|@escape:javascript}",U_LINK:"{$s.U_LINK|@escape:javascript}"{rdelim}{if !$smarty.foreach.sloop.last},{/if} |
223 | {/foreach} |
224 | ], |
225 | aoColumnDefs: [ { |
226 | aTargets: ["dtc_Name"], |
227 | mData: function(item) { |
228 | return item.name; |
229 | } |
230 | },{ |
231 | aTargets: ["dtc_Weight"], |
232 | bSearchable: false, |
233 | mData: function(item) { |
234 | return item.counter; |
235 | } |
236 | },{ |
237 | aTargets: ["dtc_Level"], |
238 | mData: function(item, type) { |
239 | if ("sort"===type) |
240 | return item.level; |
241 | switch (item.level) { |
242 | {foreach $available_permission_levels as $level=>$label} |
243 | case {$level}: |
244 | case "{$level}": |
245 | return "{$label|escape:'javascript'}"; |
246 | {/foreach} |
247 | } |
248 | return item.level; |
249 | } |
250 | },{ |
251 | aTargets: ["dtc_Url"], |
252 | mData: function(item, type) { |
253 | if ("sort"===type || "filter"==type) |
254 | return item.url ? item.url : item.U_LINK; |
255 | return "<a href=\""+item.U_LINK+"\" onclick=\"return SHelper.zoom(this.href)\">" |
256 | + (item.url ? item.url : "show" ) |
257 | + "</a>" |
258 | } |
259 | },{ |
260 | aTargets: ["dtc_Actions"], |
261 | bSearchable: false, |
262 | bSortable: false, |
263 | mData: function(item) { |
264 | return "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"return SHelper.edit(this)\" class=icon-pencil title=Edit></a>" |
265 | + " <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return SHelper.del(this)\" class=icon-cancel-circled title=Delete></a>"; |
266 | } |
267 | } |
268 | ], |
269 | asStripeClasses: ["row1", "row2"], |
270 | bAutoWidth: false, |
271 | aaSorting: [] |
272 | }); |
273 | |
274 | $("#acFormContainer").dialog({ |
275 | autoOpen: false, |
276 | modal: true, |
277 | width: "auto" |
278 | }); |
279 | $(".openAddNew").click( SHelper.add ).button(); |
280 | |
281 | $("tr", table).hover( |
282 | function() { |
283 | $(this).addClass("ui-state-highlight"); |
284 | }, |
285 | function() { |
286 | $(this).removeClass("ui-state-highlight"); |
287 | } |
288 | ); |
289 | }); |
290 | {/footer_script} |