function PwgDataLoader( map, opts ) { this._map = map; this.options = jQuery.fn.extend( { reload_data_timeout: 200, rectangle_of_confusion: new google.maps.Size(16,32) } , opts || {} ); this.options.rectangle_of_confusion = new google.maps.Size( this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.width, this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.height ); if (this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.width<16) this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.width=16; if (this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.height<16) this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.height=16; } // returns the number of digits (between 0 and 6) to round a lat/lon so that it does not vary by more than factor*pow(-exp) getLatLonDigits = function(d, factor, exp) { if (d<0) return getLatLonDigits(-d,factor,exp); var digits = Math.ceil( exp - Math.log(d*factor)/Math.LN10 ); return digits<0 ? 0 : (digits>6 ? 6 : digits); } Math.roundN = function(d, digits) { var c = Math.pow(10,digits); return Math.round(d*c)/c; } PwgDataLoader.prototype = { _urlMapData: null, _timerReloadData: null, _dataLoading: false, _previousLoadDataReq : {box: null, zoom:0, resultBounds:null}, start: function(urlMapData) { this._urlMapData = urlMapData; google.maps.event.bind( this._map, "dragstart", this, this.clearTimerReloadData ); google.maps.event.bind( this._map, "idle", this, this._onIdle ); //this._loadData(); }, terminate: function() { this.clearTimerReloadData(); this._map = null; }, clearTimerReloadData : function() { if (this._timerReloadData) { clearTimeout( this._timerReloadData ); this._timerReloadData = null; return true; } return false; }, _onIdle: function() { this.clearTimerReloadData(); this._timerReloadData = setTimeout( pwgBind(this, this._onTimeoutLoadData), this.options.reload_data_timeout ); }, _onTimeoutLoadData: function () { if (this._dataLoading) return; // still in progress this.clearTimerReloadData(); this._loadData(); }, _loadData: function() { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( this._map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), this._map.getBounds().getNorthEast() ); //BEGIN BUG in maps api as of v3.7 - when map wraps horizontally more than 360 deg - the getBounds is wrong var isOver = false; if (bounds.getSouthWest().lng() < bounds.getNorthEast().lng()) { if ( this._map.getCenter().lng()bounds.getNorthEast().lng() ) { isOver = true; } } else if ( this._map.getCenter().lng()>bounds.getNorthEast().lng() && this._map.getCenter().lng() 1.3 && this._map.getZoom()<3 && bounds.getSouthWest().lat() < -50 && bounds.getNorthEast().lat() > 50) { isOver = true; } } if (isOver) bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( new google.maps.LatLng(this._map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat(),-180), new google.maps.LatLng(this._map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat(), 179.99) ); //END bug var latRange = bounds.toSpan().lat(); var latPrec = latRange * this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.height / this._map.getDiv().offsetHeight; var lonRange = bounds.toSpan().lng(); var lonPrec = ( lonRange>=0 ? lonRange : 360-lonRange )* this.options.rectangle_of_confusion.width / this._map.getDiv().offsetWidth; if (!=null ) { // not the first time if ( bounds.getNorthEast() ) && bounds.getSouthWest() )) { if ( this._previousLoadDataReq.resultBounds == null ) return; // no images here if ( this._map.getZoom() <= this._previousLoadDataReq.zoom ) return; } } var nd=0, sd=0, ed=0, wd=0; /*if ( !bounds.isFullLat() )*/ { nd = latRange*0.12; sd = latRange*0.04; } /*if ( !bounds.isFullLng() )*/ { ed = lonRange*0.09; wd = lonRange*0.07; } var digits = Math.max( getLatLonDigits(latRange,4,2), getLatLonDigits(lonRange,4,2) ); var box = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( bounds.getSouthWest(), bounds.getNorthEast() ); box.extend( new google.maps.LatLng( Math.roundN(bounds.getSouthWest().lat()-sd,digits), Math.roundN( bounds.getSouthWest().lng()-wd,digits ) ) ); box.extend( new google.maps.LatLng( Math.roundN(bounds.getNorthEast().lat()+nd,digits), Math.roundN( bounds.getNorthEast().lng()+ed,digits) ) ); var url = this._urlMapData; url += "&box=" + box.getSouthWest().toUrlValue(5) + "," + box.getNorthEast().toUrlValue(5); url += "&lap=" + Math.roundN( latPrec, getLatLonDigits(latPrec,1,1) ).toString(); url += "&lop=" + Math.roundN( lonPrec, getLatLonDigits(lonPrec,1,1) ).toString(); if (document.is_debug) { glog("sd="+sd+" wd="+wd+" nd="+nd+" ed="+ed); glog( url ); } = box; this._previousLoadDataReq.zoom = this._map.getZoom(); this._previousLoadDataReq.resultBounds = null; this._dataLoading = true; try { google.maps.event.trigger( this, "dataloading" ); jQuery.ajax( { url: url, success: pwgBind(this, this._onAjaxSuccess), error: pwgBind(this, this._onAjaxError), }); } catch (e) { this._dataLoading = false;; google.maps.event.trigger( this, "dataloadfailed", 600, e ); } }, _onAjaxSuccess: function(data, textStatus, xhr) { var resp; try { eval('resp = ' + data); if (resp.nb_items == undefined) throw new Error( "DATA DECODING ERROR" ); this._previousLoadDataReq.resultBounds = resp.bounds; if (document.is_debug && resp.debug) glog( resp.debug ); google.maps.event.trigger( this, "dataloaded", resp ); } catch (e) {; google.maps.event.trigger( this, "dataloadfailed", textStatus, e ); var s = e.message; s += '\n' + data.substr(0,1000); alert( s ); } finally { this._dataLoading = false; } }, _onAjaxError: function(xhr, textStatus, exc) { try { google.maps.event.trigger( this, "dataloadfailed", textStatus + xhr.status, exc ); } catch (e) { } finally { this._dataLoading = false; } }, }