', $gzip ); } function out_xml($xml, $gzip) { global $file; if ($gzip) fwrite($file, gzencode($xml, 9) ); else fwrite($file, $xml); } function end_xml($gzip) { global $file; out_xml('',$gzip ); fclose( $file ); } function add_url($url, $lastmod=null, $changefreq=null, $priority=null, $images_xml=null) { $xml= ' '.$url.''; if ( isset($lastmod) and strlen($lastmod)>0 ) { if (strlen($lastmod)>11) { $lastmod[10] = 'T'; if (strlen($lastmod)==19) $lastmod .= '-05:00'; } $xml.=' '.$lastmod.''; } if ( isset($changefreq) and $changefreq!='' ) $xml.=' '.$changefreq.''; if ( isset($priority) and $priority!='' ) $xml.=' '.$priority.''; if ( isset($images_xml) ) $xml .= "\n".$images_xml; $xml .= ' '; global $gzip,$url_count; $url_count++; out_xml($xml, $gzip); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); $frequenciesT = array( '', l10n('always'), l10n('hourly'), l10n('daily'), l10n('weekly'), l10n('monthly'), l10n('yearly'), l10n('never'), ); $frequencies = array( '', 'always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never', ); $specials = array( 'categories' => array('L'=>l10n('Home'), 'P'=>0.9), 'best_rated' => array('L'=>l10n('Best rated'), 'P'=>0.8 ) , 'most_visited' => array('L'=>l10n('Most visited'), 'P'=>0.8 ), 'recent_pics' => array('L'=>l10n('Recent photos'), 'P'=>0.8, 'F'=>'weekly' ), 'tags' => array('L'=>l10n('Tags'), 'PAGE'=>'tags.php' , 'P'=>0.8 ), ); $url_count=0; // BEGIN AS GUEST $save_user = $user; $user = build_user( $conf['guest_id'], true); $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink, uppercats, global_rank, IFNULL(date_last, max_date_last) AS date_last FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ON id = cat_id AND user_id = '.$conf['guest_id'].' WHERE max_date_last IS NOT NULL ORDER BY global_rank'; $result = pwg_query($query); $categories = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $categories[] = $row; } usort($categories, 'global_rank_compare'); $tags = get_available_tags(); usort($tags, 'name_compare'); if ( isset($_POST['submit']) ) { // echo('
' ); if ( $_POST['filename'] != '' ) $filename = $_POST['filename']; $gzip = @$_POST['gzip']=='on' ? true : false; $selected_specials = array(); foreach ($specials as $key=>$value) { if ( @$_POST['special_'.$key]=='on' ) array_push( $selected_specials, $key ); $specials[$key]['P'] = $_POST['special_prio_'.$key]; $specials[$key]['F'] = $_POST['special_freq_'.$key]; } if ( isset($_POST['categories']) ) $selected_categories = $_POST['categories']; else $selected_categories = array(); $prio_categories = $_POST['prio_categories']; $freq_categories = $_POST['freq_categories']; if ( isset($_POST['tags']) ) $selected_tags = $_POST['tags']; else $selected_tags = array(); $prio_tags = $_POST['prio_tags']; $freq_tags = $_POST['freq_tags']; $photo_count = intval($_POST['photo_count']); set_make_full_url(); start_xml($filename, $gzip); $r_selected_specials = array_flip($selected_specials); foreach ($specials as $key=>$value) { if (! isset ($r_selected_specials[$key]) ) continue; if ( isset($value['PAGE']) ) $url = get_root_url().$value['PAGE']; else $url = make_index_url( array('section'=>$key) ); add_url($url, null, $value['F'], $value['P'] ); } $r_selected_categories = array_flip($selected_categories); foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (! isset ($r_selected_categories[$cat['id']]) ) continue; $url = make_index_url( array( 'category'=>$cat ) ); add_url($url, $cat['date_last'], $freq_categories, $prio_categories); } $r_selected_tags = array_flip($selected_tags); if ( !empty($selected_tags) ) { $query = 'SELECT tag_id, MAX(date_available) AS da, MAX(date_creation) AS dc, MAX(date_metadata_update) AS dm FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id=id WHERE tag_id IN ('.implode(',',$selected_tags).') GROUP BY tag_id'; $result = pwg_query($query); $tag_infos = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tag_infos[$row['tag_id']]= max( $row['da'],$row['dc'],$row['dm']); } foreach( $tags as $tag) { if (!isset($r_selected_tags[ $tag['id'] ] ) ) continue; $url = make_index_url( array( 'section'=>'tags', 'tags'=> array( $tag ) ) ); add_url($url, $tag_infos[ $tag['id'] ], $freq_tags, $prio_tags); } } $selected_derivatives = array(); if ($photo_count > 0) { if (isset($_POST['selected_derivatives'])) $selected_derivatives = $_POST['selected_derivatives']; foreach($selected_derivatives as $type) $selected_derivatives_params[] = ImageStdParams::get_by_type($type); $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT i.* FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' on i.id=image_id '.get_sql_condition_FandF( array('forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'forbidden_images'=>'i.id'), 'WHERE ' ).' ORDER BY date_available DESC LIMIT '.$photo_count; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $url = make_picture_url( array( 'image_id' => $row['id'], 'image_file' => $row['file'], ) ); $src_image = new SrcImage($row); $images_xml = ''; $done_iurls=array(); foreach( $selected_derivatives_params as $params ) { $deriv_url = DerivativeImage::url($params, $src_image); if (!isset($done_iurls[$deriv_url])) { $done_iurls[$deriv_url] = 1; $images_xml .= ''.$deriv_url.''; } } add_url($url, $row['date_available'], null, null, $images_xml); } } unset_make_full_url(); end_xml($gzip); $page['infos'][] = $url_count.' urls saved'; // save the data for future use $selected_tag_urls = array(); foreach( $tags as $tag) { if (isset($r_selected_tags[ $tag['id'] ] ) ) array_push($selected_tag_urls, $tag['url_name']); } $x = compact( 'filename', 'selected_tag_urls', 'prio_tags', 'freq_tags', 'selected_categories', 'prio_categories', 'freq_categories', 'selected_specials', 'photo_count', 'selected_derivatives' ); $file = fopen( sitemaps_get_config_file_name(), 'w' ); fwrite($file, serialize($x) ); fclose( $file ); } else { $filename = 'sitemap.xml'; $gzip = false; $selected_specials = 'all'; $prio_categories = 0.5; $prio_tags = 0.6; $freq_categories = 'monthly'; $freq_tags = 'monthly'; $photo_count = 0; $selected_derivatives = array(); $conf_file_name = sitemaps_get_config_file_name(); $old_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/_sitemap.dat'; if (file_exists($old_file) and !file_exists($conf_file_name) ) { copy($old_file, $conf_file_name); unlink($old_file); } $x = @file_get_contents( $conf_file_name ); if ($x!==false) { $x = unserialize($x); extract($x); $selected_tags = array(); if (isset($selected_tag_urls)) { foreach($tags as $tag) { if ( in_array($tag['url_name'], $selected_tag_urls ) ) array_push($selected_tags, $tag['id']); } unset($selected_tag_urls); } } if (!is_array(@$selected_categories)) $selected_categories = array(); if (!is_array(@$selected_tags)) $selected_tags = array(); } // END AS GUEST $user = $save_user; $template->assign( array( 'FILENAME' => $filename, 'U_FILENAME' => get_root_url().$filename.($gzip?'.gz':''), 'GZIP_CHECKED' => $gzip ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PRIO_CATEGORIES' => $prio_categories, 'PRIO_TAGS' => $prio_tags, 'PHOTO_COUNT' => $photo_count, ) ); foreach( $specials as $key=>$value) { $checked=''; if ($selected_specials=='all' or in_array($key, $selected_specials) ) $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $template->append( 'specials', array( 'NAME' => $key, 'LABEL' => $value['L'], 'CHECKED' => $checked, 'PRIO' => $value['P'], 'FREQ' => isset($value['F']) ? $value['F'] : 'monthly', ) ); } display_select_categories($categories, $selected_categories, 'categories', false ); $template->assign('freq_categories_selected', $freq_categories); foreach( $tags as $tag) $template->append( 'tags', array($tag['id']=>$tag['name']), true ); $template->assign('tags_selected', $selected_tags); $template->assign('freq_tags_selected', $freq_tags); $template->assign('frequencies', $frequencies); $template->assign('frequenciesT', $frequenciesT); $available_derivatives = array(); foreach(array_keys(ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map()) as $type) { $available_derivatives[$type] = l10n($type); } $template->assign( array('available_derivatives'=>$available_derivatives, 'selected_derivatives' => $selected_derivatives)); $template->set_filename('sitemap', dirname(__FILE__).'/sitemap.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'sitemap'); ?>