[12501] | 1 | {include file='include/colorbox.inc.tpl'} |
| 2 | {combine_script id='jquery.jcrop' load='footer' require='jquery' path='plugins/thumbCropper/js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js'} |
| 3 | {combine_css path="plugins/thumbCropper/thumbcropper.css"} |
| 4 | |
| 5 | {footer_script} |
| 6 | // Create variables (in this scope) to hold the API and image size |
| 7 | var jcrop_api; |
| 8 | var ws_data = {ldelim} |
| 9 | 'width':{$IMG_WIDTH}, |
| 10 | 'height':{$IMG_HEIGHT}, |
| 11 | 'ratio': {$IMG_WIDTH}/{$IMG_HEIGHT} |
| 12 | {rdelim}; |
| 13 | var tc_pwg_token = '{$TC_PWG_TOKEN}'; |
| 14 | var img_id={$IMG_ID}; |
| 15 | var max_width, max_height; |
| 16 | var thumb_data = {ldelim} |
| 17 | 'x1': {$thumb_data.x1}, |
| 18 | 'y1': {$thumb_data.y1}, |
| 19 | 'x2': {$thumb_data.x2}, |
| 20 | 'y2': {$thumb_data.y2}, |
| 21 | {rdelim}; |
| 22 | var ratio; |
| 23 | {literal} |
| 24 | jQuery(document).ready(function() { |
| 25 | |
| 26 | jQuery(".cbinline").colorbox({ |
| 27 | inline:true, |
| 28 | width:"80%", |
| 29 | onComplete: function() { |
| 30 | $('#target').Jcrop({ |
| 31 | setSelect : [thumb_data.x1,thumb_data.y1,thumb_data.x2,thumb_data.y2], |
| 32 | boxWidth: 800, |
| 33 | boxHeight: 500, |
| 34 | onChange: set_thumb_data, |
| 35 | onSelect: set_thumb_data, |
| 36 | },function(){ |
| 37 | $("#websize_image").css("width",$(".jcrop-holder").css("width")); |
| 38 | this.setSelect([thumb_data.x1,thumb_data.y1,thumb_data.x2,thumb_data.y2]); |
| 39 | // Store the API in the jcrop_api variable |
| 40 | jcrop_api = this; |
| 41 | }); |
| 42 | } |
| 43 | }); |
| 44 | |
| 45 | function update_thumb_size() { |
| 46 | max_width = parseInt($("#maxwidth").val()); |
| 47 | max_height = parseInt($("#maxheight").val()); |
| 48 | var dx = thumb_data.x2-thumb_data.x1; |
| 49 | var dy = thumb_data.y2-thumb_data.y1; |
| 50 | |
| 51 | var nwidth = max_width; |
| 52 | var nheight = Math.round(max_width/dx*dy); |
| 53 | |
| 54 | if (nheight > max_height) { |
| 55 | nheight = max_height; |
| 56 | nwidth = Math.round(max_height/dy*dx); |
| 57 | } |
| 58 | thumb_data.width = nwidth; |
| 59 | thumb_data.height = nheight; |
| 60 | |
| 61 | var rx = thumb_data.width / dx; |
| 62 | var ry = thumb_data.height / dy; |
| 63 | |
| 64 | $('#div_preview').css({ |
| 65 | width: thumb_data.width, |
| 66 | height: thumb_data.height, |
| 67 | margin: "0 auto" |
| 68 | }); |
| 69 | $('#preview_max').css({ |
| 70 | width: max_width, |
| 71 | height: max_height |
| 72 | }); |
| 73 | $('#preview').css({ |
| 74 | width: Math.round(rx * ws_data.width) + 'px', |
| 75 | height: Math.round(ry * ws_data.height) + 'px', |
| 76 | marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * thumb_data.x1) + 'px', |
| 77 | marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * thumb_data.y1) + 'px' |
| 78 | }); |
| 79 | |
| 80 | } |
| 81 | |
| 82 | function set_thumb_data(c) { |
| 83 | thumb_data.x1 = c.x; |
| 84 | thumb_data.x2 = c.x2; |
| 85 | thumb_data.y1 = c.y; |
| 86 | thumb_data.y2 = c.y2; |
| 87 | update_thumb_size(); |
| 88 | } |
| 89 | |
| 90 | function max_thub_size_changed() { |
| 91 | if ($("select[name=ratio]").val()=='thumb') { |
| 92 | max_width = parseInt($("#maxwidth").val()); |
| 93 | max_height = parseInt($("#maxheight").val()); |
| 94 | jcrop_api.setOptions({'aspectRatio':max_width/max_height}); |
| 95 | } |
| 96 | update_thumb_size(); |
| 97 | } |
| 98 | |
| 99 | $("#maxwidth").change(max_thub_size_changed); |
| 100 | $("#maxheight").change(max_thub_size_changed); |
| 101 | |
| 102 | $("#center").click(function(e) { |
| 103 | var dx = thumb_data.x2 - thumb_data.x1; |
| 104 | var dy = thumb_data.y2 - thumb_data.y1; |
| 105 | thumb_data.x1 = Math.round((ws_data.width-dx)/2); |
| 106 | thumb_data.y1 = Math.round((ws_data.height-dy)/2); |
| 107 | thumb_data.x2 = thumb_data.x1+dx; |
| 108 | thumb_data.y2 = thumb_data.y1+dy; |
| 109 | jcrop_api.setSelect([thumb_data.x1,thumb_data.y1,thumb_data.x2,thumb_data.y2]); |
| 110 | update_thumb_size(); |
| 111 | }); |
| 112 | |
| 113 | $("#reset").click(function(e) { |
| 114 | thumb_data.x1 = 0; |
| 115 | thumb_data.y1 = 0; |
| 116 | thumb_data.x2 = ws_data.width; |
| 117 | thumb_data.y2 = ws_data.height; |
| 118 | jcrop_api.setSelect([thumb_data.x1,thumb_data.y1,thumb_data.x2,thumb_data.y2]); |
| 119 | update_thumb_size(); |
| 120 | }); |
| 121 | |
| 122 | $("select[name=ratio]").click(function(e) { |
| 123 | switch ($(this).val()) { |
| 124 | case "none" : |
| 125 | jcrop_api.setOptions({'aspectRatio':0}); |
| 126 | break; |
| 127 | case "image" : |
| 128 | jcrop_api.setOptions({'aspectRatio':ws_data.ratio}); |
| 129 | break; |
| 130 | case "thumb" : |
| 131 | jcrop_api.setOptions({'aspectRatio':max_width/max_height}); |
| 132 | break; |
| 133 | } |
| 134 | }); |
| 135 | |
| 136 | |
| 137 | $("#create").click(function(e) { |
| 138 | $.ajax({ |
| 139 | type: 'GET', |
| 140 | url: 'ws.php', |
| 141 | data: { |
| 142 | method: "pwg.image.thumbcrop", |
| 143 | format: 'json', |
| 144 | image_id: img_id, |
| 145 | x1: thumb_data.x1, |
| 146 | y1: thumb_data.y1, |
| 147 | x2: thumb_data.x2, |
| 148 | y2: thumb_data.y2, |
| 149 | width: thumb_data.width, |
| 150 | height: thumb_data.height, |
| 151 | pwg_token: tc_pwg_token, |
| 152 | |
| 153 | }, |
| 154 | dataType: 'json', |
| 155 | success: ( function(data) { |
| 156 | var th = $("img.Thumbnail"); |
| 157 | var uri=th.attr('src'); |
| 158 | th.attr('src',uri+"?"+(new Date().getTime())); |
| 159 | $.colorbox.close(); |
| 160 | }), |
| 161 | error: ( function(data) { |
| 162 | })} |
| 163 | ); |
| 164 | e.stopPropagation(); |
| 165 | return false; |
| 166 | |
| 167 | }); |
| 168 | $("#tc_form").keypress(function(e){ |
| 169 | if (e.which == 13) { |
| 170 | e.stopPropagation(); |
| 171 | return false; |
| 172 | } |
| 173 | }); |
| 174 | |
| 175 | }); |
| 176 | |
| 177 | {/literal} |
| 178 | {/footer_script} |
| 179 | <div style="display: none;"> |
| 180 | <div id="thumbcropper"> |
| 181 | |
| 182 | <h2>{'Thumbnail customization'|@translate}</h1> |
| 183 | <form id="tc_form"> |
| 184 | <table> |
| 185 | <tr><td rowspan="2"> |
| 186 | <div id="websize_image" style="margin:0 auto;width: 800px"> |
| 187 | <img src="{$IMG_SRC}" id="target" alt="image"/> |
| 188 | </div> |
| 189 | </td> |
| 190 | <td> |
| 191 | <fieldset><legend>{'Preview'|@translate}</legend> |
| 192 | <div id="preview_max" style="padding:0 auto;"> |
| 193 | <div id="div_preview" style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow:hidden;"> |
| 194 | <img src="{$IMG_SRC}" id="preview" alt="{'Preview'|@translate}" /> |
| 195 | </div> |
| 196 | </div> |
| 197 | </fieldset> |
| 198 | </td> |
| 199 | </tr> |
| 200 | <tr> |
| 201 | <td class="tcfields"> |
| 202 | <fieldset><legend>{'Settings'|@translate}</legend> |
| 203 | <p>{'Max width'|@translate} : |
| 204 | <input type="text" name="maxwidth" id="maxwidth" value="{$thumb_data.width}" size="4" maxlength="4" /> {'px'|@translate}</p> |
| 205 | <p>{'Max height'|@translate} : |
| 206 | <input type="text" name="maxheight" id="maxheight" value="{$thumb_data.height}" size="4" maxlength="4" /> {'px'|@translate}</p> |
| 207 | <p>{'Thumbnail ratio'|@translate} : |
| 208 | <select name="ratio"> |
| 209 | <option value="none" selected="selected">{'No constraint'|@translate}</option> |
| 210 | <option value="image">{'Original image ratio'|@translate}</option> |
| 211 | <option value="thumb">{'Thumbnail max size ratio'|@translate}</option> |
| 212 | </select><p> |
| 213 | <p><input type="button" id="center" value="{'Center'|@translate}" /></p> |
| 214 | <p><input type="button" id="reset" value="{'Reset'|@translate}" /></p> |
| 215 | <p><input type="button" id="create" value="{'Create thumbnail'|@translate}" /></p> |
| 216 | </fieldset> |
| 217 | </td> |
| 218 | </tr> |
| 219 | </table> |
| 220 | </form> |
| 221 | |
| 222 | </div> |
| 223 | </div> |
| 224 | |
| 225 | |