set_filenames(array( 'plugin_admin_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.tpl', 'double_select' => 'double_select.tpl' )); // Tabsheets include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/tabsheet.class.php'); $_url = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(__FILE__); if (!isset($_GET['tab'])) $page['tab'] = 'config'; else $page['tab'] = $_GET['tab']; $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $tabsheet->add('config', l10n('config'), $_url.'&tab=config'); $tabsheet->add('monitor', l10n('Monitor'), $_url.'&tab=monitor'); $tabsheet->add('report', l10n('Report'), $_url.'&tab=report'); $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); $template->assign('page', $page['tab']); $sub = ( isset($_POST['submit']) ) ? true : false; // Check input on config if ($sub and isset($_POST['from']) and $_POST['from']=='config') { if (!is_numeric($_POST['Level']) or $_POST['Level'] < 10 or $_POST['Level'] > 200) array_push($errors, l10n('Error range: '). l10n('Delete level [10-200] (ratio between obsolete and active)')); if (!is_numeric($_POST['Limit']) or $_POST['Limit'] < 10 or $_POST['Limit'] > 200) array_push($errors, l10n('Error range: '). l10n('Obsolete limit [20-100] (obsolete data count)')); if (!is_numeric($_POST['Radar_limit']) or $_POST['Radar_limit'] < 10 or $_POST['Radar_limit'] > 200) array_push($errors, l10n('Error range: '). l10n('Radar_limit [10-200] (Users with image cluetips on radar page)')); if (!is_numeric($_POST['Webmaster_management']) or $_POST['Webmaster_management'] > 2) array_push($errors, l10n('User follow up error')); if (!is_numeric($_POST['Administrator_management']) or $_POST['Administrator_management'] > 2) array_push($errors, l10n('User follow up error')); $conf_whois = array_merge($conf_whois, Array( 'Active' => ($_POST['Active']==1) ? true:false, 'Delete level' => $_POST['Level'], 'Obsolete limit' => $_POST['Limit'], 'Radar limit' => $_POST['Radar_limit'], 'Webmasters' => (int) $_POST['Webmaster_management'], 'Administrators' => (int) $_POST['Administrator_management'], 'Add to Plugins menu' => ($_POST['Plugins_menu']==1) ? true:false, 'Add icon to History' => ($_POST['History_icon']==1) ? true:false, 'Keep data' => ($_POST['Keep_data']==1) ? true:false, 'Default display' => ($_POST['Display']==1) ? true:false, 'Version' => WHOIS_ONLINE_VER, )); } // Submit and Advisor => Thanks if ( $sub and is_adviser() ) array_push($infos, l10n('You are Adviser and you are not authorized to change this configuration.')); // Submit and not Advisor => Update Config table if ( $sub and count($errors) == 0 and $_POST['from']=='config' and !is_adviser()) { if ( $conf['Whois Online'] != serialize($conf_whois) ) { $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois); pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment) VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');"); array_push($infos, l10n('Configuration has been saved.')); } } // Switch users on right side (=> Temporary) if ( isset($_POST['falsify']) and !is_adviser() and count($errors) == 0 and $_POST['from']=='monitor' and isset($_POST['cat_true']) and count($_POST['cat_true']) > 0) { pwg_query('UPDATE '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE.' SET `permanent` = \'false\' WHERE `session_id` IN ("'.implode('","', $_POST['cat_true']).'");'); } // Switch users on left side (Permanent <=) if ( isset($_POST['trueify']) and !is_adviser() and count($errors) == 0 and $_POST['from']=='monitor' and isset($_POST['cat_false']) and count($_POST['cat_false']) > 0) { pwg_query('UPDATE '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE.' SET `permanent` = \'true\' WHERE `session_id` IN ("'.implode('","', $_POST['cat_false']).'");'); } // Delete users from > 24 h temporary list if ( isset($_POST['prs_delete']) and !is_adviser() and count($errors) == 0 and $_POST['from']=='monitor' and isset($_POST['prs_remove']) and count($_POST['prs_remove']) > 0) { pwg_query('DELETE FROM '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE.' WHERE `permanent` = \'false\' AND `session_id` IN ("'.implode('","', $_POST['prs_remove']).'");'); } // Compress it! if ( isset($_GET['check']) and !is_adviser() ) { pwg_query('DELETE FROM ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' WHERE `last_access` < ' . (time() - (3*24*60*60)) . ' AND `permanent` = \'false\' AND `IP` <> \'global\';'); pwg_query('CHECK TABLE '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE); pwg_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE); } // The whois_online table summary if (isset($_GET['tab']) and $_GET['tab']=='monitor') { $whois_status = mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE .'%" ;')); $whois_status['table'] = WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE; $whois_status['size'] = ($whois_status['Data_length'] + $whois_status['Index_length']) . ' bytes'; if ($whois_status['size'] > 1024) $whois_status['size'] = round($whois_status['size'] / 1024, 1) . ' Kb'; if ($whois_status['size'] > 1024) $whois_status['size'] = round($whois_status['size'] / 1024, 1) . ' Mb'; $whois_status['spacef'] = $whois_status['Data_free'] . ' bytes'; if ($whois_status['spacef'] > 1024) $whois_status['spacef'] = round($whois_status['spacef'] / 1024, 1) . ' Kb'; if ($whois_status['spacef'] > 1024) $whois_status['spacef'] = round($whois_status['spacef'] / 1024, 1) . ' Mb'; $whois_status['Rows']--; $whois_status['url'] = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH.'config.php'); $template->assign( array( 'WO_status' => $whois_status, )); } // The Radar page if (isset($_GET['tab']) and $_GET['tab']=='monitor') { $query_true = 'SELECT `session_id`, `username` FROM '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE.' WHERE `permanent` = \'true\' AND `user_id`<> ' . $conf['guest_id'] . ' AND `IP` <> \'global\';'; $result = pwg_query($query_true); $tpl = array(); if (!empty($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tpl[$row['session_id']] = $row['username']; } } $template->assign( 'category_option_true', $tpl); $template->assign( 'category_option_true_selected', array()); $query_false = 'SELECT `session_id`, `username`, `last_access` FROM '.WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE.' WHERE `permanent` = \'false\' AND `user_id`<> ' . $conf['guest_id'] . ' AND `IP` <> \'global\';'; $result = pwg_query($query_false); $tpl = array(); $del = array(); $six_ago = time()-360; // 6 minutes ago if (!empty($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tpl[$row['session_id']] = $row['username']; if ($row['last_access'] < $six_ago) $del[$row['session_id']] = $row['username']; } } $template->assign( 'category_option_false', $tpl); $template->assign( 'category_option_false_selected', array()); $template->assign( 'present_remove', $del); $template->assign( 'present_remove_selected', array()); } // Send data $template->assign(Array( 'Whois_version' => WHOIS_ONLINE_VER, 'Whois_path' => WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH, 'F_ACTION' => '', 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_TRUE' => l10n('Permanent users (3 months min)'), 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_FALSE' => l10n('Temporary users (around 72 hours)'), )); $template->assign_var_from_handle('DOUBLE_SELECT', 'double_select'); if (count($errors) != 0) $template->assign('errors', $errors); if (count($infos) != 0) $template->assign('infos', $infos); if (isset($_GET['tab']) and $_GET['tab']=='report') { // Once for all, prepare the stupid History search ... (even if History search will recreate it) if (!isset($conf_whois['Search id']) or $conf_whois['Search id'] == 0) { pwg_query('INSERT INTO '.SEARCH_TABLE.' (rules) VALUES (\''. 'a:1:{s:6:"fields";a:5:{s:10:"date-after";s:10:"2009-09-09";s:11:"date-before";s:10:"2009-09-09";s:5:"types";a:4:{i:0;s:4:"none";i:1;s:7:"picture";i:2;s:4:"high";i:3;s:5:"other";}s:4:"user";s:2:"-1";s:17:"display_thumbnail";s:26:"display_thumbnail_hoverbox";}}' .'\');'); $conf_whois['Search id'] = mysql_insert_id(); $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois); pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment) VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');"); } // Get and Set to current date the stupid History search. list($serialized_rules) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT rules FROM '.SEARCH_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$conf_whois['Search id'].';')); $page['search'] = unserialize($serialized_rules); $today = date('Y-m-d'); $page['search']['fields']['date-after'] = $today; $page['search']['fields']['date-before'] = $today; pwg_query('REPLACE INTO '.SEARCH_TABLE.' (id, rules) VALUES (' . $conf_whois['Search id'] . ', \''. serialize($page['search']) .'\');'); // Most members ever online was if (!isset($conf_whois['Users']['count']) or $conf_whois['Users']['count'] == 0) { $count = mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query('SELECT MAX(`'. $conf['user_fields']['id'] .'`) AS `ctr` FROM ' . USERS_TABLE)); $conf_whois['Users']['count'] = $count['ctr']; } //$conf_whois['Users']['Date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i',$conf_whois['Users']['When']); $template->assign(array( 'Members' => $conf_whois['Users'], 'Whois_url' => WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH, )); // Include reload.php for first request (Filtering is an intrusive jQuery) include_once(WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH.'reload.php'); } pwg_debug('*********** Whois configuration ended ***********'); $template->assign('Option', array( 'Active' => ($conf_whois['Active']) ? 1 : 0, 'Level' => $conf_whois['Delete level'], 'Limit' => $conf_whois['Obsolete limit'], 'Radar_limit' => $conf_whois['Radar limit'], 'Webmasters' => $conf_whois['Webmasters'], 'Administrators' => $conf_whois['Administrators'], 'Plugins_menu' => ($conf_whois['Add to Plugins menu']) ? 1 : 0, 'History_icon' => ($conf_whois['Add icon to History']) ? 1 : 0, 'Keep_data' => ($conf_whois['Keep data']) ? 1 : 0, 'Display' => ($conf_whois['Default display']) ? 1 : 0, ) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); ?>