'Delete level' => 20,
'Radar limit' => 25,
'Webmasters' => 2, // Normal
'Administrators' => 2,
'Obsolete limit' => 20,
'Default display' => true,
'Add to Plugins menu' => false,
'Add icon to History' => true,
'Keep data' => true,
'Search id' => 0,
'Users' => Array('max' => 0, 'When' => date('Y-m-d'), 'count' => 0),
if (!isset($conf['Whois Online'])) $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize(Array());
$conf_whois = array_merge($default, unserialize($conf['Whois Online']));
if ((!isset($conf_whois['Version'])) or $conf_whois['Version'] != WHOIS_ONLINE_VER
or $conf['Whois Online'] != serialize($conf_whois)) {
$conf_whois['Version'] = WHOIS_ONLINE_VER;
$conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois);
pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment)
VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');");
return $conf_whois;
// Assume the Default display on pages
function whois_default_display() {
global $template;
$template->set_filenames(array( 'Whois_display' => dirname(__FILE__).'/../default.tpl'));
// New member
function whois_online_register($who) {
global $conf, $conf_whois;
$conf_whois['Users']['count'] = $who['id'];
$conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois);
pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment)
VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');");
// Read all data
function whois_online_get_data($order='') {
$remove = "''"; // Nothing to remove ( = an empty session_id)
$ctr = 0; $Online[0] = '';
$result = pwg_query('SELECT * FROM ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . $order . ';');
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$row['delay'] = (int) time() - $row['last_access'];
$row['elm_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_elm_ids']);
$row['cat_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_cat_ids']);
$row['tag_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_tag_ids']);
$row['sch_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_sch_ids']);
$row['dates'] = explode(' ', $row['last_dates']);
if ( $row['IP'] != 'global' and $row['permanent'] == 'false'
and $row['delay'] > (float)( 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 )) $remove .= ", '" . $row['session_id'] . "'";
elseif ($row['IP'] == 'global') $Online[0] = $row;
else $Online[] = $row;
// Out of 7 visits: Reduce registered visits for 3 days without access
if ($remove != "''" and $ctr > (count($Online) * ONLINE_LEVEL)
and ($ctr-count($Online)) > ONLINE_LIMIT and ($Online[0]['pag_hits']%7)==0) {
pwg_query('DELETE FROM ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' WHERE `session_id` IN ('. $remove .')
AND `permanent` = \'false\' AND `IP` <> \'global\';');
if (($Online[0]['pag_hits']%13)==0) @pwg_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ';');
return $Online;
// Update global and update/create current session_id
function whois_online_update(&$global, &$dedicated, &$gtrace)
global $user;
// Rewrite the global record
if ( $gtrace == 2 ) {
$query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' (`IP`, `hidden_IP`, `session_id`,`user_id`,`username`,`lang`,
`permanent`,`last_access`,`last_elm_ids`, `last_cat_ids`, `last_tag_ids`, `last_sch_ids`,
`first_access_date`, `last_dates`, `elm_hits`, `pag_hits`)
VALUES (\'global\', \'true\',\'global\', 0, \''. $global['username'] .'\', \'--\', \'true\', \''
. time() .'\', \''
. implode(' ',$global['elm_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$global['cat_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$global['tag_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$global['sch_ids']) . '\', \''
. $global['first_access_date'] . '\', \'\', \''
. $global['elm_hits'] . '\', \'' . $global['pag_hits'] . '\');';
// Write or Rewrite the dedicated record
$query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' (`IP`, `hidden_IP`, `session_id`,`user_id`,`username`,`lang`, `user_agent`,
`any_previous`, `same_previous`, `permanent`,`last_access`,`last_elm_ids`, `last_cat_ids`, `last_tag_ids`, `last_sch_ids`,
`first_access_date`, `last_dates`, `elm_hits`, `pag_hits`)
VALUES (\''. $dedicated['IP'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['hidden_IP'] .'\', \''. $dedicated['session_id'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['user_id'] .'\', \''. $dedicated['username'] .'\', \''
. $user['language'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['user_agent'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['any_previous'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['same_previous'] .'\', \''
. $dedicated['permanent'] . '\', \''. time() .'\', \''
. implode(' ',$dedicated['elm_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$dedicated['cat_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$dedicated['tag_ids']) . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$dedicated['sch_ids']) . '\', \''
. $dedicated['first_access_date'] . '\', \''
. implode(' ',$dedicated['dates']) . '\', \''
. $dedicated['elm_hits'] . '\', \''
. $dedicated['pag_hits'] . '\');';
// Data tracking
// Parameters:
// - Array of Ids
// - New ID
// - Array of dates
// => Add the ID if needed, Add Today if needed
function whois_online_track(&$key, $id, &$date) {
if ($id != '') array_unshift($key, $id);
$key = array_unique($key);
if (count($key)>10) array_pop($key);
array_unshift($date, date('Y-m-d'));
$date = array_unique($date);
if (count($date)>5) array_pop($date);
// Antiaspi delay conversion in seconds
// delay in "HH:ii:ss" or "d :HH:ii:ss"
// return delay in seconds
function whois_online_duration($date_string)
list($s, $i, $H, $d, $more) =
explode(" ",str_ireplace(':',' ', $date_string))),
$t = time();
return strtotime(sprintf("+%s days %s hours %s minutes %s seconds",
$d, $H, $i, $s), $t) - $t;
// Add admin links
function whois_add_icon($menu) {
global $conf_whois, $template;
$url = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH.'config.php');
$lnk = ' '
. '';
if (isset($_GET['page']) and ($_GET['page'] == 'stats' or $_GET['page'] == 'history'))
$h2 = $lnk;
else $h2 = '';
if ($conf_whois['Add icon to History']) {
$template->append('footer_elements', '
' );
if ($conf_whois['Add to Plugins menu']) array_push($menu, array(
'NAME' => 'Whois Online',
'URL' => $url,
return $menu;