plugin_id = $id; } abstract function install($plugin_version, &$errors=array()); abstract function activate($plugin_version, &$errors=array()); abstract function deactivate(); abstract function uninstall(); /* * test if a plugin needs to be updated and call a update function * @param: string $version, version exposed by the plugin * @param: string $on_update, name of a method to call when an update is needed * it receives the previous version as first parameter */ function autoUpdate($version, $on_update=null) { global $pwg_loaded_plugins; $current_version = $pwg_loaded_plugins[$this->plugin_id]['version']; if ( $version == 'auto' or $current_version == 'auto' or version_compare($current_version, $version, '<') ) { if (!empty($on_update)) { call_user_func(array(&$this, $on_update), $current_version); } if ($version != 'auto') { $query = ' UPDATE '. PLUGINS_TABLE .' SET version = "'. $version .'" WHERE id = "'. $this->plugin_id .'" ;'; pwg_query($query); $pwg_loaded_plugins[$this->plugin_id]['version'] = $version; } } } } /** * class ThemeMaintain * used to declare maintenance methods of a theme */ abstract class ThemeMaintain { protected $theme_id; function __construct($id) { $this->theme_id = $id; } abstract function activate($theme_version, &$errors=array()); abstract function deactivate(); abstract function delete(); /* * test if a theme needs to be updated and call a update function * @param: string $version, version exposed by the theme * @param: string $on_update, name of a method to call when an update is needed * it receives the previous version as first parameter */ function autoUpdate($version, $on_update=null) { $query = ' SELECT version FROM '. THEMES_TABLE .' WHERE id = "'. $this->theme_id .'" ;'; list($current_version) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ( $version == 'auto' or $current_version == 'auto' or version_compare($current_version, $version, '<') ) { if (!empty($on_update)) { call_user_func(array(&$this, $on_update), $current_version); } if ($version != 'auto') { $query = ' UPDATE '. THEMES_TABLE .' SET version = "'. $version .'" WHERE id = "'. $this->theme_id .'" ;'; pwg_query($query); } } } } /* Register a event handler. * @param string $event the name of the event to listen to * @param mixed $func the function that will handle the event * @param int $priority optional priority (greater priority will * be executed at last) */ function add_event_handler($event, $func, $priority=EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, $accepted_args=1) { global $pwg_event_handlers; if ( isset($pwg_event_handlers[$event][$priority]) ) { foreach($pwg_event_handlers[$event][$priority] as $handler) { if ( $handler['function'] == $func ) { return false; } } } $pwg_event_handlers[$event][$priority][] = array( 'function'=>$func, 'accepted_args'=>$accepted_args); ksort( $pwg_event_handlers[$event] ); return true; } /* Register a event handler. * @param string $event the name of the event to listen to * @param mixed $func the function that needs removal * @param int $priority optional priority (greater priority will * be executed at last) */ function remove_event_handler($event, $func, $priority=EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL) { global $pwg_event_handlers; if (!isset( $pwg_event_handlers[$event][$priority] ) ) { return false; } for ($i=0; $i'event', 'event'=>$event, 'data'=>$data) ); } if ( !isset($pwg_event_handlers[$event]) ) { return $data; } $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($pwg_event_handlers[$event] as $priority => $handlers) { foreach($handlers as $handler) { $function_name = $handler['function']; $accepted_args = $handler['accepted_args']; $args[1] = $data; $data = call_user_func_array($function_name, array_slice($args,1,$accepted_args) ); } } trigger_action('trigger', array('type'=>'post_event', 'event'=>$event, 'data'=>$data) ); return $data; } function trigger_action($event, $data=null) { global $pwg_event_handlers; if ( isset($pwg_event_handlers['trigger']) and $event!='trigger' ) {// special case for debugging - avoid recursive calls trigger_action('trigger', array('type'=>'action', 'event'=>$event, 'data'=>$data) ); } if ( !isset($pwg_event_handlers[$event]) ) { return; } $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($pwg_event_handlers[$event] as $priority => $handlers) { foreach($handlers as $handler) { $function_name = $handler['function']; $accepted_args = $handler['accepted_args']; call_user_func_array($function_name, array_slice($args,1,$accepted_args) ); } } } /** Saves some data with the associated plugim id. It can be retrieved later ( * during this script lifetime) using get_plugin_data * @param string plugin_id * @param mixed data * returns true on success, false otherwise */ function set_plugin_data($plugin_id, &$data) { global $pwg_loaded_plugins; if ( isset($pwg_loaded_plugins[$plugin_id]) ) { $pwg_loaded_plugins[$plugin_id]['plugin_data'] = &$data; return true; } return false; } /** Retrieves plugin data saved previously with set_plugin_data * @param string plugin_id */ function &get_plugin_data($plugin_id) { global $pwg_loaded_plugins; if ( isset($pwg_loaded_plugins[$plugin_id]) ) { return $pwg_loaded_plugins[$plugin_id]['plugin_data']; } return null; } /* Returns an array of plugins defined in the database * @param string $state optional filter on this state * @param string $id optional returns only data about given plugin */ function get_db_plugins($state='', $id='') { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.PLUGINS_TABLE; $clauses = array(); if (!empty($state)) { $clauses[] = 'state=\''.$state.'\''; } if (!empty($id)) { $clauses[] = 'id="'.$id.'"'; } if (count($clauses)) { $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $clauses); } $result = pwg_query($query); $plugins = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $plugins[] = $row; } return $plugins; } function load_plugin($plugin) { $file_name = PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.$plugin['id'].'/'; if ( file_exists($file_name) ) { global $pwg_loaded_plugins; $pwg_loaded_plugins[ $plugin['id'] ] = $plugin; include_once( $file_name ); } } /*loads all the plugins on startup*/ function load_plugins() { global $conf, $pwg_loaded_plugins; $pwg_loaded_plugins = array(); if ($conf['enable_plugins']) { $plugins = get_db_plugins('active'); foreach( $plugins as $plugin) {// include main from a function to avoid using same function context load_plugin($plugin); } trigger_action('plugins_loaded'); } } ?>