1 | {footer_script require='jquery.ui.sortable'}{literal} |
2 | jQuery(document).ready(function(){ |
3 | jQuery(".menuPos").hide(); |
4 | jQuery(".drag_button").show(); |
5 | jQuery(".menuLi").css("cursor","move"); |
6 | jQuery(".menuUl").sortable({ |
7 | axis: "y", |
8 | opacity: 0.8 |
9 | }); |
10 | jQuery("input[name^='hide_']").click(function() { |
11 | men = this.name.split('hide_'); |
12 | if (this.checked) { |
13 | jQuery("#menu_"+men[1]).addClass('menuLi_hidden'); |
14 | } else { |
15 | jQuery("#menu_"+men[1]).removeClass('menuLi_hidden'); |
16 | } |
17 | }); |
18 | jQuery("#menuOrdering").submit(function(){ |
19 | ar = jQuery('.menuUl').sortable('toArray'); |
20 | for(i=0;i<ar.length;i++) { |
21 | men = ar[i].split('menu_'); |
22 | document.getElementsByName('pos_' + men[1])[0].value = i+1; |
23 | } |
24 | }); |
25 | }); |
26 | {/literal}{/footer_script} |
27 | |
28 | <div class="titrePage"> |
29 | <h2>{'Menu Management'|@translate}</h2> |
30 | </div> |
31 | |
32 | <form id="menuOrdering" action="{$F_ACTION}" method="post"> |
33 | <ul class="menuUl"> |
34 | {foreach from=$blocks item=block name="block_loop"} |
35 | <li class="menuLi {if $block.pos<0}menuLi_hidden{/if}" id="menu_{$block.reg->get_id()}"> |
36 | <p> |
37 | <span> |
38 | <strong>{'Hide'|@translate} <input type="checkbox" name="hide_{$block.reg->get_id()}" {if $block.pos<0}checked="checked"{/if}></strong> |
39 | </span> |
40 | |
41 | <img src="{$themeconf.admin_icon_dir}/cat_move.png" class="button drag_button" style="display:none;" alt="{'Drag to re-order'|@translate}" title="{'Drag to re-order'|@translate}"> |
42 | <strong>{$block.reg->get_name()|@translate}</strong> ({$block.reg->get_id()}) |
43 | </p> |
44 | |
45 | {if $block.reg->get_owner() != 'piwigo'} |
46 | <p class="menuAuthor"> |
47 | {'Author'|@translate}: <i>{$block.reg->get_owner()}</i> |
48 | </p> |
49 | {/if} |
50 | |
51 | <p class="menuPos"> |
52 | <label> |
53 | {'Position'|@translate} : |
54 | <input type="text" size="4" name="pos_{$block.reg->get_id()}" maxlength="4" value="{math equation="abs(pos)" pos=$block.pos}"> |
55 | </label> |
56 | </p> |
57 | </li> |
58 | {/foreach} |
59 | </ul> |
60 | <p class="menuSubmit"> |
61 | <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"> |
62 | <input type="submit" name="reset" value="{'Reset'|@translate}"> |
63 | </p> |
64 | |
65 | </form> |