1 | {known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/jquery.packed.js"} |
2 | {known_script id="jquery.cluetip" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.cluetip.packed.js"} |
3 | |
4 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
5 | jQuery().ready(function(){ldelim} |
6 | jQuery('.cluetip').cluetip({ldelim} |
7 | width: 300, |
8 | splitTitle: '|' |
9 | }); |
10 | }); |
11 | </script> |
12 | |
13 | <div class="titrePage"> |
14 | <h2>{'Plugins'|@translate}</h2> |
15 | </div> |
16 | |
17 | {if isset($plugins_not_uptodate)} |
18 | <br> |
19 | <b>{'Plugins which need upgrade'|@translate}</b> |
20 | <table class="table2 plugins"> |
21 | <thead> |
22 | <tr class="throw"> |
23 | <td>{'Name'|@translate}</td> |
24 | <td>{'Current<br>version'|@translate}</td> |
25 | <td>{'Available<br>version'|@translate}</td> |
26 | <td>{'Actions'|@translate}</td> |
27 | </tr> |
28 | </thead> |
29 | {foreach from=$plugins_not_uptodate item=plugin name=plugins_loop} |
30 | <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.plugins_loop.index is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}"> |
31 | <td><a href="{$plugin.EXT_URL}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" class="cluetip" title="{$plugin.EXT_NAME}|{$plugin.EXT_DESC|htmlspecialchars|nl2br}">{$plugin.EXT_NAME}</a></td> |
32 | <td style="text-align:center;">{$plugin.VERSION}</td> |
33 | <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="{$plugin.EXT_URL}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" class="cluetip" title="{$plugin.EXT_NAME}|{$plugin.NEW_VER_DESC|htmlspecialchars|nl2br}">{$plugin.NEW_VERSION}</a></td> |
34 | <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="{$plugin.URL_UPDATE}" onclick="return confirm('{'Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'|@translate|@escape:javascript}');">{'Automatic upgrade'|@translate}</a> |
35 | / <a href="{$plugin.URL_DOWNLOAD}">{'Download file'|@translate}</a></td> |
36 | </tr> |
37 | {/foreach} |
38 | </table> |
39 | {/if} |
40 | |
41 | |
42 | {if isset($plugins_uptodate)} |
43 | <br> |
44 | <b>{'Plugins up to date'|@translate}</b> |
45 | <table class="table2 plugins"> |
46 | <thead> |
47 | <tr class="throw"> |
48 | <td>{'Name'|@translate}</td> |
49 | <td>{'Version'|@translate}</td> |
50 | </tr> |
51 | </thead> |
52 | {foreach from=$plugins_uptodate item=plugin name=plugins_loop} |
53 | <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.plugins_loop.index is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}"> |
54 | <td><a href="{$plugin.URL}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" class="cluetip" title="{$plugin.NAME}|{$plugin.EXT_DESC|htmlspecialchars|nl2br}">{$plugin.NAME}</a></td> |
55 | <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="{$plugin.URL}" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" class="cluetip" title="{$plugin.NAME}|{$plugin.VER_DESC|htmlspecialchars|nl2br}">{$plugin.VERSION}</a></td> |
56 | </tr> |
57 | {/foreach} |
58 | </table> |
59 | {/if} |
60 | |
61 | |
62 | {if isset($plugins_cant_check)} |
63 | <br> |
64 | <b>{'Plugin versions can\'t be checked'|@translate}</b> |
65 | <table class="table2 plugins"> |
66 | <thead> |
67 | <tr class="throw"> |
68 | <td>{'Name'|@translate}</td> |
69 | <td>{'Version'|@translate}</td> |
70 | </tr> |
71 | </thead> |
72 | {foreach from=$plugins_cant_check item=plugin name=plugins_loop} |
73 | <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.plugins_loop.index is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}"> |
74 | <td>{$plugin.NAME}</td> |
75 | <td style="text-align:center;">{$plugin.VERSION}</td> |
76 | </tr> |
77 | {/foreach} |
78 | </table> |
79 | {/if} |