1 | <form method="post" name="profile" action="{$F_ACTION}" id="profile" class="properties"> |
2 | |
3 | <fieldset> |
4 | <legend>{'Registration'|@translate}</legend> |
5 | <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$REDIRECT}"> |
6 | <ul> |
7 | <li> |
8 | <span class="property">{'Username'|@translate}</span> |
9 | {$USERNAME} |
10 | </li> |
11 | {if not $SPECIAL_USER} {* can modify password + email*} |
12 | <li> |
13 | <span class="property"> |
14 | <label for="mail_address">{'Email address'|@translate}</label> |
15 | </span> |
16 | <input type="text" name="mail_address" id="mail_address" value="{$EMAIL}"> |
17 | </li> |
18 | {if not $IN_ADMIN} {* admins do not need old password*} |
19 | <li> |
20 | <span class="property"> |
21 | <label for="password">{'Password'|@translate}</label> |
22 | </span> |
23 | <input type="password" name="password" id="password" value=""> |
24 | </li> |
25 | {/if} |
26 | <li> |
27 | <span class="property"> |
28 | <label for="use_new_pwd">{'New password'|@translate}</label> |
29 | </span> |
30 | <input type="password" name="use_new_pwd" id="use_new_pwd" value=""> |
31 | </li> |
32 | <li> |
33 | <span class="property"> |
34 | <label for="passwordConf">{'Confirm Password'|@translate}</label> |
35 | </span> |
36 | <input type="password" name="passwordConf" id="passwordConf" value=""> |
37 | </li> |
38 | {/if} |
39 | </ul> |
40 | </fieldset> |
41 | |
42 | <fieldset> |
43 | <legend>{'Preferences'|@translate}</legend> |
44 | |
45 | <ul> |
46 | <li> |
47 | <span class="property"> |
48 | <label for="nb_image_line">{'Number of images per row'|@translate}</label> |
49 | </span> |
50 | <input type="text" size="3" maxlength="2" name="nb_image_line" id="nb_image_line" value="{$NB_IMAGE_LINE}"> |
51 | </li> |
52 | <li> |
53 | <span class="property"> |
54 | <label for="nb_line_page">{'Number of rows per page'|@translate}</label> |
55 | </span> |
56 | <input type="text" size="3" maxlength="2" name="nb_line_page" id="nb_line_page" value="{$NB_ROW_PAGE}" > |
57 | </li> |
58 | <li> |
59 | <span class="property"> |
60 | <label for="template">{'Interface theme'|@translate}</label> |
61 | </span> |
62 | {html_options id=template name=template options=$template_options selected=$template_selection} |
63 | </li> |
64 | <li> |
65 | <span class="property"> |
66 | <label for="Language">{'Language'|@translate}</label> |
67 | </span> |
68 | {html_options id=language name=language options=$language_options selected=$language_selection} |
69 | </li> |
70 | <li> |
71 | <span class="property"> |
72 | <label for="Recent period">{'Recent period'|@translate}</label> |
73 | </span> |
74 | <input type="text" size="3" maxlength="2" name="recent_period" id="recent_period" value="{$RECENT_PERIOD}"> |
75 | </li> |
76 | <li> |
77 | <span class="property">{'Expand all categories'|@translate}</span> |
78 | {html_radios name='expand' options=$radio_options selected=$EXPAND} |
79 | </li> |
80 | <li> |
81 | <span class="property">{'Show number of comments'|@translate}</span> |
82 | {html_radios name='show_nb_comments' options=$radio_options selected=$NB_COMMENTS} |
83 | </li> |
84 | <li> |
85 | <span class="property">{'Show number of hits'|@translate}</span> |
86 | {html_radios name='show_nb_hits' options=$radio_options selected=$NB_HITS} |
87 | </li> |
88 | <li> |
89 | <span class="property"> |
90 | <label for="Maximum width of the pictures">{'Maximum width of the pictures'|@translate}</label> |
91 | </span> |
92 | <input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" name="maxwidth" id="maxwidth" value="{$MAXWIDTH}"> |
93 | </li> |
94 | <li> |
95 | <span class="property"> |
96 | <label for="Maximum height of the pictures">{'Maximum height of the pictures'|@translate}</label> |
97 | </span> |
98 | <input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" name="maxheight" id="maxheight" value="{$MAXHEIGHT}"> |
99 | </li> |
100 | </ul> |
101 | </fieldset> |
102 | |
103 | <p class="bottomButtons"> |
104 | <input class="submit" type="submit" name="validate" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"> |
105 | <input class="submit" type="reset" name="reset" value="{'Reset'|@translate}"> |
106 | </p> |
107 | |
108 | </form> |